Kurenai and Tenten

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"Kurenai!" Yelled future Tenten with a past Tenten trailing behind her looking down and an angry Neji. "My son is not at my house, I'm going to go see Mirai to see if she seen Akio." She wiggled her eyebrows making Asuma narrow his eyes. Kurenai laughed nodding along.

"Let's hurry before Mirai tells him to leave." The two women started to walk fast to the Sarutobi house hold. With a pissed off Asuma, a worry past Tenten, smirking past Kurenai, and a proud Neji trailing behind them. They reached Kurenai's place as she was about to open the door a younger girl that looked alike like Kurenai opened the door.

"Mom! You're back so early!" She extended the early and yelled as if she was warning someone. "How you been?"

"Look who came along with me." Kurenai pointed to Tenten smiling at Mirai who knew they were caught.

"Akio your mom is here!" Yelled Mirai opening her door wider for both mom's then he notice four people behind them. "Mom. They are your past selves aren't they?"

"You're smart for a young girl." Said past Kurenai going inside along with past Tenten and Neji. Mirai crossed her arms and huffed.

"I'm 19 waiting for the idiot to ask me to marry him." Said Mirai making past Kurenai giggle along with Tenten. Asuma just looked pissed off that her daughter was thinking of marriage, she was way too young for that. "I just hope if we do get marry we are like Naruto and Hinata."

Asuma went inside and Mirai closed the door and told them to follow her to the dining room where a Neji look alike future Kurenai and future Tenten were located at. Akio looked up and spotted Asuma right away then he got the guts to ask. He walked up to him and extended his hand.

"I don't know how you got here and as a matter of fact I don't care but my name is Akio Hyuga I'm Mirai's teammate and boyfriend." He said sternly making Mirai sweat drop.

"Asuma Sarutobi." He said shaking his hand. Mirai sigh in relief knowing that he at least introduced himself. They let go of their hands and Akio looked at Neji and Tenten.

"I agree with everyone Mom." He called out making future Tenten turn red in embarrassment. "You and dad were a good couple."

"I said cute not good couple." Said future Kurenai making the past Kurenai laugh along with her.

"It's getting late Akio we should go." Said Tenten but before she took a step Akio raised his hand.

"Mom me and Mirai have something to said." Akio looked towards Mirai nodding his head to say the news. Asuma thought the worst thinking he impregnated his daughter turning him around grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"What did you do to my daughter?" He growled making Mirai quickly speak up and Neji glared at Asuma. Both Tenten and Kurenai just started wide eyes at the scene in front of them. Although both Kurenai's were thinking he looked hot when he was mad.

"We are moving in together! That's it! Nothing more!" Yelled Mirai shocking everyone. Asuma let go of Akio but still glared at him. He fixed his shirt looking as it didn't bother him just then Neji notice how much alike they really were.

"That's great honey!" Said future Kurenai hugging her daughter. She was sad that she was leaving but she knew the day had to come. "When are you packing your stuff?"

"Actually my stuff have been packed and are already at the new house." Mirai said looking everywhere but her mother's eyes, as Akio did the same. They both knew they were leaving their moms alone but they wanted to live together and not sneak around behind their backs.

"I'm happy for both of you." Said future Tenten hugging her son. "But you have to spend time with your dad that came from the past."

"Of course mom." Said Akio nodding. He looked at Mirai and smiled lightly, she turned to look at him but he turned away looking as he wasn't looking at her. Asuma saw that making him smirk at them.

"Let's sit down in the living room and tell childhood stories." Future Kurenai said making future Tenten nod in agreement. They all went to the loving room and the time travelers sat on the floor along with Akio and Mirai. While future Tenten and future Kurenai were sitting on the sofa. "Well let's see on Naruto's wedding. Mirai wanted to keep riding Akamaru as a horse but if I remember correctly Akio grabbed her and pulled him away from Akamaru saying that a dog was not stealing her away from him."

They all laughed at that making the two 19 year olds blush madly. Akio tried to hide it from everyone while Mirai just giggle. They kept sharing their stories until Mirai got to the point of telling them their genin team. They were all now 13 year olds making them so close to their age. (But I change everyone's age as I like! Hn!)

"My team is Shikadai, Cho cho, and Inojin." Said Mirai and sigh. "It's horrible, Shikadai and Inojin are always fighting and Cho cho is always eating that she doesn't even tries to train unless is with Sarada."

"Who are their parents?" Asked Asuma already knowing the answer by their descriptions but he still didn't understand why Shikamaru's son and Ino's son would fight so much. Their parents are great friends so why couldn't they get along?

"Shikadai is Shikamaru's and Temari's son, Inojin is Ino's and Sai's son, and Cho Cho is Choji's and a girl from another village daughter." Explained Mirai making Asuma sweat drop. He felt bad for his daughter, having her carry that heavy burden. "Inojin should spend more time training! Instead of trying to get Himawari's attention she's 15 years old she just wants to have fun and hang out with her friends. She looks like the type of girl to not worry about boys as much as everyone else."

"Wait a Nara is trying to get her attention? As in actually doing work." Gasped Asuma making everyone looked at him knowing he would be wrong.

"Of course he doesn't do anything to get her attention. He sits in the training field by the shade and looks at clouds." Said Mirai making Asuma nodded knowingly at her struggle. "That's when Himawari comes along and brings food to all of us because she knows I work them to exhaustion. She used to do that only to her brothers team at first but then saw how I trained them and did that to us too. She would hand the basket of food to her brothers team and then head to our team and have a picnic with us."

"That's nice of her, I'm guessing that's Hinata's daughter?" Said/Asked past Tenten making Mirai nod. "And Hinata married Naruto so I'm guessing Himawari is exactly like Hinata and Boruto is a knucklehead like Naruto." Then Akio chuckle softly making past Tenten quickly look at Neji. She noticed he wasn't laughing making her look at Akio who was laughing. Past Tenten looked annoyed he even got Neji's laugh all he got from her was her eyes but those also change.

"Don't worry little mom I got your smile." Said Akio looking at the past version of her mom. Who only blushed in embarrassment. "That's where you're wrong Boruto is like a second Sasuke and Sarada is like a second Naruto. Himawari is the combination of Kushina and Minato. Naruto has the personality of Kushina, so should I say Naruto and Minato then?" Said Akio making all the time travelers look confuse. "What? It's only natural they are their grandchildren."

"Wait you mean to tell me Naruto's is actually Naruto Uzumaki-Namizake? Heir to the two most powerful and richest clans in Konoha?" Neji said surprised that his cousin was married to him.

     "Of course the Hokage could buy a whole Village if he wanted to." Mirai said chuckling, she looked at her past parents shock. "Well I feel like we just told an S-rank secret."

     "Agreed." Said Akio huffing.

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