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As soon as I left the room Hinata started to follow me out. I don't know how I'm supposed to tell her I'm dying I haven't even told the man I considered a brother. It's now or never I have to tell her. I stopped and she came in front of me.

"I'm making Konohamaru eight Hokage by the next week." She gasped and started to question me why would I give up being Hokage so early. "I'm dying Hinata, Madara place a disease on me that's incurable I know Kurama already tried and Tsunade did also. I love you and I didn't want you to stress more that you already are because of Boruto I know this is not the way to handle him but he needs to understand that he's filled with hatred Kurama's hatred nature could easily over power him with Himarawi she's more understanding and would over come the hatred he has. She's off with Akihiro-san the same way I was with Master Juraiya."

"Oh Naruto-kun once you leave you'll take half of my soul with you. I suppose you're right Himarawi is the best choice I'll help her improve her byakugan and once are gone I'll try to help her with Kurama. I'll send messages to all the jinchurikis to help her." Hinata told me looking sad. I kissed her forehead.

   "Naruto..." i heard looking behind Hinata seeing Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura looked like she was about to cry while Sasuke kept an emotionless face but me as his best friend knew he was shocked. Who wouldn't be if they heard their Hokage was dying and making a new jinchuriki.

"This is an S-rank secret no one knows except you three and Himarawi. She's raining like I once did with Master Juraiya." Sasuke nodded. Sakura let out a few tears along with Hinata.

"Understood Hokage-sama/Naruto-kun." The three said making the blonde Hokage smiled a little. We went to our office and we talked about it for a few minutes until I called Konohamaru to my office. I plastered a smile for him and grabbed the Hokage's hat.

"You called boss." He said walking in and saw Sakura smiling along with Hinata, and Sasuke as always looking down on him. "What's going on?"

"I need a break from being Hokage so I decided to names you the Eighth Hokage. My successor! Believe it!" I yelled walking towards him handing him the Hokage's hat. He looked at me with tears on his eyes and hugged me.

"I won't let you down boss! I'll work hard everyday! Thank you!" I laughed and hugged him back. We let go of each other and I placed the hat on his head. "I'm the Eighth Hokage!"

"We will make the announcement soon after Akihiro and Himarawi come back from their mission. Then we send the time travelers back with erased memories and we make you Hokage. I'm proud of how much you have accomplished kid." I said ruffling his head like Juraiya used to do to me. "Now keep it a secret work your students hard I know Sarada and Misuki are ready for the Jonin exams I'll handle Boruto from now on." I said smiling at him and he nodded bowing in respect then leaving.

Himarawi's POV
"That lazy good for nothing Nara! Why did he break up with me? Inojin? Ugh he frustrates me so much! Aunt Temari I really want to kill him!" I complained to the time traveler. Gaara and both Kankuru's were backing away from me along with Akihiro-sensei. The Kazekage was sweat dropping, trying to calm me down. While Temari from the past just chuckle lightly with a small blush after I told her that she married Shikamaru. "He never listens to me I am too troublesome for him? So what? I don't care! I'm going to date someone else that's what I'll do! Better yet make his life a living hell!"

"I think he meant well, Himarawi." Uncle Gaara said smiling lightly. I hate his hair, I like past Gaara's hair. It made him look cool, now he looks so uncool like Uncle Lee. I stopped and pulled him down to my level and messed up him hair to make it look like his past selves.

"You looked uncool like Uncle Lee. Change your hairstyle." I growled and stomped all the way to the leaf village. The time travelers along with Uncle Kankuru laughed at defeated Gaara. Akihiro apologizes and I rolled my eyes. "Let's hurry and get to the village, my brother came back and I want to gentle fist him to tomorrow."

I huffed making my hair go up glaring at everyone. They all flinched and nodded. We went mid Jonin-anbu speed to the leaf. The time travelers were surprisingly keeping up with us. As expected from the Sand Siblings.

"You're a jinchuriki at that time right Uncle Gaara?" I yelled back to the Kazekage.

"Yes I haven't died yet." He replied making the younger Kazekage eyes widen.

"How come you're still alive then?" Past Kankuru yelled scared.

"My papa." I replied and stopped at the giant green gates.

"Who's you dad?" Temari asked also stopping next to me. There at the gates stood Shikadai with his hand on his pockets with tear stain eyes and hate in his green eyes. What did they do to him? I was just gone for half the day.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namizaki, the Seventh Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village." I replied and sighed walking to Shikadai. "Please excuse me."

"Hima" he said dropping to his knees as soon as I got close to arms reach and hugged me. He buried his face on my stomach and cried. He's such a cry baby. I sighed and hugged him back kneeling down to his level. "I'm sorry please forgive me, I love you. Inojin can worry about himself I want to be selfish and be with you please do mine again."

"You're such a cry baby, Shikadai." I sighed drying his tear and kissing his cheek. "Of course, I love you too. Look your mom and uncles from the past."

"What?!" He yelled drying his tears and looking down. He was tall now, almost as tall as his dad. He was blushing in embarrassment making me giggle. I stood up along him and faced Akihiro-senseis smirking face, both Kankuru's confuse face. Past Gaara's emotionless face, presen or Future Gaara's grinning face and past Temari's disappointing face. What? Does she think I'm not good enough for her son? I'll show her!

   "Why are you such a cry baby? I thought you were my son."

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