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The vacation was deeply needed. The massages I got loosened the tight muscles in my back and neck. The facials made most of my wrinkles disappear. These types of things shouldn't be happening when you're twenty-four years old. With the amount of work that I had to do the past couple of years with my mother, I was so thankful that I was able to find an affordable nurse to help me with my mom.

Hawaii was such a breathtaking place. I was able to afford the nice and beautiful side of Hawaii. I got a nice tan and then after a week, unfortunately I had to make my way back home.

The airplane ride back was a breeze considering I was asleep the whole time. The pilot spoke into the intercom. "Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is your pilot speaking. Welcome to the Los Angeles airport, also known as LAX. Local time is exactly ten in the morning and the temperature is 74 degrees Fahrenheit."

I stretched my legs as much as the confining space allowed me to and I yawned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Very orderly, everyone boarded off the plane and into the airport. I stood at the bag retrieval, waiting to see my purple bag. I grabbed it as soon as I seen it, wanting to hurry up and get back home and away from the airport crowd.

So many people were rushing in and out of the entrances and exits of the airport lobby. I sighed, wishing that everyone would disappear.

I was almost at the exit when a roar of screams made my heart race, and suddenly an immense amount of people came rushing inside the airport, coming straight for me. I turned around in a quick panic, running into someone that made me drop my bag and fall to the floor. I closed my eyes, waiting for some type of pain from being trampled on. The loud screams and shouts continued, but I never felt the pain. Someone with large hands and tremendous strength helped me up. I looked up and was met with a man that looked oddly familiar.

"Are you okay?" The man asked me. His eyes were green. But like, the type of green that would push through gritty snow to let you know that spring was coming. His eyes sparkled as he waited for my answer.

I nodded my head, unable to form a coherent sentence, I wasn't sure if it was from the overwhelming green of his eyes or the very strong accent that left his lips. Was that an English accent?

The man and I were surrounded by six larger men. They were tall and incredibly bulky. I was thankful for their large bodies. They kept the screaming people away, although they were trying to get pictures of the man next to me by raising their cameras.

The man, who had yet to introduce himself, picked up my bag and handed it to me. "You seem to not know who I am." He had a questionable look on his face as I took my bag from him. I tried to go through my memories. But I didn't know him, other than having this familiar feeling.

"I'm Harry Styles."

My eyes widened twice their natural size. I gasped and Harry lightly laughed, showing me how deep his dimples went. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I've heard you on the radio a few times but I'm not a crazed fan. I mean I love your music but I don't evolve my life around you. I mean not that you aren't worth evolving my life around but-"

Harry laughed again, only slightly harder. "It's okay. Really. It's cool that you aren't screaming your head off right now during our conversation."

Blush crept up to my face and I pushed a stray hair behind my ears. "Well Harry, I would love to stay and chat but I really have to get home to my mom."

Harry smiled and nodded in understanding. "I will walk out with you. I'm leaving right now anyway."

With the screaming fans and shouting from the paparazzi, it was a little tougher than I thought trying to leave the airport. I am grateful that Harry's bodyguards were surrounding us. I might have had a heart attack if I had to be any closer to the insane crowd surrounding us.

We finally reached outside and it was breezy and moderately warm. We approached a large limo and I knew well who it was for. I looked up at Harry and laughed. "Really? A limo? You're one person."

He returned the smile and got inside. "It adds a dramatic effect to my exit."

He waved his hand goodbye and I did the same. Before closing his door, Harry whispered something to one of his bodyguards, receiving a nod in reply.

"Goodbye, I hope to see you again," Harry said before closing his door. The limo took off in a rush and I suddenly became nervous at the thought of being ambushed by a crowd of Harry's fans.

"Ma'am, Harry asked us to find you a taxi and to make sure you safely leave."

I nodded at the man and no longer than a few minutes later, I was getting inside of a taxi. One of the bodyguards placed my bag in the trunk and then all six men moved away from the car. Just like I assumed, a crowd of people approached the window with flashing cameras, trying to see who I was. My quickest reflex was to shield my eyes, and I just hoped that was enough to cover up my face.

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