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"Love, why would you think I would think you're crazy? Crazy doesn't run in people's families," Harry tried to comfort me. He pulled me into a hug and the smell of his light cologne was beginning to calm my emotions.

"No, but schizophrenia does Harry. And I'm scared that I might become older and have schizophrenia. And who will take care of me?! No one because I don't have anyone to watch after me! I'm going to be thrown into the psychiatric hospital!"

I was screaming now and I couldn't breathe. My emotions were getting the best of me. I began to pull at my hair and I crouched down, trying to breathe properly. I was hyperventilating and so many thoughts were running through my head. I was sobbing on the floor near Harry's feet and I knew for sure he was going to leave me during my breakdown. I closed my eyes, trying to contain myself and a pair of hands grabbed me unexpectedly.

"It's okay Berry," he began to cradle me in his arms. "You're not crazy, my love. If anyone's crazy, it'd be me crazy for you. But I can assure you, you are not crazy."

My body began to tremble from my hard sobs and listening to Harry's voice was soothing me.

"Sweet creature, had another talk about where it's going wrong. But we're still young. We don't know where we're going but we know where we belong," Harry began singing to me in a low and soft voice. It was very raspy as he tried to sing in a hushed voice, but it was very comforting. He was running his hands through my hair and rocking me back and forth as we both sat on my front porch.

Once he knew I was done crying, I looked up at him with my red and puffy eyes. "Thank you so much Harry."

He kissed me softly on the forehead and lingered his kiss for a while longer than usual. "You're very welcome. Are we okay now?"

I nodded my head and smiled at his use of "we". He got up first and then reached his hand down to help me up. We both dusted off our pants from the dirty porch and I grabbed my keys and opened my door to the house.

I turned around towards Harry. "Would you like to come in?"

He grinned at me and then nodded his head. I moved out of the doorway to allow him in and I switched on the light. The house was a huge mess and that instantly told me that Roxy had a hard time with my mom. Harry, like a deer in the headlights, stood awkwardly by the front door.

"You could sit down. I need to go wake Roxy and let her know she could go home," I told him.

Harry nodded his head and I walked away to my room. Roxy was sound asleep and I hated waking her up. But she told me several times that she doesn't mind me waking her for her to go home.

"Roxy," I said shaking her awake. "Roxy you can go home now. I'm home from my date."

Roxy turned around and faced me, moaning something that was unintelligible. I switched the light on for my room and Roxy got up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She began walking out of my room and mumbled a "Goodnight" to me.

"Goodnight Roxy! See you Tuesday," I told her from my room. I fixed my bed a little so Harry and I can be in my room rather than the dirty living room. Once my room was seemingly neat, I walked back into the living room with a Roxy that wouldn't stop talking and a Harry that looked scared.

"Um, hey guys? What's going on here?" I asked with a confused smile.

Roxy turned to me with wide eyes and wide grin. "You didn't tell me your date was Harry Styles."

I wrinkled my forehead. "I didn't know you knew about him. You're into 50's music so I assumed you knew nothing about him."

Roxy came up to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, purposely squeezing my shoulder a little too hard. "Don't be silly. I know a lot about him."

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