Sarada is in love!

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"Normal talking"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama talking in Naruto's mind'
'Naruto talking in his mind'

Chapter four

"You're back! I knew you would come back!" Sarada said making the Legendary Sanin run away from the scene that's about to happen. Both Shikamaru's also left knowing this would became troublesome. Older Naruto wanted to leave but this was his son and his office so he had to stay.

"Sarada I told you I love you and your mot-" he was cut off to find her daughter hugging Boruto's unconscious body tightly.

"I love you Boruto, thank you for returning to me." Sarada said crying awaking her Mangekyou sharingan. "I know you wanted to be strong but as long as we are together we are strong. Please don't leave me again I love you Boruto Uzumaki!"

"Well it's going to be a long way I think we should all go home and rest." The Hokage stated going to reach for his son only to have him be pulled away from his reach.

"Boruto is not going anywhere. I'm not going to let him leave my side until he stays in the hidden leaf village by choice!" Sarada said making Sasuke shake with anger.

"You're not going near The Uzumaki's again!" Sasuke pried Sarada off Boruto but she pulled away from him grabbing Boruto again.

"Sarada let him go he needs medical attention. You can visit him when he wakes up in the hospital for now go rest." Naruto said making the young Uchiha nod and walk out of the office.

"She didn't welcome me back." Sasuke said then turned to the young Uzumaki. "You're lucky my daughter cares too much about you, unless I would have kill you for being near my daughter."

Everyone left and Naruto sigh in relief. "You don't have to worry about that until you are my age Naruto." The Hokage said making his younger self nod. "Let's go Hinata would be so happy that Boruto returned home let's give him medical attention and then we go home."

They took Boruto to the hospital and they hand cuffed him to the bed with absorbing chakra chains that only work if he tries to escapes. Then Naruto and older Naruto reaches home to find the two Hinata's in the kitchen.

"Papa your home!" A short Hinata look alike ran up to the older Naruto jumping to his arms hugging him. "You're not a shadow clone are you?"

"No Himawari I'm not." Older Naruto chuckle nervously. "Hinata! I'm home!"

"Naruto-kun you're back." An older Hinata came to view making the young Naruto blush of how beautiful she looked. "I see you were messing with the forbidden scrolls again."

"This wasn't my fault! Everyone is back Ero-sensei and Neji!" Naruto said making the older Hinata giggle then stop noticing he said Neji.

"Neji?"Himawari said looking at her dad. "As in Uncle Neji that save you and mama? Cousin Akio would be so happy to see his Papa!"

"If he's anything like Neji he will be really pissed off." Older Naruto said carrying his little girl to the dining room where the younger Hinata was sitting drinking tea. She quickly stood up and bowed.

"Hinata you don't need to do that this is your home." Older Naruto said hugging her and then letting her sit down. "I'm sorry Hinata for making you cry. Hope you can forgive me."

"It's ok Uzumaki-sama." Young Hinata whispered with a red face.

"Call me Naruto Hinata after all I'm your soon to be husband. Right Hinata?" Older Naruto said then turning to his wife. "Sasuke brought Boruto back after 2 months he's back."

      "That's wonderful darling, I'll go cook something. Himawari help me?" Older Hinata said making her young child nod and walk to the kitchen with her.

      "I would like to help them." Younger Hinata said leaving to the kitchen.

      "Hinata is hot here give me your jacket." Older Naruto said making her blush but nodded anyways showing for the first time her figure. She quickly left not looking at both Naruto's.

      "How did I end up with someone as weird as Hinata? Also what's going on with your I mean my son?" Young Naruto shouted making older Naruto widen his eyes when he called Hinata weird. 'Did I really sounded like that? Why am I such an idiot? Oh kami did I really called Hinata weird? How can she ever forgive me?'

       "Well for starters Hinata is a little weird but she's perfect for me umm us I mean. How we ended up with her you have to find that on your own. I started to like her or notice her more after the fight with Pain. Then when Hinata's younger sister was kidnapped I went on the mission to bring her back with her and I confessed that I love her. We got married soon after that well it took a while, since everyone wanted to attend and we needed security you'll know when you get there. Oh before her sister was kidnapped there was a big war which my feelings grew. I always knew she was strong never doubted her but during the war or the mission to get Hanabi back I never wanted nothing more then to lock her up somewhere safe until I return." Older Naruto explained after sitting down across his younger self. "I guess Boruto is another story. It was technically my fault that he left I was too busy focusing on being a good kage that I didn't spend enough time with Boruto. I also don't know how to be a father I don't know how I should act or what to say. I just want to be close to him again but I don't know how. I'm sorry Naruto I'm dumping my problems to you and I know for a fact that you have big problems during your time."

      "It's ok they are my problems too ya know." Smiled younger Naruto rubbing the back of his head, laughing a little bit. Older Naruto smiled a little and chuckle along with him.

*meanwhile with both Hinata's and Himawari*

     "Uzumaki-sama." Young Hinata said to her older self with a small, shy, and timid voice. Older Hinata giggled softly at her younger self.

      "You don't need to call me or Naruto-kun that." Said older Hinata stopping cutting vegetables. "What is it?" Hinata said politely.

       "How did you and Naruto end up together? Doesn't he like Sakura-Chan?" Young Hinata said looking down but still having hope that she and Naruto would end up together. Older Hinata giggle at that, she then remember how she always supported Naruto-kin "crush".

       "Naruto is stupid." Older Hinata stated making young Hinata gasp and Himawari giggle at her mom. They hear a small "hey" making older Hinata giggle. "What I meant is that when he was younger he thought loving a person was the same thing as loving ramen. Until he realized it wasn't the same thing. Me and Naruto-kun were the first ones to get married out of all the rookie 12." Said Hinata and began cutting the vegetables once again. "Naruto-Kun blames himself for Boruto leaving but I feel like it's Boruto's only way to get his dad's attention. I don't think it's a good way but I think they both should have a long talk and settle their differences."

     They finished making dinner and the Uzumaki-Namizake household began to dig in telling stories from the past. But what the two time travelers could tell was the love Naruto had for Hinata. It was same love Hinata has always wish for. They noticed older Naruto always glanced at his wife smiling lightly. For what? Just to be in her presence was enough for him.

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