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The noise of something ripping made my ears perk up. I was still somewhat unconscious, and I knew that. My mind was awake but my body was still in a comatose state.

The ripping sound was heard again. My mind yelled at my body to open my eyes or move, to do something, but I couldn't.

The rip was sounded again and I think I began to know what it was. It was like the sound of duct tape being torn off the roll. I had to open my eyes, I needed to do something.

"Slowly open your eyes," I mentally told myself.

I focused on my eye muscles, trying to move them from side to side. When that proved manageable, I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes.

I was successful and the bright light shining through the window in the corner shot pain throughout my whole head. I tried to reach up to hold my head, but I was restrained and I couldn't move.

I squinted in the light and tried to make the pain in my head pass by. I looked at my surroundings and although my vision was slightly blurry, I was able to see my mother slouched right beside me.

"Mom?!" I panicked. She was knocked out unconscious and had a giant black eye as well as a large bump on her forehead. Her arms were filled with bruises like if someone manhandled her.

As my vision finally became clear, her wrists were behind her back, covered in duct tape as well as her mouth. I tried to reach out to her, forgetting that I was restrained myself.

I looked around the room and realized my mother and I were back in Dylan's office. I widened my eyes in terror, searching for Dylan. He was no where in sight and that just made me more frightened.

I pulled at my hands, trying with all of my strength to part my hands from the tape that was holding them together. The tape seemed to have rolled up into a thin strip and was cutting into my skin with each jerk. I tried parting my hands again, wincing in pain.

"Nuh-uh-uh. Don't try to get out of the tape other wise I will tie you up with rope instead," Dylan said as he walked inside of his office.

I noticed he had a gun when he bent over to look inside of a box. The gun was underneath his belt, easy access for him.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried out to him.

He pulled out a chair and sat on it, making sure to face me. He sighed and then sat back, looking into space and then back at me. He had rope in his hands and he began wrapping it around his hand.

"I couldn't help but not become obsessed with you the day I seen a picture of you. You were so beautiful and I just felt like I had to have you," he said smiling.

"You won't get away with this. Harry knows I'm here!" I shouted at him.

"Oh sweetheart, but I already have! I have a gun and as soon as I see him inside my house, I'm going to shoot him and claim it was self defense. I won't go to jail for killing someone out of self defense," he laughed.

My eyes doubled in size. "Kill him?"

Dylan continued to laugh and I began to feel nauseous. I felt lightheaded at just the thought of seeing Harry dead on the floor.

"I'm just wondering what I will do with Liv and that girl in my basement once I kill them. I was thinking maybe I can just dunk the three bodies into the ocean. Take a boat ride out there and just toss them overboard. No one would be able to find them." Dylan put his finger to his lip as if he was thinking.

"You're a psycho!" I yelled at him.

In one swift movement, he got up and brought himself close to me. His face was near mine and he smelled like sweat and cologne. I had to swallow to keep myself from gagging.

"Good girls don't yell," he said. "So I suggest you stop or I will be taping your mouth shut."

My face was turned to the side as his hot breath hit my neck. With my eyes closed and my nose pointed in the other direction, I turned towards him and spit right in his face.

"Screw. You," I told him, emphasizing each syllable.

He grimaced in disgust and wiped his face with his sleeve. He looked angry and his face was turning a dark shade of red. He pulled the rope that was wrapped around his hand and put it between my lips to act as a gag. He aggressively pulled my head forward and tied the rope tightly behind my head.

"Treat me like that again and see if I don't cut your damn tongue off," he said turning around and walking out of his office.

I used his departing to my advantage. I nudged my mom with my tied up legs to try and wake her up.

"Mawm," I tried to say but the rope was making it difficult to speak.

I softly kicked her leg twice and her head moved.

"Mawm!" I tried to say loud enough for her to hear but low enough for Dylan not to hear.

My mother's head began to move and she moaned in pain. Her eyes slowly fluttered opened and I impatiently waited for her vision to adjust. When it did, she looked to me with frightened eyes and she tried to speak but nothing came out except for mumbling.

I wanted to tell her to try to untie me. I was thinking maybe if we got our backs together, she would be able to rip my tape off, but that was to much to say, especially while being restricted.

I looked around for anything that I could use as a tool to get me out. Unfortunately, everything useful was out of reach. I tried moving around on the floor, but something hard hurt me beneath my butt.

I used my hands to grab whatever it was, thinking it was on the floor and I was sitting on it. But no, it was actually my cellphone! I was so thankful when I found it. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and I mumbled to my mother.

Her attention went to my hands as soon as I showed her. "Caw none won won."

She quickly nodded and began tapping at my phone, thanking myself for not putting a password on my phone. I heard a small dial tone and then finally, the operator picked up.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

My idea was obviously stupid. I couldn't speak to them and it's not like I could just yell. What if I screamed and Dylan comes back and kills me and my mother on the spot.

"Hello?" The operator said again.

I tried tapping the speaker with my finger, hoping to create some noise for the other line.

"If you are unable to speak, the police are on their way right now to your location," the operator said and then the phone hung up.

I breathed a breath of relief and I sat back. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them, Dylan was back inside his office and he was staring at the phone that was sitting right beside me.

And he did not look happy.

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