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Chapter Nine

Shikadai's Point Of View

     "Himarawi!" I yelled shocked that she had fainted. Troublesome women she will be the death of me. I smiled lightly at the thought who knew I would be the first of the new generation to fall in love and date someone. I glanced at Mirai-sensei to see her grinning widely. Chou Chou turned around and said she will go home and hangout with her past self dad. Shikamaru or my past self dad just smirked lightly nodding at me. Inojin stood there shocked then he let out some tears making me feel bad.

     "You bastard." He said weakly. "You knew how much I like her but you still went after her!" He turned around and stormed off. Well that was expected I did knew how much he liked her but I couldn't help but fall for her. She was bossy, always nag me on everything never once let me sit down and watch clouds, but her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world. I sigh feeling bad about what I did. Maybe I should sacrifice my happiness for the sake of my team. I looked to see her beautiful face. She was sleeping or passed out but she looked so peaceful.

     "Don't do it." Shikamaru said with a knowing look. "I know that look, that look is the same look Naruto gets when he's about to sacrifice something dear to him to safe something else. That same look I hate because he always has to be the hero or someone that makes others happy in exchanged of his happiness. So whatever you are thinking don't do it."

     "What if it keeps the team together. After all Himarawi is not always going to be in the same team as I am." I said picking her up bridal style. I just noticed that her breast have gotten bigger than last time, they are ten times bigger, manly the reasons why her shadow clones are off at times they can't copy her breast. Nara focus.

    "That may be true but a true shinobi would look past his personal problems and focus on the mission in hand." Said Mirai finally speaking up and Shikamaru nodded in agreement. I sigh but nodded, if anything I knew I got from my mom was that if I set my mind up to something I follow it through no matter how much I don't want to. And I really don't want to. The Himarawi started to wake up, she opened her bright blue eyes and stared at my green eyes. I put her down and she smiles.

     "Thank you Shika." She says saying my nickname making me blush, she then turned to Shikamaru and bowed in respect. "Nara-sama, Lord Sixth with Lady Fifth and my Papa would like to meet with you in the Hokage's office the others should be there already."

     "Stop with the sama title it's really not my thing." Shikamaru said making Himarawi's eyes widen. "Just call me Shikamaru I'm from the past anyways you won't see me again and besides they might erase our memories."

     "H-hai!" Himarawi blushed I don't know what's the big deal he just asked her to call him by his first name he is from the past nothing really could happen to change the future. Besides they will most likely get their memories erased. "I'll take you to the Hokage's office I have to go see my Papa anyways."

     "Shika." Himarawi whispered, Shikamaru turned and began to walk away saying that this was too troublesome to hear. "I'll meet you up later I have somethings I need to talk to you about. I love you Shika don't forget that." She whispered the don't forget that probably hoping I wouldn't hear it. I pretended not to and nodded and walked away to my house where my nagging mother was waiting for me. Troublesome women.

Himarawi's Point Of View
     "You're hiding something from everyone." Shikamaru said surprising me. How could he tell? Did I give any hints? No I didn't i was too cautious to show something. "It's written all over your face if you know Naruto for a long time then you know the face he makes when he's hiding something. What is it?"

     "It's about my Papa." I say shocking him. "I'm learning all these Justus and toad summoning because my Papa is sick. At the end of the war that's going to happen in your future Madara place a illness in my Papa making him get weaker through passing years now his normal chakra is the same as everyone else. Madara was going to place the illness in Uncle Sasuke but Papa jumped and saved him. My papa now has 1 1/2 years to live. So I'll fulfill my dream of being a jinchuriki even though I would lose my Papa for it. Don't tell anyone Papa doesn't want anyone to know or the village would be in chaos."

    "Your secret is safe with me, is there anyway we can prevent this from happening?" Shikamaru said worried of his friend. Himarawi shook her head no.

    "That was the last power Madara had left if he didn't use it he would have survived all the attacks." Himarawi looked down sad and they went inside the tower going up the stairs to to Hokage's office. "So it's better for the end of the war to let Papa go through it."

   I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. I went inside with Shikamaru and Nara-sama and my Papa looked shocked I brought him in. In this room I saw Aunt Sakura, Uncle Sasuke, Uncle Orochimaru, Tsunade-baa-chan, Aunt Ino, Uncle Choji, young Papa, young mama, Uncle Kakashi, Aunt Kurenai, Aunt Tenten, Uncle Lee, Uncle Gai, a man smoking a cigarette that could be Asuma Mirai's Papa, nd what appears to be Uncle Neji, Uncle Kiba with Akamaru, and a younger version of Shino-sensei. Also is that my fathers past sensei?

     "Pervy Sage I finally meet you!" I yelled making people in the room chuckle and Juraiya have a tick mark. "Akihiro-sensei is teaching me from now on! I signed the toad contract hopefully he and Papa can help me master Sage Mode like they did!"

    "My son managed to complete Sage Mode?" Juraiya asked looking at my Papa who nodded. I then turned into a serious expression Granny Tsunade always told me I looked like My Granpa when I turned serious all I needed was the hair.

     "Can I be excused Hokage-sama? You have important business to attend to." My Papa nodded and I bowed respectfully as soon I was about to reach leave the room I said not facing my Papa. "Me and Shikadai Nara have been dating for 2 years hope you approve of him and mama wants you back before dinner no doing extra paperwork today." Then I quickly left running for my dear life fro my papas anger. The only thing I could hear was my papas voice screaming at Shikamaru.


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