12.The trip

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I was stunned, I stood there dumbfounded. Wha? Who? Whaaaaaa??? I don't know what just happened! Just then, Lizzie stormed back through the door

I looked at her but she did not seem to see me, I was wrong. "Y/N! COME HERE!" She screamed at me, I walked over. She looked at me with anger in her eyes and suddenly, burst out crying. I looked at her and was about to comfort her and put my arm around her when she held my hand and knocked it away.

"You! Are the CAUSE! Of THIS! Stupid Y/N!" She whispered. "I...I don't know what you mean" I said. "The reason I'm in this position, the reason I am sitting in the floor of MY house and-" "Wait, your house?" I asked, "yes! Becuz Y/N, PACK YOUR BAGS! And take this ticket" I looked at the ticket she had in her hand, a ticket to...America?

<Time skip to after L and Y/N's argument>

I ran up to my room and through myself onto my bed, why? Why me! I sat up and said, "I have to be positive, I'm not going to lose to Lizzie! She will regret sending her one and only sister to America. First... I must carry out step one..." I reached for my phone and went into WhatsApp, I opened the group chat I had with the gang and typed in "guys, don't worry about me, even if you do, you won't be able to do anything, I'll already be gone. I'm sorry things had to turn out this way, my sister bought me a ticket to America! How nice...not. I'll be staying there and I won't tell you where... goodbye" I sent the message and started to pack my bags.

<time skip to airport>

I reached the airport and thanked the taxi driver, I paid him and went into the airport. I had to settle everything, suddenly, I saw a familiar face in the distance. "LAUREN!" I screamed, running up to her and giving her a big hug, she looked at me and smiled, "Y/N! What's up?"

I started to explain how everything happened and how I ended up here. "Wow, that's tough, don't worry, I won't tell them, this is your life and you can make your own mistakes and learn from them!" She said smiling. I smiled and thanked her.

<time skip AGAIN to when they were about to land>

Ok...Lauren was going to take a later flight than me and she arranged for Joey to come and pick me up from the airport and bring me to her house first, I could sit and wait there.


WE LANDED! I looked out the window as the plain vibrates and came to a stop. I quickly got my bags and waited...and waited... and waited...

<time skip to when they were off the plane>

Joey Joey Joey Joey... *GASP* "JOEY!" I screamed. Joey Graceffa looked at me and smiled, "Y/N! Long time no see! Last time I saw you, you were so tiny!!!" I laughed and said, "Joey! That was like, a month or two ago!" Ignoring what I said and laughing again, Joey picked up my bags and took them to his car.

Oops! I have to check my phone! I quickly turned my phone off airplane mode and SO MANY WHATSAPP NOTIFICATIONS POPPED UP! I checked my phone and realised most of them were from Oli...

I'm sorry Oli

I updated, YAY! Sorry, I've been vry busy, I crai :( nvm, all that matters is that I DID update! ZOOP! ~Galaxy

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