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Chapter Eleven

Sarada's point of view

     "Hima what's wrong?" I walk out of the Uchiha compound to get greeted by crying Himarawi. I know she and Shikadai has been dating for a while now 2 years to be exact.

"Shikadai broke up with me." She cried harder falling sobbing. I quickly went over there and wrapped my arms around her.

"Let's go inside Hima." I said and she nodded standing up following me inside. My mom was inside and my past mom was also there she didn't feel like going to the meeting with Lord Seventh because she knew Ino would tell her everything and besides she send a clone. They took noticed on Himarawi's state and they were concerned.

"Is she ok?" Past mom said worrying. I shook my head and I guided her to sit down on the couch. My mama came and sat down with us.

"I thought we were great." Himarawi said tearing up. "Then we told team 10 that we were together and everything went downhill. Shikadai broke up with me saying that it would hurt his team."

Suddenly a small frog appeared not making eye contact with Himarawi it spoke. "Master Akihiro would like you to pack your stuff for a month journey, meet him at the village gates in an hour." Then he puffed away, Himarawi dried her tears and stood up.

"Thank you for listening to me Aunt Sakura, Past Sakura, and Sarada." She then ran out without hearing us call to her. I'm going to kill Shikadai! I stood up and I told my mama that I have some business to attend to. Then I noticed two raven haired males come in one was taller by a couple of inches but you can tell both apart.

"Papa." I greeted and ran out not before going on my tippy toes and poking his forehead. "Sorry papa maybe next time I can talk to you more."

I left one Uchiha shocked that I did that and one blushing Uchiha clearly mad or probably upset that I did that. I have my grandmas smile, my uncles talent, my grandpas stern gaze my family is always with me. I went and decided to pay Boruto a visit before going and kick a Nara's ass. I got to the hospital end quickly ran to Boruto's room. I may or may not looked through my mama's notes and find which room he's staying in. I went inside to see him struggling to get the chains off his wrist.

   "You teme." I said walking to him punching him in the face. "I love you, don't you dare leave me like that again!"

  "I need to get strong to be able to protect you. Recently I found out the one behind bringing the past to the future wants to bring everyone that did a big part on the fourth shinobi war to the future so they could succeed in bringing the world to an end. I need to get stronger so I can protect you." Boruto tells me making me nod.

   "If you're going to leave." I said looking down. "Take me with you, I love you and I want to walk by your side forever."

  "You two aren't going anywhere." Said a voice behind me. I turned around to find Lord Seventh, The Seventh's Advisor, Mama, and Papa. Naruto has his arms crossed while his advisor Shikamaru was looking bored to be here. Mama had tears in her eyes and Papa looked ready to kill. I jumped in bed with Boruto hugging him and removing Papa's view of his face.

    "Sarada you aren't helping my situation with your dad." I heard Boruto mumble making me sit up and I was stranding his waist. He turned bright red and grabbed the pillow to cover his face. "Now you're really really not helping me, dobe."

   "I'm protecting you from my papa's glare, teme." I Hissed them I felt something hard under me. "Oh...I'm really not helping." I mumbled looking at my mama for help. She nodded and punched my Papa out of the room. She cracked her knuckles and lord Seventh ran out with his advisor following behind. I stared at Boruto and still felt him growing hard. "I'm not doing anything! Stop being a pervert!"

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