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Berry's POV

"You think he's doing this on purpose? But why? What does he have to gain?" I asked Harry. None of this made sense to me. What was the whole point of hurting my mother?

"I don't know Berry but I think you should leave right now," Harry's voice was thick with panic and it was making me scared.

"Okay, let me go back inside and let him know I'm changing doctors and will no longer be seeing him," I told him. I quickly hung up and put my phone back inside my pocket, and then walked back inside Dylan's office. He was talking to my mother and they were both smiling.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I also want to let you know, Dr. Dylan, that my mother and I will no longer be seeing you. I will be taking her to another doctor to have her checked out." Dylan's smile quickly faded and he stared at me with a blank expression. I swallowed hard, his gaze beginning to make me feel afraid.

"Come on mom, let's go," I told my mother. I walked up to her to help her rise from the chair.

"I suggest you sit back down," Dylan said from across his desk. I looked up at him, looking to see who the hell he thought he was talking to, to only see him holding a gun straight to my head.

I didn't move. I was frozen with terror and I suddenly couldn't think correctly.

"I said sit back down!" He yelled.

His loud voice startled me but I obliged and slowly moved to the chair. I looked to my mother, who now had the gun pointed at her head and she looked at me, appearing to be just as scared as me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Because you're supposed to be mine! You were supposed to fall in love with me! But instead, you left me to date that English man! You think I haven't been seeing the millions of magazines printed everyday with your face and his plastered on every cover and issue?!"

I sat there, trying to hold in my tears. I was trembling with fear but I tried not to show it. Dylan's words were going through my head and I couldn't do anything except sit there and listen.

"Why me? You couldn't go out and find someone else to be with?" I asked in a small voice.

He laughed and began waving the gun in the air, clearly being careless. "No. I wanted you for three years. When I finally got you, I wanted you all to myself!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and his words didn't make any sense. "Dylan, I barely met you a year ago though."

He walked over to me, and my heart began to beat quicker than before. My hands were dripping sweat and I was sure my shirt was drenched with fear.

"Guess what? I actually seen a picture of you three years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. Your mother came in to my office, asking for some medical help. You see, she had depression. We were speaking for a bit and then I asked her about her family. She then showed me a picture of herself and you, and I couldn't help but want to be with you. You were beautiful, and you still are. Right then and there, I made it my goal to make you mine."

I gasped softly and a tear fell down my face. "Dylan, is it true that the medication you gave my mom makes her hallucinate?"

The question made him pull at my hair as he yanked my head backwards. He went towards my neck and began planting kisses, making goosebumps rise to my skin, but not out of pleasure.

"It is true. Your mom never had schizophrenia. She just had mild depression. I took advantage of that as soon as I realized that you were the one for me. I knew it would take some time, but I still got you in the end."

He let me go, pushing my head forward aggressively and began to walk back to his desk. His back was towards me, so I took my chance and I got up from the chair as fast as I could and I ran out of his office door. I heard a gun shot sound but I dodged it, with the hope that I can get out of here and get some help.

I ran down the stairs, trying to take two at a time but of course, I tripped and slipped down the stairs, hitting my head on the hardwood floor.

"Get back here!" Dylan shouted from upstairs.

I looked around, searching for the front door. I spotted it and quickly ran toward it. I grabbed the door handle and turned it, failing to open the door. I pulled harder at the door knob, hoping it would open but it wouldn't budge.

"I'm coooomiiiiing," Dylan sang. He was nearby and I ran away from the front door and to his kitchen. There was another door and I tried to open it, but like the front door, it was locked.

I began to panic and I searched every window. Every single one had bars, there would be no way to escape through the windows.

I turned back around, hearing footsteps coming closer and I ran around the kitchen and into the den. There was another door, and I tried to open it and was grateful when it actually did open. It didn't lead to outside but it did lead to the basement. There had to be a way out through the basement.

With no light to shine in my pathway, I closed the door behind me and walked down the stairs into the dark room. The stairs weren't lit up, but there was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. I could tell it was old as the room was barely lit with the dimming bulb.

I began to walk around, but heard something move. I stopped moving, wondering what else was down here with me. I walked towards the hanging bulb and right below, it was casting its light on something. With terror, I slowly approached it, trying to control my breathing as I felt like my breaths were too loud.

I got closer and I thought I seen it move. I froze, wondering if maybe it was just the bad lighting. I reached down and touched whatever it was and this time, it moved all the way around. It was a girl but I was too far away to see her face.

I got closer to her and I gasped. I took a step back when I realized who she was.

"Amanda?! What are you doing down here? Why does Dylan have you down here?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear me.

She was mumbling as she had a gag over her mouth. I quickly removed it and then she screamed.

"He's behind you!"

I quickly turned around and pushed myself back. He had a bat in his hands and he swung at me, missing my head by a mere inch. I began crawling backwards away from him, hoping to put as much distance between him and I as I could.

"You thought you could get away?" He laughed. He walked close to me, hitting the bat against his hand and threathening me.

"I see you found your friend. I was hoping she would help me get you back, but she deemed useless when she told me that she barely knew you," he said. He now had the bat next to his leg and he was softly hitting it against his shin.

"Please don't hurt me," I begged him. I tried backing up some more, but my back hit the cold stone wall.

He evilly grinned at me and brought the bat up. He got into position and my eyes grew wide when I realized what he was going to do. I had no where else to go, so I brought my hand up to shield myself, waiting for the hit.

But it never came.

Screaming sounded in the dark room and I looked to see what it was. It was my mother and she jumped onto Dylan's back. She was scratching at his face and he was screaming in pain. I got up as fast as I could and I ran to Amanda.

"Just leave me! Go now before he gets you!" She screamed.

"I'm not leaving you," I said as I tried to quickly remove her restraints. They were tied tight around het wrists. I was able to see marks beginning to form on her skin.

"Watch out!" Amanda screamed.

A painful throb was felt throughout my whole head and I suddenly fell unconsious.

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