Bad first day

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Keegan P.O.V

I woke up.. "Wohoo I thought, today I'm going to see Troian again. I miss her so much."

I was late. I arrive and the bell had already rang. I went running to my history class, wich I shared with Troian. I opened the door saying with large "hi" until I saw Troian, sitting with another boy. A boy that I even knew. I looked at her directly into her eyes. She seemed nervous, confussed or just uncomfortable. I sat alone at the last desk with a girl I even knew.

It was a boring class sometimes I could hear the laugh of Troian and that new guy.

-What's the name of that guy sitting besides Troian?- I asked the girl wich I was sitting with.

-He is Matthew, Matt, he is new and so hot. I've heard Troian is dating him.

-Oh no- I laughed- She is MY girlfriend.

-Check it by yourself dude.

Troian P.O.V

The bell rangs and I got all my stuff together putting it inside my backpack. Matt hold my hand wispering at my ear "Come on babe, we have to go to the shop in front of school to get our pictures." The other day when we went to the beach we selected some photos to print them.

-Oh.. can you go by your own? I want to be surprised.- I said taking away my hand from his.

-Oh.. ok, just because there are for you and me.

-Thank you so much. You are amazing.

He tried to kiss me but I turn around and look at Keegan.

-Hey Troian are you ok? because since that guy came your acting wierd. Did I do something wrong?

-No Matt it's just nothing. He is my friend and I didn't saw him for a long time and I just can't wait to say him "hi". That's all.

-Ok, I trust you. See you later.

Once Matt was out I went running into Keegan's arms.

-Hellooo Kee I miss you so much! don't go anywhere again.

-Helo baby I missed you too but I think you find a new guy who disstract you all of the time. And makes you very happy. And hold your hand. And makes you laugh even more than I do. And..

-Hey Keegan stop, he's just a friend.

-People thinks that YOU are daiting your friend.

-Bah!! and you believe them?

It was better that Keegan stopp asking me things because I didn't know what else to invent.

We get out of that class with our hands together. Everyone was looking at me.

-Why everyone looks at you? Have you done something that makes you be so popular?.

-No, I just think is because... I don't know really.

Keegan asked me if I can go with him to his car because he forgot his biology book. We were at his car. When suddenly he looked at me.

-I think I know the answer why everybody was looking at you. You are gorgeus.

He put his both hand on my cheeks and started kissing me. It was the first time I kissed him since... since I met Matt.

Matt P.O.V

They give me the photos and I payed. I was walking back when I tought I saw Troian kissing another guy. This guy that makes her wierd. I couldn't believed it so I went closer and hide behinde a car. They seemed like they were not going to stop kissing each other, it make's me so angry!! I pick up a rock that was next to my foot and threw it. It hit Troian's head. I dind't mean to do that but it makes me calm down. Their lips finally separate.

-Ouch- Troian shouted. They looked all over but they didn't see anybody.

-Don't worry babe, come on lets go inside. I think I have some thing on my locker to care of you.

They smiled to each other and started walking. I get into my locker, pick up my biology book and go into my class. Keegan was sitting next to Troian this time. I sat at the other side of the class. We were in the middle of the lesson when the principal opened the door

-Hi ms. Mill, Keegan Allen, your father came to take you.

Keegan took all his stuff with and kissed Troian's hand.

The bell rang and I went directly to Troian.

-Troian I'm not stupid, tell me what's going on between you and Keegan right now.

-Nothig Matt we are just friends.- She tried to kiss me but I didn't let her this time.

-Oh..., I didn't knew that friends kiss each other at the parking lot and I didn't knew that also they kiss their hands.


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