Chapter Seventeen

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edit: 8.19.20
880 words

awsten p.o.v.

geoff and otto woke me up early the monday morning following when break officially started the previous friday. they woke me up at six fifty, but said where we were going didn't open until eight.

i thought it was bullshit, but i let them have their way.

i dressed in some jeans, black vans, and my pink hoodie over one of otto's t-shirts. he was slightly angry at me when he discovered that i packed zero short-sleeved shirts. in reality, i hardly owned six. i haven't had a lot of short-sleeved shirts since junior high started.

i shuffled out of the guest bedroom-place i've been in the last few days. mrs. wood just barely gave the 'okay' for me to leave. the boys talked to her last night and she finally caved.

was i glad about it.

geoff and otto were already by the front door, each with plates filled with banana bread. that's not breakfast, i signed.

"it is now!" geoff laughed. the sound made my heart pound.

we went out to otto's car. i ran to shotgun before geoff could even think to. i don't think he minded though because he just looked at me like i do at pink-yellow lemonade.

the car ride took about twenty minutes. i wiggled in my seat when we were at the indoor ice rink. "a warning to wigington," otto said as we pulled into a parking space. "knight here is an expert at ice skatin'."

am not! i signed. i am the clumsiest boy you know, and you think i'm good at ice skating? bull.

otto snickered. "shows what you know."

i ran ahead of the other two and waited impatiently for them to get inside the building. it seemed like they were talking about something though, and that the slow walking was on purpose.

geoff paid for all three of us. we went to go get the skates; geoff had to help me out with mine because they stressed me out a little.

i gripped otto's and geoff's hands right before we got out on the ice. it made geoff laugh. "otto, i thought you said he was an expert?"

that was when i had the strength.

"he is!" otto argued. "but then again, we haven't gone ice skatin' in like-how long?"

seven years. we've changed a lot since then.

i shrugged and pulled my hand out of otto's, which was a mistake. i immediately slipped and fell, pulling geoff down with me. i landed on top of him, and he had his hands on my lower back.

too close.

i awkwardly rolled off of him. shaking, i stood up and held onto the wall.

geoff blushed. "sorry, i-sorry." he stuttered. i shook my head and fell to my knees next to him. you don't need to be sorry, i signed with one hand. my other hand was on his cheek.

"i upset you though." he mumbled. "i'm sorry" i felt tears threaten to spill over as i shook my head. for a moment, i couldn't think of a way to let him know that i forgave him. but then i remembered thursday night, when i had asked him spend the night with me because i didn't want to be left alone.

i brought my other hand up to his face as i kissed him. through the kiss, i tried to express that i forgave him. when i broke the kiss, he suddenly blurted, "will you be my boyfriend?"

i furrowed my eyebrows and sat back. the blush on his face had deepened. otto was just standing next to us, looking as if he were holding his breath. suddenly i knew what they might have been talking about when we got here.

"i-i'm sorry, obviously this isn't the time to ask." geoff was saying when i snapped out of my thoughts. "i-i just-" i cut him off by kissing him again.

"that better be a fuckin' yes, knight, or i'm kickin' both your asses." otto said.

geoff and i separated enough for him to laugh and for me to grin, teeth and all. this moment was all pink-yellow lemonade for me. i realised then that maybe this was the closest i was going to get to share the pink-yellow lemonade with otto.

unless geoff could be the subject of the photo we had planned. sure, i still wanted the pink and yellow roses. but now i had yellow-lilac chills that i wanted to add to the photo, too.

geoff put a hand on my cheek, causing me to turn back to him. "so is that saying you'll be my boyfriend?"

i laughed and nodded. geoff's face lit up like a campfire. otto was grinning more than me and geoff combined.

"can i be the captain of this ship?" he asked.

geoff snorted. "you're our best friend. i don't see why not."

otto made a shrill sound and helped us stand up. "yes! now we can go on double dates with grace and-" he gasped. "shit, we should have invited her, too!"

geoff and i laughed as otto pulled us around on the ice ring. even if geoff had an arm wrapped around the small of my back, i didn't try to get away.

i felt like i could do anything.

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