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I couldn't do it. As much as I wanted to, something in me couldn't bring myself to do it.

I wanted to kiss Harry, I did. But I think maybe I still had feelings for Dylan. It wouldn't be fair on Harry if I actually kissed him and led him on.

One thing that's always been hard for me was to reject someone. You can't possibly reject someone in a nice way, no matter how hard you try. Rejection hurts and unfortunately, no matter how you do it or how you say it, it will always hurt the other persons feelings. That's what everyone fears, which is why people would rather have crushes from afar, which later lead to heartache.

I do applaud Harry for telling me the truth. I told him the truth. I told him that I wanted to kiss him back, but I was currently getting over someone and I wasn't sure how I would feel about kissing another man.

He looked as if he expected my answer. He replied back to me by saying that he knew he was moving too fast, but he could feel himself growing closer to me.

Instead he approached me slowly, and left a soft kiss on my cheek, making my heart flutter. He got back inside of his car and then drove away.

Now, I'm in bed and I can't sleep. I paid Roxy and told her that she could head home.

Tossing and turning, I tried every sleeping position possible. Harry just wouldn't leave my thoughts. Every time I closed my eyes, I seen his bright green eyes sparkling with adornment. I wish I could've kissed him.

I finally fell asleep and was awoken early the next morning by a cell phone call.

"It's early in the morning, what do you want?" I told Bonnie with a scratchy voice.

"Tobi, you will never guess what I just seen," she said. I heard loud things banging in the background and many people yelling and arguing.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"So you know I keep tabs on celebrities and stuff right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well today I came to the magazine stand and Harry and your face are plastered on practically every celeb gossip magazine! I bought the People magazine before anyone else could snatch them all. People here are fist fighting for the magazine's Tobi!"

I sat up in bed quickly. I completely forgot about last night. "Please don't tell me it shows my face clearly."

"Okay I won't. But you two look so adorable together," Bonnie squealed.

I rolled my eyes and threw myself back into my pillow. A ringing of my doorbell made me groan and sigh.

"Don't sigh! It's me at the door. Hurry up and let me in. It's kind of cold," Bonnie said on the other line.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. I got up lazily from my bed and went to open my door. She came inside super excited and it looked like she had drank several drinks of coffee.

I hung up my phone and dragged my feet back to my room, leaving Bonnie to lock my doors. I went back and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes and wishing I could go back to sleep.

A dip in my bed didn't bother me. I moved my face to my pillow, just wanting to be dead asleep already.

"So you haven't told me about how you met Harry. And you have to tell me about what happened last night!"

I mentally rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn't see regardless. "It's not a big deal really. I met him at the airport on accident. His fans almost trampled me but he saved me. We spoke for like thirty seconds and then he left. And last night? Well we joked all night and then the paparazzi attacked us. He took me home and now we're here."

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