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As February 14th was quickly approaching, the thought of spending Valentines Day not single kept running through my head. What the heck was I supposed to get Harry? Does he even like Valentines Day? Does he celebrate it? How do you find a present for someone who has everything?

There were around two weeks left until that day came, so I tried writing down ideas that might be at least a decent gift to get Harry.

- Teddy bear with chocolates X too cliché
- A C.D. X I don't know his favorite music
- A vacation trip X he has money to get that and I don't have the funds
- A love letter X cringe
- Dinner and a movie X too boring

I wasn't a very romantic person. I ran out of ideas and I only had a few to write down. I crumbled the paper in irritation and sighed. I threw the paper across my room, making it into the trash can. I threw myself back onto my pillow and stared at my ceiling. I'm so terrible at being a good girlfriend and it's only been three weeks since we've been together.

A ringing of my phone broke me of my thinking and I answered the phone without checking to see who it was first.

"Hello?" I answered along with a deep breath.

"What's wrong love?" That deep and raspy voice asked me through his thick accent.

"Oh, Harry! I didn't know it was you calling," I giggled and sat up in my bed.

"Is there any other Harry you know? Are you hiding something I don't know?" He joked.

I laughed at him. "Oh yes! I forgot to tell you about this guy with green eyes and a sexy smile! We've been seeing each other and he's so hot."

Harry chuckled and I smiled. "Wow, what a lucky lad. Wish I were him."

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see.

"So Berry, I have to ask you something important," he said, his tone becoming serious.

My heart began to beat and I became nervous about what he would ask me. Did he want to break up with me already? I knew I was a terrible girlfriend.

He took my silence as a sign to continue. "So remember how I told you I had to go back home and visit my parents before Valentine's Day?"


"Yeah," I told him, afraid of what he will say next.

"Well I have to leave next week. But, I was wondering if you would come with? I'll be staying there for a month."

I was quiet as he waited for my answer. I couldn't just say yes and drop everything I had right here and go on vacation for a month. Now that Bonnie was leaving for New York this weekend, there was no way Amanda would be able to handle the whole shop. Not to mention, I didn't have money to pay Roxy for a month ahead of time.

"Harry, I'm not sure. It's really last minute. The shop will be in the hands of Amanda and just her alone, not to mention she's just part-time. I also have my mom and I don't have money to give Roxy ahead of time for watching her for a month."

Harry sighed, and as much as I wanted to go to his hometown and visit his family for a month, I just couldn't.

"What if I helped you out somehow?" He asked me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How?"

"Well what if I convince your manager to let you go for a month and in return give the shop publicity. And then I'll pay Roxy for you," he said.

I shook my head. I couldn't let him do that for me. "Harry, you can't do that."

"I can," he said. "And I will. If I do it, you have to come with me. I already bought your plane ticket."

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