You're from where?

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"Normal talking"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama talking in Naruto's mind'
'Naruto talking in his mind'

Chapter Two

"Naruto it's our past selves don't hurt them." Shikamaru yelled grabbing the Hokage from the back of his shirt dragging him to his desk. The Hokage huffed making the time travelers except Naruto sweat drop. He's never going to change. "We have things going on and this just adds to it. We might use this to an advantage Naruto."

"No we don't need anyone to find out they are here." Naruto replied to Shikamaru making him sigh. "Besides they need to go back to their time right away,"

Everyone was surprised of Naruto acting mature and Hinata was in the background blushing madly of how Naruto has grown. While Naruto was a different story he was just so happy that he became the Hokage after all the hard work he succeeded. Iruka-sensei would be so proud of him. His parents, he would know who's his parents finally are and why they weren't with him.

"Cat." The Hokage said making a Anbu appear in front of them.

"Yes Hokage-sama."

"Bring Sasuke back to the village immediately. Tell him I have another assignment for him instead of finding my son." Naruto said shocking a few time travelers.

'So boruto is Naruto's son. But why would he leave the village? Who is the young girl Uchiha named Sarada?' Sasuke thought just then the older Naruto spotted him and smiled lightly and looked at his non-bandage arm. Where a black tattoo circle was.

"Hai." The anbu said disappearing from sight. Naruto then looked closely to all the time travelers.

"State your first name only I know all of you and then you can tell me how you got here." The older Shikamaru sigh knowing Naruto was just doing that to see if his wife was among them.

"Well I'm Kakashi with my team Naruto, Sakura, and Sai." The younger covered ninja said making the older Naruto laugh a little. Now the he has seen his face he wasn't that curious.

"Asuma with my team Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji." Older Shikamaru tear up a little bit looked away from his deceased sensei. It didn't go unnoticed by Asuma but he decided to let it go. For now.

"IM MIGHT GUY WITH MY YOUTHFUL TEAM TEN TEN, NEJI, AND MY VERY YOUTHFUL APPRENTICE ROCK LEE!" Yelled the green sensei making older Naruto move back a little from his loudness.

"I'm One of the legendary Sanin and Fifth Hokage Tsunade." She huffed. 'How did the brat managed to be Hokage?'

"I'm One of the Legendary Sanin the toad sage Master Juraiya." Juraiya smirked knowing Naruto might have managed to complete his dream of world peace.

"I'm orochimaru with my apprentice Sasuke." Just then younger Naruto looked back to find the person he considered as a brother and whispered his name. He was shocked to find him here and he wanted nothing more then to kill Orochimaru.

"I'm Kurenai with my team Kiba, Shino, and Hinata." Then older Naruto grabbed you get Hinata hugging her tight making the girl blush more then she has.

"You're here! Now I have two! Shikamaru can she stay? I'm sure Hinata wouldn't mind!" Naruto said making the teenage girl think hard.

'H-He n-now h-has t-two? T-that m-means t-th-that I m-ma-marry N-Na-Naru-Naruto-kun' she then fainted making the older Naruto freak out grabbing her bridal style.

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