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Third Person's POV

Junmyeon broke down to tears, his knees hit the ground hardly, kaking it have bruises.

Sehun's mouth hung open, while Luhan was comforting Junmyeon by rubbing his back.

"M-my Yifan!" Junmyeon cried, making Jongin go at his level and rub his back.

"It's gonna be fine Mr. Wu, you'll move on.." Jongin said quietly, but Junmyeon kept tearing up.

"N-NO!" Junmyeon's voice cracked a little, making Sehun worried.

"Junmama, shh.." Sehun hushed, making Junmyeon look at him with sadness.


"HE'S GONE OKAY! AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING!" Sehun shouted back, making the hospital quiet and turn it's attention to Sehun.

"S-sehun.." Luhan said in a faded voice, making Sehun snap from his mind and look at Junmyeon, who past out while shouting and crying.

"J-Junmyeon!" Sehun said, going at Junmyeon, shaking him.

"He's unconscious, I'll call a docto-"

"Jongin! Kris' heart!" The man with doe eyes, or Kyungsoo came out from the operation room, with wide eyes.

Jongin nodded, tellig Luhan to call a nurse instead, which Luhan did successfully.

(At the operation room)

Jonging got in, only to see the bullet was successfully removed from Kris' heart.

Kris' heart was already stiched, making his heart beat but the Chinese male was still unconscious.

Jongin sighed in relief, six hours of operation was successful because of the love of his life, Kyungsoo.

"You did well, babe.." Jongin said, rewarding a peck at Kyungsoo's lips.

Kyungsoo nodded, smiling at him.

"Let's just get him a room and now we could rest. Good job everyone!" Jongin congratulated all the other people who helped him at the operation.

(Junmyeon's room)

"We need a doctor now!" One of the nurses said, making Sehun and Luhan look at each other worryingly.

"Doctor Shin's here!" One of the nurses called out, revealing a masculine Doctor.

The doctor got in Junmyeon's room, not even saying his name, making the two worried more.

A few minutes has passed, the masculine doctor came out and looked at Sehun's direction and walked to them.

"Are you Mr. Wu's relative?" The doctor asked, making the both of them nod.

"Well, my name is Shin Hoseok, his doctor. He seems to hold too much stress and fatigue, his mental and physical health has not been good which led him to a comatose. I'm not sure when will he wake up, but he'll wake up of course." The doctor said with a sigh, making Sehun stand up.

"T-thanks doc.." Sehun said uncomfortably, making Luhan rub his back.

Hoseok waved goodbye, going straight back to Junmyeon's room.

Sehun sighed, trying not to cry. But he failed.

"Shh, hunnie. It's okay.." Luhan kissed Sehun's neck softly, making Sehun wipe his tears off.

"Let's just go to Kris and-" Sehunwas cut off, only to see Jongin's presence.

"He's waiting for you." Jongin jerked his head to the right, where Kris is.


As they arrived the room, they saw Kris laying down.

"Hey.." Sehun trailed off, making Kris turn to him.

"Where's Suho?" Kris asked.

"Woah, it's the first time you called him by that name-"

"Don't cut me off by your sht Luhan." Kris said in a serious tone.

Luhan's eyes was wide, even Sehun's.

Maybe because of stress. The couple thought.

Kris inhaled, exhaling in a mad way.

"Once again, where's Kim Junmyeon?" Kris asked, looking at the couple.

Sehun gulped, looking at Luhan, who's looking at the Chinese male who is about to stand up.

Sehun sighed.

"H-he's in a coma.." Sehun finally answered. Kris stood up and got to the door, making Sehun stop him.

"Kris your IV.." Luhan said worryingly, making Kris judt go out of the room.


Kris is currently in a wheelchair, being pushed by Sehun of course.

Luhan was currently leading the way to Junmyeon's room.

As they've arrived, Luhan peaked at the room, only to see Junmyeon with eyes shut.

As Kris' got in, he stood up, making Sehun get Kris' IV quickly.

Kris got towards the bed, a tear escaping his eye.

Without permission, he kissed Junmyeon's lips, making the couple look in awe.

But it was interrupted when Junmyeon opened his eyes wide, breathing heavily.

Hoseok quickly barged in, sending the three out.


Hoseok went out, only to be followed by Hyungwon, his nurse, pushing a wheelchair where Junmyeon is.

"I-it's okay Hyungwon.. I can stand." Junmyeon said, making Hyungown nod.

Junmyeon stood up from the wheelchair, limping a little, walking to Kris.

Junmyeon sat Kris lap, making Hoseok and Hyungwon walk faster to their office, and the Hunhan couple's eyes widened.

"I miss you.." Junmyeon said, planting a deep kiss at Kris lips.

Kris smirked, he slid in his tongue, putting something sweet inside the smaller's mouth.

Junmyeon pulled away, he pulled out what's inside his mouth.




"Stop being busy on chewing it coz I'm asking you to be mine."

"Why ask? I'm yours already."

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