25. Back to Minecraft

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"Heyo Oli!" I squealed energetically as Oli opened the door, I rushed in eagerly and threw myself into his arms. He was in America for a family event...he was gone for. A. Whole. Week. That's fine now...since he is here

He hugged me tighter than I hugged him, "I missed you Y/N! How are you?" I laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek, "fine now that you are here!" He smiled happily before saying, "I'm happy to be back! Buuuut...I am so sorry"

My smile instantly disappeared, "sorry for what??" I asked. "Oh! Lizzie did not tell you?? Well...I will leave that for her to tell you..." he said apologetically. Being the annoying little girl I was on the inside, I brought that annoying little girl out and started to poke him on the nose while saying "boop" repeatedly.

He laughed, "what do you want from meeee" "an answer" I said after the 90th "boop". He sighed and said, "sigh fine! But if I hear the b-word ONE MORE TIME!!" "B-word? You mean that....or BOOP!" I screamed before running up his stairs with him chasing me.

I laughed and kept on running through the corridors with home RIGHT BEHIND me. I was running and running when I realised I had ran in front of a wall. "Oh noooo!!" I whispered. I turn around and suddenly Oli tackles me to the floor with him on top of me.

"DON'T HURT ME!!!" I squealed, flailing my arms around helplessly. "Oh I'm not gonna hurt you..." he said when he started to tickle me. "O-Oli! S-S-ST-STOP!" I laughed as he tickled me .

"IT HURTS!!" I screamed as I got a stitch in my stomach. Oli stopped and asked, "where does it hurt?" "You are just gonna tickle me there too!" I poured childishly. He laughed and said, "I won't" I pointed to my stomach, just above my bellybutton. He moved his head towards it and I thought he was gonna kiss it when he blew on it with his mouth on my stomach since J was wearing a crop top.

"NO OLI!!!" I squealed again

<Time skip>

After about an hour, Oli asked, "you wanted me to tell you something right?" I nodded my head and sighed. "Well...Lizzie is moving in with Joel..." "Well that's not that bad! I can still visit them anytime I wa-" I started before Oli continued, "I did not tell you where...they are moving to America"

My heart shattered and tears came to my eyes... we were BSFs!! Best Sisters Forever! I thought she would have told me! I hold back my tears as I continue to think about it, why Lizzie?? Is Oli more important to you than me since you told him before telling me??

I felt 2 pairs of arms around me and I let out a breath I did not know I was holding before tears spilled out of my eyes before I could stop them. I cried into Oli's shoulder and decided this is when I went home to confront Lizzie.

Oli offered to send me home since my eyes were red and puffy while my nose was swollen and red. I nodded my head sadly and he brought me to his car...

<Time Skip>

"LIZZIE!!" I screamed, barging into the house. Lizzie was frantically packing all her belongings, she turned her head and looked at me sadly. "Y/N...I am so-" she started, "WHY ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LEAVE ME?? EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE MARRIED AND EVERYTHING, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE A SISTER WHO WILL NOW LIVE WITH NOBODY!" I screamed at her.

She sheepishly looked at me and said, "Y/N...I am going to America to live with Joel. I wanted to live here in England but Joel thinks otherwise...I'm sorry" "no...no you are not sorry" I said, sizzling with anger.

I stomped up the stairs, into my room and slammed the door...

"Hello my potatoes! Galactic potato here...the reason I am not using face cam because I'm just going through...hard times right now... if you are wondering why I sound terrible, it's because I was crying...why am I making a video? Because I need to take my mind off this incident. If I am comfortable, I will do a live stream and I'll explain to you guys.

So let's go back to Minecraft...

TheOrionSoundxReader // Perfect Fit *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now