The great change ~ Intro

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It was a hot summer day in South California and Claire was running around the house all morning, packing her stuff and carrying heavy boxes filled with books, dishes, DVDs, clothes, accessories, souvenirs and everything that belonged to her. She was having hard time saying goodbye to her old life, home and all her friends and family. She pretended she wasn't struggling. Korea was always her dream country - she became a great fan of its music and culture when she was only a teenager - and she knew she wanted to become a designer since... Well, since she was a shy little child standing away from the kids in kindergarden and obsessivly doodling in her notebook. It would be unreasonable for her to be feeling sad and attached to home now, when she finally accomplished her goals. Or wouldn't it?

- You know there's no way you could possibly fit your whole room in that plane, right?

When she turned around, she saw her brother laying on the door frame with a teasing smile on his face. She just smiled to him. Nevertheless, he noticed her sad eyes, even though she was smoothly avoiding the eye contact. He slowly walked up to her and sat on one of her boxes. It made a cracking noise. She twitched and shouted at him. "No, Eric! Get up, it's the dishes!"

She grabbed him by his arms and pulled him up. The box looked a bit crushed. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. That's just a box."

"...filled with fragile ceramics and glass. - she mumbled beneath her voice. Her brother intensly looked at her with his blue ocean eyes which always made her look back. Or stare. God, she was so jealous of his appereance. My eyes look like mud on a rainy day, while he got all the good genes from our parents, she thought. His skin is always tanned, his hair is dark black; he eats like a pig, and yet he is tall and really slim.

"I'm gonna miss you, nerdy", he smiled with warmly.

"Don't call me nerdy!", she said, but she had to smile. He always called her that. It was their thing. She was always uptight, nervous (and yes, a bit nerdy), she could hardly ever relax. KPOP used to be her way to "loosen up" - that's where she could both have fun and get her inspiration from.
She hugged Eric. He was always her comfort, her safe place.

"Thank you", she said when they finally split up.

"Always", said Eric. "Now I'm gonna help you to finish packing so that you make it to the airport on time.

* * *

Claire was sitting in the back of her car lazily looking through the window. She said goodbye to both of her parents, but her brother demanded he must drive her to the airport. Her backpack, suitcases and boxes barely fit in the car (although she threw some stuff out listening to Eric's advice). She felt nostalgic looking at all of the familiar places in the city. Of course, Eric noticed and tried to keep her mind of it, but she didn't listen to him at all.

They finally got to the airport. The wind was strong and it blew her hair all over her face. They rushed inside with her things, bumping into other passangers. There was a large crowd outside and they couldn't even see the front door, but luckily, they managed to get there at the end. After a while Claire's stuff was situated in the airplane's storage and it was time to say goodbye.

This time Eric hugged her and started talking about airplane safety, the dangerous city streets of Korea, burglars and shoplifters and everything she should do to protect herself. "And don't forget to get health insurance and...and...."

"It's okay, Eric", she stopped him. "I can take care of myself."

He nodded blankly, suddenly without the familiar old glow in his eyes. Not only his sister was leaving, but also his best friend that he desperatly needed to talk to. Who was there when he got into a fight with the city gang? Claire. Who was there when his girlfriend dumped him, after cheating on him? Claire. Who was there when their parents got a divorce? It was only her. Claire.

"You can call me anytime. We can videochat over Skype. If you ever feel down, remember, I am ALWAYS here for you."

She wasn't worried for nothing. She knew her little brother was always the more emotional one, and he had a history of depression behind him. They went through a lot together and she felt like it was her duty to take care of him at all times, now that their parents aren't together anymore. She couldn't let anything happen to him...

"Bye, Clary", he said as she was slowly moving away to catch her flight.

"Bye, Eric", said Claire, trying to memorise every detail of his tall, slim figure in her mind.


The flight went pretty fine, she thought. Most of the time she spent sleeping with her headphones on, and when she finally woke up she decided to go through some work stuff. She felt lucky because her Class didn't have any passangers that may bother her. There was only a quiet couple on her left and there were no children, which made her very satisfied. She usually loved children, but not in these two situations: working or sleeping. There was a lot of work to do and it took her mind off the things she was excited about (which was very good, of course). She was very impatient - at the end, she was moving away, and she couldn't wait to see her new house, neighboors and everything else Korea had to offer. When the voice on the speakerphone informed everyone they arrived at the destination, she was surprised because she didn't notice how quickly the time passed. She looked across the window and gasped when she saw the beautiful land, sand beaches, tall buildings and clouds that looked like sweet cotton candy.

She hurried to get out of the airplane, the air became heavy because of all the people moving. She looked around a bit confused, but she followed the moving line and finally got out. Now she only had to take her things...
She took one of those moving-shelf things to carry her stuff around, at least she called it that. It was really heavy. She pushed it through the last door and finally got her first view of Korea.

When she got out, she felt like the air changed, although it was only her mind, that was completely blown away. All around her people were wearing stylish clothes, the sky was clear and the streets were clean and full of green. It was excatly how she always imagined it would be:  breathtaking. It even smelled unusual, a scent characteristic only for Korea.
She was moving slowly, still pushing her backpack forward. Suddenly, she felt overwhelmed and didn't know what to do or where to go. She had to find a transport to her new house. Her instinct told her to call her brother first, to let him know she was okay.

"Eric? Yes, that's me, Clary. I'm fine, yes. I just landed... Oh, Eric, I'm here... I'm in Korea!"

Hi everyone! I'm sorry there was no Jimin or BTS in this chapter, but look forward to the next one. I'll make sure it's more interesting, as this was only an intro.😊

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