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"Welcome to my house." Said future Tsunade turning on the lights letting the three Legendary Sanin in. "Akihiro must be out, he likes to go help the village a lot, take long walks, and train. I think he likes his first student she's Kakashi's first born,her name is Kasumi."

They went to the living room and the future Tsunade sat down. Her day at the hospital was so tiring she wanted nothing more then to drink a bottle of sake but she wanted to impress Juraiya that she no longer drinks as much as she used too. Then the door opened.

"Mom I'm back." Yelled a male voice. He appeared and saw his uncle Orochimaru without Mitzuki also wearing his old clothes from when he was a rouge ninja. Then two Tsunade's and realized it was the Hokage's doing. He didn't want to look at the other person in the eyes because he knew he would start crying. Juraiya saw he looked exactly like him but instead of spiky white hair he had blonde spiky hair. "I'm going to kill the Naruto for messing with the forbidden scrolls again."

"It wasn't Naruto's doing believe me he would be hiding if it was." Older Tsunade said looking at Juraiya as if she wanted to strip him down and have her way with him. "But I am happy to see your father maybe he and I can have a drink sometime."

"Don't be pervy Mom." Her son dead planted, making older Tsunade frown. Juraiya scooted closer to his timeline Tsunade which was just shocked at her older self saying that. Orochimaru just rolled his eyes. "Uncle where's Mitzuki?"

"What?" Orochimaru gasped, which proved Akihiro's theory.

"My father is sleeping in the farthest room away from you." Akihiro said making the older Tsunade glared. Juraiya wasn't sure if he liked this Tsunade or not. He didn't mind the attention he was getting from her but he wasn't sure if he would be able to sleep safe tonight or every night they would be stuck in the future. Then there was a knock or more of a banged on the door making most of them jump. "I'll go get it Younger Mom and you get uncle keep my mom away from my dad." He turned to get the door but then stopped. "Juraiya I don't blame you from not being there for me. I hope we can built a few memories before you go back to your time. Dad."

"Well that was touching." Older Tsunade said after her son left. She stood up, Orochimaru leaned against the wall and younger Tsunade looked at her waiting for her to make her move. "So Raiya would you like to have a drink?" Older Tsunade said pushing her younger self away and pushing her chest against Juraiya. Who she knew was a pervert and would agree with her as long as she kept up her work.

"I'm sorry Tsunade my heart belongs to my own timeline Tsunade." Rejected Juraiya shooing both Tsunade's and Orochimaru who thought that he would agree with this Tsunade. Juraiya in the inside was crying that he rejected Tsunade for the first time.

"We are the same person Raiya. Does it really matter?" Purred Tsunade hugging him placing her head against his chest. There Juraiya could feel every curve of her body making his face grow red. He looked at his timeline Tsunade hoping she would help him get her off him. Which she gladly did. Tsunade pushed the future Tsunade off Juraiya but just grabbed the collar of his shirt kissing him square in the mouth.

"He's mine." Past Tsunade said making the future one smirk challenging her. "Once we return you will see that Akihiro will have a sibling." Growled Tsunade shocking Juraiya and Orochimaru. "You're sleeping in my room JURAIYA!" He just quickly nodded not wanted to get punched by Tsunade. Orochimaru was the only one that notice the future Tsunade smirk in victory. He then realized her intentions of flirting with Juraiya.

*at the door with Akihiro*

"Kasumi What are you doing here?" Akihiro said once he noticed who was outside. "I told you go home."

"No. Akihiro-sensei I have to talk to you." Said Kasumi panting heavily, just then Akihiro noticed how cold the night was and it would look bad if she stayed outside. It's best if she goes home.

"You can tell me tomorrow I know you will be training to promote yourself to Anbu. Go home Kasumi" Said Akihiro and began to close the door but was stopped by Kasumi's hand.

"Akihiro you're going to listen to me and listen well!" Yelled Kasumi making the older people curious of who was at the door. ""I have admired you before we were placed in team 13 when me, Mirai, and Akio where just Genin we are now Jonin like you! So why can't you see I'm in love with you and that I'm not some stupid fangirl!" Yelled Kasumi making Juraiya, both Tsunade's, and Orochimaru poke their head out to see the commotion.

"Kasumi you don't mean that." Replied Akihiro making Kasumi red with anger. "You just have a tiny crush in your sensei. Every girl has it then they move on." He shrugged and Kasumi was now furious. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down and kissing him.

"This is not a silly crush I love you! So either you are going to accept my feelings and help me move on or you're going to be with me." Kasumi said pushing him away from her. "Tell me tomorrow the Hokage did something that now I have two dad's on from the present and another from the past." She then turned around and left Akihiro's house.

"You let that beautiful women walk away from you?" Said Juraiya wrapping an arm around his son. Making both Tsunade's mad that Juraiya was back to his perverted ways again. "She has your mothers fiery spirit that could get you hurt if you mess with her. Almost your mothers beauty and curves. But I'm sure she has the best smile and the most gentle touch."

"What should I do then? What if it's really just a silly crush?" Said Juraiya's son looking down. Juraiya laughed at his son.

"You're my son you shouldn't give up so easily. We have the will of never giving up if I gave up on Tsunade then you wouldn't have been here! Now go chase that girl." Yelled Juraiya pushing his son out the door.

"I'm glad you're here and that I meet you in person." Said Akihiro shocking his dad and everyone else. He left following the path that Kasumi went to.

"That was nice of you Raiya." Said older Tsunade hugging Juraiya. He wrapped her arm around her looking at the direction their son went to. "Let's go, I'll show you to all of your rooms."

"Great." Said Orochimaru trying to get out of their way. He never had felt more uncomfortable then he felt now.

"Tomorrow I'll get Naruto to show you your son and your future self Orochimaru." Future Tsunade said grabbing Juraiya's hand leading him to the spare rooms. "Follow me."

Younger Tsunade huffed at Juraiya's dazzle face. It was the first time Tsunade has ever showed attention to Juraiya. He began telling the future Tsunade most of his adventures and his almost death experiences making her laugh and smile at him. Then he began to crack jokes that she had to stop and bend down laughing. Juraiya looked at her like the first time he saw her. They reached the bedrooms and there was three extra rooms. Orochimaru quickly went in one and shit the door finally getting out of that situation.

"Well Raiya I guess this is good night." Said Tsunade stoping. "Until tomorrow."

"Good night Tsunade. Until tomorrow." Said Juraiya after the older version of Tsunade left the younger had her arms crossed looking well more like pouting down. "Tsunade come here."

"What is it." She said after she reached him. He wrapped her arms around her pulling her head up to meet his eyes.

"Don't think no one is taking you away from me." Chuckle Juraiya making Tsunade glare at him. "I refused to marry a Queen for you. I think you are good." He kisses her forehead and turned to enter his room turning back to look at her. "So you're not coming in? Or you're going to sleep in another room?"

Tsunade went inside with Juraiya closing the door after her smirking at his turned back that was preparing the bed they would sleep in. She said she wanted Akihiro to have a sibling and a sibling he will have. She ran up to Juraiya knocking him down kissing him.

"It took me too long to replicate your feelings, let's not waste more time." Tsunade purred in Juraiya's ear making him go red.

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