Where are we?

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"Normal talking"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama talking in Naruto's mind'
'Naruto talking in his mind'

Chapter One

     "Naruto?" Sakura said waking up in front of the gates of the hidden leaf village. She looked around to find Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru?, Shino, Hinata, Ten Ten, Rock Lee, Neji, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Lady Tsunade, Master Juraiya, Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, Gai-sensei, and Orochimaru? Then that means. Sakura stood up quickly to find Sassuke.

      "Sakura?" Naruto said waking up he looked at the gates and frown a little he wasn't coming back to the village for another 3 months why is he back now? Everyone started to wake up but the first thing that Sakura did was tie Sasuke and orochimaru in chakra ropes in hope they won't run away. As soon as everyone was up in their feet they looked around and headed to the leaf village Naruto and Juraiya were up front thinking they could protect the Fifth Hokage if anything happens. They reached the gates they were stopped by the guards.

     "Who are you what is your business here?" A strange man stopped them making Lady Tsunade angry.

     "You Baka." A guy with a bandage on his nose said hitting the poor younger guy. "That's the seventh Hokage! Forgive him Uzumaki-San." He bowed but once he looked up he meet the younger version of the seventh. "You're not the seventh, who are you?!" He took a fighting stance.

     "We like to see the Hokage." Lady Tsunade said making them nod they took them up to the Hokage tower were all of them but Naruto noticed two new faces in the Hokages monument. Kakashi's face and Narutos.

    'Naruto-kin succeeded his dream' Hinata smiled and turned beet red thinking about her dream. They reached the Hokage's office just to hear shouting.

      "Why can't I go look for him?!" A voice of a young girl shouted.

     "Sarada I have your father and all the hidden villages aware that Boruto is out, you don't need to worry about this. This is an S-rank mission, you are still a genin." A male voice spoke with authority. They heard a huff and the door open revealing a black haired girl with red glasses shedding a few tears. She kept her head down but what most of them noticed was that she was wearing a dress similar to Sakura's but hers was red and had the uchiha clan symbol on the back. "Who ever is out there come in."

    The time travelers and the guard with the bandage went in and Naruto was the first to shout out. As usual.

     "I become the Seventh Hokage!" Making older Naruto sweat drop at his younger selfs enthusiasm. The younger Shikamaru looked and found himself next to the Hokage.

'I must be his adviser, ugh being this nucklehead adviser must be such a drag.' The young Nara sighed.

     "What's going on here." The Seventh yelled using Kurama's voice standing up making the time travels flinch back. He took a deep breath turning to the gate guard. "Don't mention this to anyone, you're dismissed."

      The guard nodded and left the Hokage's office leaving an angry Hokage and a knowing Adviser. Then in lighting speed the hokage attacked Master Juraiya. Which he dodge thankfully.

      "Who are you and why are you imitating Master Juraiya."

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