Welcome to Rosewood

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He was tall with brown eyes and hair, he smiles at me he was SO cute.

-Sorry, are you ok?- he told me with a perfect smile

-ye..ye..-"come on Troian!! you are acting like a stupid" I tell to myself, but the words couldn't came out.-yes, thanks but actually my home isn't this way even sory blame it on me- thats it?? really? I am so stupid.

I turned around to start walking again but someone stop me taking me by my hand.

-Hey wait, I am Keegan and I am new at Rosewood.-

-Oh, hi I am Troian are you lost?-

-Actually yes, can you give me a hand?-

He was still holding my hand but now he have both of my hands around his fingers.

-Let me see.-

It was the next door adress!

-This is were you live?-

-Yes, there is a problem?

-No, but if this is your adress you are my new neighbour.-

-There is a problem with that?-

-Noo and also i think i like it.- I say with a smile on my face.

-So, lets go?- He say letting my hands free from his fingers.

We started walking and started talking. He told me about his life and I tell him about mine. He was a sweet guy.

-Well, I think here it is!-I told him as a goodbye, I didn't want to get away from him.

-Thank you so much Troian- He told me putting part of my hair behind my ears.

-My house is next door, when you need something knock me.-

-Ok your so sweet, are you like this with every stranger you meet?.- He laughed.

-Here you have my number.- I gave it to him and turn around starting to walk.

-Wait. I have to do something before you go-

When I realised our lips were touching each other. After a long kiss I went back to my house. When I get in there was a note signed by mom, dad and Melissa (my sister) "We went to Peny we will be back tomorrow at night, take care we love u" I hate to stay alone at my house.

I went up stairs to my room and get out my phone. I had a new message from Keegan "Are u Ok?" he make me feel so special I answered him "not too much I am at home alone". I take a shower and put on my pijama. I was a sleep when suddenly I woke up by konckings at my door. This was too scary. I went down stairs and open the door it was..


Hi girls please vote and comment love u xoxo

SPOBY (Keegan Allen and Troian Bellisario)Where stories live. Discover now