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Chapter Ten

Akihiro's Point Of View

    "Kasumi come on talk to me!" I yelled grabbing her shoulders. I turned her around seeing her smirk looking up to me. Her dark bright brown eyes looked up to me. I narrow my eyes at her making her giggle. "You're going to pay."

"Wait! Akihiro-sensei!" She squealed making some villagers turn to our direction and smile. I threw her over my shoulder making her laugh and apologise repeatedly.

"You don't have to call me sensei anymore just call me Akihiro." I said walking around with her, we officially became a couple at night when we umm did something. I want to ask for her hand in marriage but I think that would be taking it too far. I grew up alone and my mom wasn't always there for me never knew my dad until recently. He died without knowing that I existed a shinobi's life is risky you go on missions and the higher you go up the more chances you have on not coming back just like Asuma.

"I think we should get married." Kasumi said voicing my thoughts. I place her down looking at her questionably. "Think about it we are ninjas we might not make it and I want to be with you forever."

"Then is settled." I said surprising her. "We'll tell your parents and siblings today in the afternoon." I kissed her head making her turn red. "I have to go meet up with the Hokage he has a mission for me."

"Be careful alright." She said hugging me. "I want you to come back."

"I'll always come back." I said smiling at her. My mom said that when I smiled I looked like my dad. I hope that was true, I am an exact replica of him I just have blonde hair instead of white. "I'll meet you at your parents house at 6?"

"I'll see you at six then." She said smiling lightly at me. I turn around and headed towards the Hokage's office. Instead of going through the door I decide to go through the window.

"Hey there!" I said grinning and dodging the kunai thrown at me. "That's not a good way to greet your family."

"Akihiro," greeted the Hokage. I nodded and found all the time travellers in the office. I groaned hopefully he won't send me out to get information I have to be with Kasumi today. "Akihiro Senju-Myobokuzan your mission is to go out of the village to find if more people came from the past. You'll use you information gathering skills you may bring a student along with you."

"When do I leave?" I asked crossing my arms narrowing my eyes at my relative.

"The sooner the better this could lead to a war for power if we aren't too careful." Naruto said and Shikamaru nodded along with him the time travellers looked shocked that the blonde could be so serious. Naruto began coughing he covered his mouth but when he uncovered it there was blood on it. I gave him a questioning look and he shook his head grabbing a tissue to clean it before the time travellers saw it.

"Me and Himarawi will be leaving the village as soon as possible." I said I turned to see the time travellers. "Naruto have you told Sasuke about this? He could use the rinnegan and send them back to their time, after we erase their memories of course."

"That could be possible but what if there's others that came to the future we need to gather them and send them back to their time kami only knows what's going on there." The Hokage said making me nod. "You're dismissed."

    I nodded and left through the window. I went to Kasumi's house to tell her I'll be leaving the village and tell lord sixth of our engagement. Only to find her screaming at her dad taking boxes out of the house. Her mother Ayame Hatake standing there looking worried.

    "Lady Hatake." I greeted and she looked at me smiling fondly at me. "What's going on here?"

     "Kashi-kun is telling Kasumi that you're no good for her, I think you and my daughter are perfect for each other. Just your dad's history makes Kakashi a little worry." Ayame-San tells me and touches her swollen belly. "After this one Kakashi will never lay a hand on me."

    "Congratulations Lady Hatake." I replied she smiled thanking me. "I'll go talk to Lord Sixth." I walk inside to see all Kasumi's siblings sitting there watching Kasumi and Kakashi fight.

   "He's not like that!" Kasumi yelled making me raise my eyebrows. She does know how I get information she seen me go to bars during a mission we did together. "I love him! And you're either with us or don't bother coming to the wedding!" She yelled picking what appears to be the last box. She sees me there and stops walking. She stands there frozen and then looks down.

    "Kasumi I love you, you know that but I can't go against your fathers wishes. I'm leaving the village in a journey Lord Hokage asked me to go on. My new apprentice Himarawi is coming along with me so we can get started with toad summoning." I said making her drop her box and cry. "I'm not breaking anything up you can move your stuff to my apartment here's you key. I'm just hoping that when I get back your father would accept me."

    "Ok," she whispered and I went over there and hugged her as she fell down. This reminded me so much on how my dad helped my mom with her mental breakdowns. On how he always cared how she felt and where did she go. He always have tabs on her when he did his information. There's his personal notebook he had here and a book in Mount Myōboku that I read while doing sage training. "Please come back to me, Master Juraiya didn't come back from the mission the Hokage send him I want you to come back."

"I'll always come back to you," I said kissing her forehead. "Let me help you with your stuff." We went outside forgetting about her family and a summon frogs to help us carry her stuff. I bid farewell to her family while she just stayed quiet and told her mother to meet her a the barbecue place. We got to my apartment an I packed for my journey and send a toad to tell Himarawi to pack for a month journey and meet at the gate in an hour. Kasumi unpacked her stuff and I made room for her to put her clothes in the bedroom. "I'll miss you Akihiro."

"I'll miss you too don't worry I'll be back soon." I said sealing the rest of my stuff so I'll only have to carry a bag full of scrolls instead of a heavy bag. I label each scroll as I seal them. "Wait for me alright?" I whispered to her fearful that she would think of leaving me. What if I wasn't good enough for her?

"You're good enough." Did she read my mind? "I know that look in your face you're doubting yourself I love you and only you."

"I love you too Kasumi." I said smiling kissing her lips softly. I bid her farewell and I met up with Himarawi.

"There you are Pervy Sensei." She has not stopped calling me that since she saw how I got intel on people. I narrow my eyes at her.

"Stop calling me that brat!" I heard a chuckle behind us and I found my father, past Naruto and the Hokage.

"I see the legacy continues." My father says making the Hokage nod at him. "Hey Naruto want to grab some sake we could catch up in everything you been doing lately."

"Pervy Sage I'm not old enough to drink that." The Past Naruto said sweat dropping my eyes and Himarawi's eyes widen.

"Quit calling me that brat!" He yelled but Past Naruto pretend not to hear him. "And I wasn't talking about you I was talking to the Hokage you."

"That makes sense Pervy Sage, I have to go I'm meeting both Hinata's to see Boruto." He left making future Naruto look at his direction.

"Sure Pervy Sage, we'll go after I greet my son back." He said making my father nod at him. "Now I'm trusting you with my daughter Akihiro makes sure she gets training and she's safe. Himarawi listen to your sensei and don't go off on your own the future of the village rest on your shoulders." He said sternly and she nodded.

"We'll be off then, bye Papa and tell Shikadai that I respect his decision and I will still love him with all my heart." She turned around and we both went on our way leaving a smirking Juriaya and a pissed off Hokage.

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