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Astore; to furnish with stores

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Astore; to furnish with stores.

So not only had Sebastian Howl called Camilia furniture, he also knew about her killing that asshole Anton Kaminski.

Anton had blown up her father's construction site as a revenge for getting the construction deal instead of him. There were workers on the floor at the time of the explosion, three died. The police wrote it off as a wiring mishap but everyone knew Anton was behind it. Camilia did it out of pure vengeance, the three workers didn't deserve to die just because the idiot was pissed off about a deal. She wanted to take him out before anyone could put a hit on him.

That day, she opted out of the disguise, thinking she would be too high up for anyone to notice and the club was busy, no one would pay attention to her. Plus, the wigs were hard to keep in place, one wrong move and the wig could've landed on a security guard. If her father found out that she had gone behind his back to take out Anton with limited disguise, she would probably be back in Italy by now.

Sebastian Howl knows my secret.

He was turning out to be more annoying than she thought. It left her to wonder why he would even have an interest in her. She relied on the Dalton student body to be narcissist enough to only look at themselves, so why was Sebastian so hell-bent on refusing to look away from her. She needed to know more about him, things the news articles couldn't tell her. The only person who could help her was Jules, so she tried everything to reach the Sweden prison/boarding school. She finally was allowed a phone call with Jules under the pretense of her pet cat Matilda dying.

Jules instantly knew it was Camilia on the other line because Matilda did not exist. Her friend let out a thundering laugh at the mention of Sebastian Howl.

"What scheme has Sebastian cooked up now? Babe, I know he's very hot, like movie-star good looks, but he has an insatiable heart. He can smooth-talk butter into melting, he's that good."

Camilia responded with, "Please, blondes are not my type, especially blondes that are annoying as hell."

"What did he do now?"

"He's got dirt on me, Jules. Dirt I don't want anyone to know. You and Sebastian, you had a thing with him right--"

"No way!" Jules said. "We were not like that, it was strictly business. I mean I did have a phase of going for perfect A-class men but it passed and Sebastian...he's different. You'll know soon enough,"

"Jules, what are you saying..."

She sighed and then abruptly let out a shrill cry, "Oh my poor Matilda," she cried a bit more before coming back on the phone. "Sorry, the prefect came by. Is the dirt Sebastian has on you that bad?"

"It's life or death." Camilia replied.

There was silence on the other line. "Okay, do you remember when my mom went out with that really condescending therapist. Well, let's say I somehow broke into his office and managed to get access to his clinic notepad that could secure people with whatever prescription their hearts desired."

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