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       "You know my papa is going to die soon right?" Himarawi said sitting at Sakura's and Sasuke house. Most nodded and the time travelers looked shocked while everyone ignored Naruto's rage. "I think you and Aunt Sakura should tell him how you feel."

     "What!" Both teenage Sakura and Sasuke yelled while Tsunade smirked then frown giving money to Jiraiya and Orochimaru who were smirking.

     "Honey how do you know this?" Adult Sakura chuckled while her daughter rolled eyes at her. Sarada pushes her glasses up and then looked at Shikadai who was still on Himarawi's chest. The poor girl was used to her boyfriend just coming out of nowhere and laying down on her chest. He looked like he fell asleep. Temari from the past just glared at Shikamaru starting a fight that her son was like that because of him. While Shikamaru just shrugged saying it was most likely her fault resulting a bigger fight. Kankuru just stared at adult Sasuke and Sakura confused, Gaara still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he died and then came back to life. The three Sanin were making bets the two male teammates bet that they would tell him together while Tsunade bet that they would tell him separately. Choji was still trying to process that he would find someone that doesn't care about his size just the big heart he has. Ino was now a fangirl to her future husband telling Tenten about her son while she did the same. Neji and Lee were surprisingly talking about how close their children were and that Neji's son was Metal's sensei. Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto who was still yelling at the Nara to get off his daughter were listening on their conversation. Kiba and Shino were also listening to the conversation while Akamaru stayed at the backyard since Sakura didn't like cleaning dog fur. Reason why they don't have a pet.

     "I'm young not stupid I beat Nara-sama on shoigi before just can't beat this guy here," Hima said now getting the attention of everyone.

    "You beat Shikamaru? How you're the dobe's daughter!" Sasuke uncharacteristically yelled making everyone including Naruto agree with him. "Why are you agreeing dobe?"

    "It's true im not the brightest, I have proven myself to be strongest but not the brightest. It was smart of me to have Shikamaru as my advisor imagine if I didn't. The village would already be burned down," Naruto shrugged surprising everyone on his smart respond. He then turned to Hinata and asked if he can hug her like Shikadai is doing to Himarawi which Hinata shyly nodded. He went in front of her unzipped her jacket making everyone see the big breast she was supposedly hiding. He then laid his head on them. "This is so comfortable why didn't I do this before?"

     "Na-naruto-k-kun," Hinata blushed but reminded herself not to faint soon even Naruto feel asleep. He pulled her closer to him making her blush more.

      "Well...back to my point," Himarawi draw the attention back to her. "Aunt Sakura you only became a medical ninja to make sure you never lose my Papa but you didn't realize you have lost him to Mama. You realized when Papa went all nine tails after thinking Pain killed Hinata. Although Papa didn't realized he loves Mama until later on. Uncle Sasuke you have always loved Papa the same way as Mama. You saw Papa as your savior but you knew if you went after him you would be his destruction. Even at early age you knew you two were meant to be together but not the way you wanted to."

     "Also you two know that the other loves Naruto probably still do and decided to marry each other because of it," Shikadai finished it off before he could go back and stuff his face on her girlfriends chest again Temari grabbed hi and pulled him to sit down next to Himarawi making him give a lazy glare to her teenage mother. "Why did you do that? I was comfortable there. Better then watching clouds."

     "You watch clouds?" Shikamaru smirked and Shikadai nodded. Shikamaru hopes that his future child wouldn't be nothing like the loudmouth of his mother or else he would wonder how his future self survives. "What else do you do?"

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