This just gets more awkward

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"Normal talking"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama talking in Naruto's mind'
'Naruto talking in his mind'

Chapter Three

"Well this is awkward." Naruto said and his younger self only agreed. "Lee you take your less youthful self with you, and Tenten you take Neji and your younger self."

"Naruto you know I can't take Neji." Older Tenten whispered to the Hokage it didn't go unnoticed by young Neji.

"Is there something I should know Tenten?" He turned to the 16 year old who was shocked and she thought about it and there was nothing to tell.

"No? I don't think I'm hiding anything right now probably in the future but not right now." The time travelers look at the older Tenten and she sigh.

"Well let's catch everyone up to what has happen so they don't make a big deal I'll go up first, then the Hokage." Naruto nodded and Ten Ten took out a picture handing it to Neji. "His name is Akio Hyuga he's Neji's and my son. He never knew you because you died protecting Hinata on the fourth ninja war. He looked and acts exactly like you. He has my eyes but he trains or goes on missions he has the kekkei genkai."

"Neji." Young Ten Ten said then hugging her team mate. While Neji was in a state of shock, he knew that someday he had to die but hearing that he died before meeting his child was a different story. That would mean that his child is burdened with the bird cage seal.

"No! He's now carrying my burden!" The older Tenten only smiled at him, laughing lightly. "What's so funny?!"

"That's the same thing you told me when I told you I was pregnant. But Naruto here removed the branch family now everyone is just one compound, one clan. He doesn't have any burden. He's birthday is on August 19, 20 years ago was the fourth ninja war. He is a Joninn he is now 19. He really is a genius." Tenten smiled seeing young Neji start to cry in the picture you see a young boy that looked like Neji with Tenten's eyes smiling at a younger looking Hinata with Naruto's eyes and birthmark whiskers. "It's the first and only time I could take a picture of him smiling."

"That was so youthful older Tenten!" Younger Lee said ruining the moment making the three team mates sigh.

"Hinata you're awake here we are about to hear my older self talk about what has happen." The young Uzumaki said putting the young Hyuga down but keeping his hand on the bottom of her back in case she fainted again. That only made the girl blush more.

"Well I fought a villain named Pain that made me a hero and I avenge my sensei then I was the one to stop the fourth ninja war along with Sasuke that we now both have the yin and yang release because we are brothers, what else?" Naruto said making Shikamaru roll his eyes and younger Naruto look excited. "Oh at the end of a mission me and Hinata flew to the sky and i kissed her and after we got married soon Boruto came and in a 2 years Himawari came along and I became the seventh Hokage making my parents and everyone that taught me proud. I wish you would have seen me Ero-sensei I'm now mature!" Older Naruto said crying a little.

"So...I marry Hinata?" Young Naruto questioned looking at young red face Hyuga. "Hinata are you alright? You're looking a little red let me feel your head." As he was about to feel her head the older stopped him.

"I also found out Hinata has loved me since I well we saved her from the bullies when we were 5? Or was it 3?" Older Naruto questioned making the younger Hyuga blush in embarrassment and tear up a little. "Hinata! I'll take you to your older self you two can talk. I'm sorry Hinata I didn't mean to make you cry that's the last thing I would want to do. Please forgive me!" Older Naruto said hugging the young Hinata. "Mouse! Escort this young lady to the Namizaki-Uzumaki compound."

"Hai Hokage-sama." The Anbu took the crying dark haired girl looking very uncomfortable on his situation. Older Naruto huffed feeling bad that he made Hinata cry. While young Naruto didn't know what to think.

"Well that was depressing." Old Shikamaru said everyone turned to look at him expecting him to reveal his future. "Oh I guessing it's my turn. I'm the Sevenths Adviser, I married Temari and have a son his name is Shikadai, he looks like me but has Temari's eyes."

Everyone sweat drop at his explanation. While Sai just smiled at everyone, clearing his throat making everyone look at him.

"I'll tell you about Ino," younger Ino quickly looked at the pale handsome man and waited. "I married Ino, we have a son named Inojin he's an exact replica of Ino." He then looked at older Naruto. "I'll take my leave with Ino's younger self I'll see you soon old dickless and young dickless, bye lazy ass." He then took Ino and disappeared in a cloud of ink.

"I still don't like him."Shikamaru said crossing his arms. Older Naruto nodded and Choji took his younger self.

"I think we just do this by ourselves let them get to know our futures selves." Choji said making everyone else nod along with him. Kiba left with his younger self, along with the two Akamaru and two Shino's, Asuma and two Kurenai's stayed behind while everyone else left. Neji was the first out the door saying he wanted to meet Akio for the first time before he dies knowing that he won't ever meet him again. Everyone left leaving two Naruto's, two Shikamaru's, two Tsunades, Juraiya, Asuma, and two Kurenai's.

"Where am I?" Asuma said while the older Kurenai just looked down. "What happen to me Kurenai?"

"Well you died on a mission I avenge your death but that wasn't all." Older Shikamaru said.

"I was pregnant with Mirai when Asuma died she looks like me but when she smirks she looks exactly like Asuma there's no denning she's his daughter." Kurenai said smiling lightly she then looked at her younger self crying touching her stomach and looking at Asuma. "Well I used to be Kurenai Yuuhi but now I'm considered as Kurenai Sarutobi, since you couldn't make our wedding."

"We should go you have to break the news to your-mine-our? Child." Young Kurenai said making the older version nod at herself they started to walk away and Older Kurenai started to talk to her all about her daughter Mirai and that she chose the name because it means future. While a shock Asuma tailed behind them.

"Is it just me or I think I finished all my paper work?" Older Naruto said looking at older Shikamaru making him sigh and nod. "Let's go Naruto we have to check on Hinata."

"Not so fast Naruto." An Older man said appearing with an unconscious blonde haired boy. "It think this belongs to you, I'll go check on Sarada I know you were hard on her."

"Sasuke! You're back! You can fix my problem!" The Seventh said making the older Uchiha mad.

"I leave for 2 months and you create a problem? Why are we brothers?" Sasuke said making everyone roll their eyes.

"Shut up you teme!"





"Enough! We are leaving let's go young me, Orochimaru, and Juraiya prepared to get beat up by your son." The Fifth Hokage said pulling them out of the office to see the girl from the beginning appeared. She pushed pass them and spotted Boruto on the floor unconscious by her fathers feet.

"He's back!"

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