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It was slowly getting darker when Claire finally got home. The wind was cool and refreshing after a long, hot day, and she could hear crickets in her garden and on the streets. She had a long and tiring day. Meeting Jimin made her really distracted, but she decided to put her thoughts away and focus on her responsibilities. After she left the càfe she went home and waited for the van that was carrying her furniture. There were several people that helped her get the heavy things inside, which was very hard and strenuous work. Her house hardly looked any better now - she left everything in one room, packed, until she paints the rooms and puts tapestry on the walls. When the people left she hurried straight to work. It wasn't that hard to find the building she works in. It turned out to be pretty close to her house, and her boss welcomed her with open arms. It was a short, old man that laughed all the time and everybody in the building loved him. They soon agreed she won't need an office - she can work from home, as long as she comes for important meetings to work once or twice a week.

Claire was now sitting on her bed, deeply breathing and resting. She could finally let her thoughts in-

Maybe not yet, she thought as she heard her bell ring twice. She got up with a sigh and walked to her door, barefoot and slightly annoyed. She was surprised when she saw a young, beautiful Korean girl in front of her door. Her hair was long, black and straight and she was wearing dark red lipstick. Her blue eyes reminded Claire of her brother and, of course, she looked like a fashion icon.

"Hello! My name is Min Gi and I live here, next door", she said as she shook Claire's arm strongly.

"Oh, hi. Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Claire. I know", she smiled. "I am the president of the Neighbour Comittee."
Claire just stared blankly into her eyes.

" I am in charge of making new people in the neighbourhood feel welcome and showing them the city", she explained, still cheerful. Her smile was wide and incredibly contagious.

"That's, um, great... I didn't know something like that even existed..."

"Don't worry, I am here to tell you all about Korea!", she said and, without any warning, walked past Claire and inside her house.

"Hey!", Claire yelled and closed the door, following Min Gi. She found her sitting on top of her dining table. Claire noticed she wasn't very tall and that she had chubby red cheeks.

"I didn't let you inside-"

"That's fine. Come on, I'll help you dress up!", she interrupted her once again.

"Dress up for what?", Claire asked, confused. This girl just couldn't stop surprising her...

"A night out, of course!", she announced brightly.

"Didn't you say you were going to tell me more about Korea or something?", Claire asked her.

"Well, yes! There is no better way of introducing you to this beautiful city than showing it to you, more specifically, taking you to a bar and dancing it out. With some drinks and gossip, of course! Now let's go check out your closet first...


Claire soon figured Min Gi wasn't planning on giving her any useful information or lecturing her. She was there just to have fun with Claire. It all started by picking out her clothes, which was pretty difficult - Claire considered all Min Gi's ideas too bold for her. But Min Gi had a lot of talent (beside her positive energy and getting smoothly into people's houses) in persuading people to do whatever she wants. Claire slowly opened up to her suggestions, at the end, she couldn't compete with Min Gi who had an amazing style. Claire ended up wearing an elegant black short dress, a leather jacket and high heels. She let her hair down while Min Gi put heavy makeup on her eyes and lips. Well, heavier than she would ever put on. There is no way I could come up with this outfit, she thought. Fashion wasn't one of her strong suites, although she enjoyed admiring it a lot.

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