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I changed some ages the characters I made up are 25 years old Boruto and his friends are 17 Juraiya's and Tsunade's son is 35 years old and Himarawi is 15.

I forgot where I got the picture but the pic doesn't belong to me and neither does Naruto characters they all belong to the rightful owners.

Chapter Eight

Himarawi's point of View

My brother is back I'm not sure if that's a good thing. He might leave the village again. After my papa told me that he was dying and Kurama selected me to become his next jinchuriki I had to accept. In three months he is going to tell Konahamaru-sensei that he's going to be the Eighth Hokage and then he would only have a year left alive. I now trained to use my byakugan better but for the Hyugas I'm still weak. I don't really care if they don't accept me in the Hyuga clan I want to be the New Nine Tail Jinchuriki and not the Heir of the Hyuga Clan. My papa already is training me to summon frogs I'm heading to training ground 10 where Shikadai is at. I feel bad for Inojin he likes me but I'm in a relationship with Shikadai we been secretly together since I was 13 that means 2 years now. We are dating in secret because my papa would flip. My mama knows that I been dating him for so long and accepts him. I get to the training ground and find Mirai-sensei, Chou Chou-chan, Inojin-kun, a young version of Nara-sama, and Shikadai-kun.

"Mirai-sensei! Did you hear I'm now a toad summoner!" I yelled and ran to them I looked to see blushing Shikadai and Nara-sama. "Nara-sama It's you from the past. My young papa is here too with mama!"

"Sama?" He questioned looking at his future son who only looked away and mumbled troublesome women.

"That's wonderful Hima-chan!" Yelled Inojin blushing madly. "Maybe...maybe we...we can...can go out to get a bowl of ramen sometime."

As I was to answer and politely decline him Shikadai pulled me away. I blushed at his bold actions. We both agree that we shouldn't show affection in front of his teach knowing that it might hurt his team work. He mumble something about training shocking everyone and making me grin.

"Yes let's train! I have to meet papa in a few hours for my toad summoning and hopefully be a candidate for being the jinchuriki once Papa pases away of old age." I say making him smile lightly. I don't have normal dreams as most people. Most people want to be Hokage or Anbu. Don't get me wrong I want to be Hokage but after I complete my real dream. I want to be the Nine Tails Jinchuriki. Hopefully Kurama would accept me and we can be as strong as my papa. We stand facing each other and I activate my byakugan. For this match I have to be smart as my grandpa Minato Namizaki the Fourth Hokage, a hot head like my grandma Kushina Uzumaki The Red Hot Blooded Habanero, tricky like my papa Naruto Uzumaki-Namizaki, and gentle like my mama Hinata Hyuga-Uzumaki-Namizaki.

"This is too troublesome." Shikadai yawn making Nara-sama younger self sweatdrop at his future son. No way am I going to lose to a lazy Nara! and also no way am I going to look back in front of Nara-sama! "Let's do this later, we could watch clouds in the meantime."


"I can train with you Himarawi-chan." Fanboy Inojin, Chou Chou rolled her eyes and Mirai-sensei looked amused. She then told Chou Chou to spar with Inojin they nodded and they began sparing not paying attention to us.

"How about this loser gets to tell my Papa our secret." I gave him close eyes a fox grin making him pale.

"How about buy ramen instead." He reasoned and I shook my head no. "Fine winner gets to tell Inojin."

"Don't play dirty with me Nara!" I yelled at him then I noticed his shadow possession coming my way. I jumped to a safe distance making him cursed out. Now let's see he is a far ranged opponent that means I have to get close to him in order to beat him but the closer I get the easier would be to trap me in his shadow possession jutsu but maybe I can distract him with shadow clones.

"I'm not playing dirty Himarawi." He shrugged and looked at me seductive. "Unless you want to play something dirty?"

"Stop it!" I yelled flushing bright red that could rival my grandma's hair. "Don't say things like that in front of your dad!"

"He's still here?" He questioned finding a young embarrassed Shikamaru. He looked down while Shikadai just shrugged not seeing the problem. I think he's sometimes too much like him Mom always saying things that could embarrass the other person without meaning to. Especially sexual things. Not that we have done anything yet! It's not the right time. I think. While he was looking at his dad with his beautiful green eyes I created shadow clones one going to the left, the other to the right, one up and myself down leaving a shadow clone in my position. "Well now where were we? Right you probably already made shadow clones and they are building up your lavender rasengan."

How wrong he was this time, I wanted to laugh but I couldn't blow my cover. I'm directly below him any moment my clones will attack. Then I heard the signal for my clones to attack.

Clone on the left
Ok I give the signal I think they are all in position. One. Two. Three! I ran full speed ahead to throw a punch I dodge each time his shadow possession and start a taijutsu battle with him then clone on the right appears.

Clone on the right and up
We both attack at the same time joining the taijutsu battle with clone on the left. She disappeared thanks to the punch of Shikadai and then clone from the top also poofs away. The clone that was left behind joins the fight we are throwing punches and kicks around Shikadai dodges or blocks every single one.

I come out punching him bottom of his chin surprising him and Nara-sama. He's thrown back and I land on the ground gracefully. He stands up and takes me by surprise. I can't move a muscle. "Shadow possession jutsu accomplished." There I knew I couldn't move. What? Where did he get me?

"You're probably wondering when I got to you I was on you from the beginning." He explained walking to me and making me walk to him now we are close to each other face to chest? He lets me look up to him only to see his lazy expression. Damn him. "You waited for me to let my guard down only problem you send a clone to the left and I was looking at my past version of my dad that's on my left. Then I thought a clone left, one right, one up, one down and you stay behind. Now that didn't make sense that would leave you exposed. So you send clones everywhere but down because it was the safest way to get to me and also hid your chakra so I wouldn't detect you. You got me to be distracted with your clones and that's when you made your move I waited for you to feel like you won and not let you see my shadow possession."

"Well played Nara." I said smirking at him then remembered the winner tells Inojin. "I guess I'll tell Papa about us and you can tell Inojin."

"I'm not telling him you are." He said folding his arms removing the shadow possession. "You are."

"I'm not telling Inojin!" I said desperately. That is something I do not want to do, break someone's heart.

"Not telling me what Himarawi-chan?" Inojin said looking at me with the most adorable expression on his face. He's like a little brother to me. Sure he's older but he's still so naive on everything that it makes me sick. Sure after you go through my papas memories you tend to harden your heart on a few things.

"I...I...me...me...Shikadai... I...umm...is it hot outside or what?" I chuckled making him frown. Chou Chou looked annoyed and did what most everyone shouldn't do. Break someone's heart.

"Himarawi and Shikadai has been dating for 2 years everyone knew except the adults who were too stupid to noticed! I mean really?! Is it that hard not to notice? Himarawi is like Hinata-San when she was younger or so aunt Sakura says!" I blushed deep red and then everything turned black the last thing I heard was Shikadai yell my name.

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