This is how it ends

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Jimin rolled to the other side of his bed lazily, wrapped under his bedsheets. He felt the wet material stick to his cheek. He has been crying for the past two hours straight and, to be honest, he had no idea how he was going to perform that night. It was only noon but he never wanted to leave his bed again.

"Jimin, open the door, please...", he heard a male voice yelling through the door. It was Namjoon. He had absolutely no intention of opening the door and listening to his long, wise speeches about 'how it's probably for the best'. He loved that man with his entire heart but right now Namjoon was the last person he wanted to see. In fact, he only wanted to see one person, and that person never wanted to see him again. He sighed heavily. Namjoon didn't try to talk to him again and Jimin continued to listen to his shaky breaths in silence.

"Jungkook, don't you think that you would be much more efficient after watching a tutorial online or something?", not ten minutes have passed and he heard Namjoon's muffled voice through the door, this time accompanied by light scratching on the wood.

"No, I can do this... Just trust me...", Jungkook answered distractedly. Soon after there was a loud click and the door opened, revealing Jungkook kneeling on the floor with a paperclip in his hand and Namjoon by his side. Jimin jerked up in his bed and yelled. "Are you guys crazy?! Just leave me alone!"

"He's all yours", Jungkook told Namjoon, got up and walked away hurriedly.

Namjoon hesitatingly walked into the room while Jimin curled up inside his blankets again, determined not to talk to him. Namjoon knew making him talk would be tough but he had to try. He was the leader, after all. "Jimin, just talk to me."

"Why? So that you can rub it in my nose? You weren't supportive of our relationship from the very beginning. Gloat all you want. You were right. It didn't work out."

Every word Jimin said felt like a punch in Namjoon's face. He had no idea Jimin felt this way about him. All this time he thought he was protecting him and the boys when in reality he might have made things worse. If Jimin didn't trust him anymore, it meant that he failed his duty as a leader, but more importantly... as a friend. "I'm so sorry, Jimin. I'm not here to gloat. I'm sorry you feel this way about me."

He caught a glimpse of something in Jimin's eyes. Remorse? Or tears?

"No, I'm sorry. You have done so much for me - I mean, you tolerated a stupid, reckless relationship and kept my secret even though it could have doomed the entire group. I'd be a fool to feel that way", in a matter of seconds Jimin's face returned to a serious and - seemingly -emotionless mask. Namjoon felt as if Jimin slammed the door into his face.

Jimin rolled in his bed again and turned his back to Namjoon to indicate that the conversation is over. Namjoon blankly stood there for a few moments, thinking of what to say, but nothing felt right. He slowly turned around when he heard Jimin's voice again. "I will perform tonight, I promise. I won't let you down."

Somehow, that broke Namjoon's heart even more. Jimin's whole world was shattered into pieces and instead of confiding to Namjoon, he is afraid of letting him down? Has he really been this terrible at his job as a leader if his own friend is scared of him?

And has Jimin really hit the rock bottom? It sure looked like he has. He gave off a carefree, 'I don't give a f**k' vibe but Namjoon knew it was only there to cover up how broken he is inside.

That girl must have been something really special.

* * *

Not a long time had passed when Jimin heard footsteps coming closer to his room. The door was opened since Jimin didn't see a point in closing or locking it. A voice coughed quietly and Jimin immediately recognized Yoongi. He could easily recognize any member just by the sound of their cough, sneeze or laughter. The perks of living with them for years.
Yoongi rolled Jimin to one side of his bed and sat next to him. "Namjoon sent me. He told me you were moping around lifelessly and that I am the only person who can understand you and help you."
"Namjoon said that? In those exact words?" Jimin asked skeptically.
"More or less." Yoongi mumbled.
Jimin scoffed.
"We are all worried about you, Jimin."
"I'm fine. I will be. And I will perform tonight, don't worry about that-"
"None of us are worried about the stupid performance! We don't give a shit about how melodius your voice will sound or how elegant your movements will be. We care about whether you will get out of bed and when you will start eating again!"
Jimin's whole body twitched by the sudden sound of Yoongi's yelling. He slowly moved to a sitting position and looked at his friend. "I don't know how to do that", he said quietly.
Yoongi sighed. "Which part?"
"All of them. But I will force myself to go on the stage tonight... in case... in case she showes up."
"Why would she show up?", Yoongi asked in confusion.
"Because I asked her to. I wanted to say goodbye." Jimin explained.
Yoongi was silent for a long moment. But then he started laughing. He laughed dryly and histerically, but in a way that made Jimin laugh with him. The sound of their laughter echoed the room for a long time until it finally died. They wiped away tears of laughter and sighed again.
"You actually told her to come and watch you perform?" Yoongi said in disbelief. "That is so... so..."
"Cheesy! It sounds like something straight out of a romance novel."
Jimin laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does. I just thought that maybe... Maybe seeing me on stage would make her change her mind. Make her understand why I have to put my work first."
"You don't."
"You don't have to put your work first."
"But I do... I love performing..."
"Then why don't I hear any enthusiasm in your voice when you talk about it? You sound like you are lying to yourself!"
"I am not! I love this life. I do. I am just... Tired. Truth is, I haven't felt as happy as I am with her for a long, long time. Just doing nothing, or something as simple as walking in a park. I don't want to quit this life. But I want to take a break, that's for sure."
"Then why don't you?" Yoongi insisted again.
"I am scared my fans won't support me anymore... And I am scared some of them might want to hurt Claire."
Yoongi sighed, turning his face to Jimin. "Well, sometimes in life you need to take a risk for your happiness, and the happiness of the people you love. You should take a break, Jimin. Constant work will drain you. Break you. Believe me, I am not making this up - a lot of idols I know were destroyed by this work. That is why you need to take care of yourself. Those who truly care about you will be here for you when you come back. And let the police worry about the people who might want to hurt you or Claire. That is not your concern."
Jimin stayed silent for a while, contemplating about Yoongi's words. Could it really be this simple? Could he really keep the girl of his dreams and the job he felt he was born to do?
When Jimin finally smiled, it looked as if a ray of sunshine shone on his face and brightened his eyes that looked like tiny brown jewels. "You're right. I will take the risk. I have to, I love her. More than anyone I have ever loved. I don't want to lose that love..."
Yoongi smiled. "So when will you announce your temporary break from the group?"
"I could do it tonight. I will tell my fans at the end of the concert - about Claire, about everything... I want to be perfectly honest with them." Jimin said thoughtfully.
"That means Claire should be there." Yoongi said. A worried look suddenly shadowed his face. "But how do we make her attend the concert?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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