s p e c i a l

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Third Person's

Yifan and Junmyeon are actually in China already, cuddling each other under the thick comforter while showering each other with kisses.

Yifan was actually scheduled as a guest on an award show and he needed a companion, and it was Junmyeon.

The award show was at Sunday, only three days left for the wonderful event.

Junmyeon needed to get out for water, but Yifan didn't want to.

"Stay.." Yifan grabbed Junmyeon's wrist, but the Korean male shrugged and tried to get away at the Chinese-Canadian male's aggressive touch.

Yifan squished harder, making Junmyeon scream and bite his love's hand.

"AAA WHAT THE FUCK! BABY WHY THE HE–" Yifan was cut off by a pair of lips attaching to his.

Yifan deepened the kiss by entering his tongue at Junmyeon's warm cavern.

Junmyeon moaned, their tongues were dancing to each other, making both males lose breath but didn't mind because lust has already blinded them.

Yifan started to make Junmyeon lay on his back, still eating the smaller's mouth.

Yifan pinned Junmyeon's wrists on the matress, and Junmyeon squirmed under Yifan.

Yifan pulled away, strings of salaiva were around their brusied lips, even an intertwined one was at the middle.

Yifan just sighed, he didn't want to ruin his surprise for Junmyeon, so he preffered to get out of the room and get some fresh air at the balcony.

Junmyeon sighed, wrapping himself on the covers, he didn't like it, but he loved it.

Junmyeon just looked at Yifan's back, he sighed to himself, trying to forget what just happened.

But Junmyeon was interrupted by a call, so he stood up and grabbed his phone.

Sehun was calling, so Junmyeon quickly answered it.

"Ayo wassuppp??" Junmyeon greeted playfully, hearing a happy sigh from the other line.

[Lil bro, when will you come back here?] Sehun asked, and Junmyeon just smiled.

"Soon. Hopefully I'll get to see y'all there." Junmyeon answered.

[plus, Taeyong already lives with like, let see, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixtee- BOY HE'S LIVING WITH SIXTEEN
PEOPLE ON YOUR HOUSE NOW!] Junmyeon accidentally dropped his phone at Sehun's screaming.

"tHEY FIT IN MY HOUSE?" Junmyeon shouted back, and Sehun nodded forgetting that Junmyeon can't see.

[YEAH! LETS JUST FACE TIME SO YOU COULD SEE!] Sehun shouted once again, and Junmyeon nodded, he answered, seeing his brother's growing beard.

"The fuck Sehun shave." Junmyeon snickered, but Sehun just smirked.

"Have you been drooling? Or just a cumshot from your blowjob to Kris?" Sehun playfully asked, making the younger blush, but Kris heard it as well, so he just shrugged, he still looked outside.

"shut the fuck up." Junmyeon laughed, even Sehun. But on the other hand, Yifan already was a jealous lil bean.

Yifan can't take his jealousy anymore so he walked up to Junmyeon and snatched his phone and ended the call.

Junmyeon was really mad right now, he wanted to shout at his lovers face but Yifan grabbed Junmyeon's wrist and pulled him downstairs.

Junmyeon was scared, he didn't know what to do, and Kris was sexually fustrated.

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