I Too Can Play(1)

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                           Skye POV
I walked into the big building that I'll be working at. I was enthusiastic and optimistic since I landed this job so easily.

I walked up the receptionists table as I gave her a smile as I checked in. "Hi. Ms Furg." I greeted and she smiled at me as she gave me my name tag.

"Hi, Ms. Pierce. Have a wonderful day" she said as I waved her off as I headed for the elevator.

When I got off, my heels echoed through the hall as I checked my watch to make sure I'm still early.

As I approached Mr. Parks door I could have heard a conversation between him and some one feminine. I started to eavesdrop but that was cut off as soon as the door swung open and a petite Asian girl ran out crying.

I stumbled back as she pushed pass me running to the elevator. Did she loose her job?.

I quickly turned away from the crying girl and walked in closing the door behind me. "Hi Mr. Park." I greeted as I walked in. He just nodded at me before placing his hands in his pocket and facing the window.

Not wanting to be nosy, I turned and walked to my desk. It was a glass table with a desktop and a little flower plant. It was a little too dull for my liking so I knew I'll have to spice it up.

"Finish these by 11 and have them placed on Ms. Su yungs table." He instructed as he dropped ten thick files.

I looked at it as I scanned my hands along it. "You're giving me three hours to do all of this?" I questioned as I pulled my glasses down to the bridge of my nose, as I looked up at him.

He just gave me a stern look. "I didn't stutter when I gave you the instructions." He said as he walked away.

I knew whatever went down in here probably pissed him off but to take it out on me was a no no.

"This is ridiculous." I whispered under my breath as I grabbed a file.

"What did you say?" He asked as he turned around swiftly.

Me a person who is unable to fix my face rolled my eyes at his out burst. I didn't answer I just ignored him as I started typing.

After a while of not answering or even paying mind to if he left, he suddenly came around my desk handing me a piece of paper.

I opened it and saw a list of stuff. "I need those by 11 too." He told me and i looked at him confused.

"What, I can't do this for 11 and correct these files." I explained as a nervous feeling overwhelmed me.

He licked his lips as he placed a hand on his chin. "I'm the Boss, do as I say or there will be consequences." He said as he took his hands and patted my shoulders.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked lowly

He looked around the room oblivious as to what I said. "I thought I heard something." He mocked as he walked over to the door. " remember 11." He said as he flicked a hand in the air before leaving the office

As soon as he left my mind started to fumble as to how I'm going to multi task this. I was starting to get nervous as to one of the consequences being me loosing my job. I knew is I kept this up I would get a panic attack.

I started to breath slowly as to cool my mind. " Why is he doing this, it's my first day and he's making it like I'm a pro at this." I said as I pulled out my phone.


I looked up at the clock to see it was quarter to 11 as i finished the last file. Getting up to head to the printer to receive the finishing touches I headed to Ms. Sue yungs office.

"Where is it?" I asked my self as I closed the door.

I walked pass the conference room and I decided to ask one of the men there.

"Hi, can you direct me to Ms. Sue yungs office?" I asked with the most polite smile I could cook up.

He looked down at me as he smiled. "Hi you must be new, I'm Namjoon." He introduced himself as he stretched his hands for me to shake.

I looked at his hands then at mine that were too filled. "Oh sorry" he apologised as he collected the files. "I'll take you to her. " He offered.

"Thank you, the names Skye by the way." I told him and he nodded with a slight smile as I saw dimples started to appear.

We had finally arrived to the office where I was greeted by an Asian girl who I assumed was Sue. She collected them and I smiled as I walked out. Namjoon followed behind but was stopped when she called him. He apologised as he turned back

He sure loves apologising for stuff he didn't do.

Going back to the office I saw a post man setting the stuff at the door. I smiled at him as I picked them up and signing the recipt. Walking in the office I was greeted by no other than the mean scum who's my boss.

"Its 11, where is the stuff "he asked immediately.

"For a guy your age and specifically height, You sure like having the upper hand. " I told him as I handed him the box.

"What's this?" He asked looking at it.

"Your 'stuff' " I told him walking away.

He opened the box to see I got him everything, he looked a little shock if I might add.

"Don't ever bring up my height again" he said as he looked at me tense

I just smiled at him knowing I got under his skin. " be nicer and maybe I wouldn't."


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