A Fist Fight

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I was awoken by a tap on my shoulder. My eyes shot open. Shizuo was standing over my bed fully dressed with a glass of water and pills. "It's time to take your pills," He smiled a bright smile. "I've got to go to work. Tom called. He needs me," I sat up in bed almost immiediately.

"W-Why?" I whined. "Can't you just take a day off?" I was scared to be alone. I couldn't trust myself and Shizuo knew it. Why did he have to work?

He simply smiled down at me. "I have a solution to this problem. How would you feel about following me, from a safe distance of course, while I'm doing this job with Tom?" He held my face in his hands and placed a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

I nodded, and took my pills. Now I'd get to see Shizuo try to kill someone who wasn't me. I got up and slipped on a clean pair of boxers, black skinny jeans, and a long sleeve black v-neck. I met Shizuo in the living room and showed him I was ready. He grabbed my keys, and with a grin, slipped them into his pocket. I didn't grab my jacket, hoping nobody would recognize me without it.

"Okay now Izaya, stay half a block or a block behind me and Tom, okay? He smiled down at me as soon he saw Tom.

I nodded. "Okay," He kissed my forehead, and then slipped his sunglasses on. I had to admit, he did look tough, but I knew better than to think that. To me, he was an amazing ball of fluff.

I followed more half a block behind Shizuo and Tom, until they reached their destination. Tom was asking some middle aged guy for what he owed him, but he didn't seem to have it. Soon Shizuo had thrown him halfway across the city. From what I could see, Shizuo was seething, and Tom was trying to calm him down.

Suddenly, my back forcefully hit the concrete wall behind me. A guy had a fist full of the front of my shirt and he had shoved me against the wall. I tried to reach in my pocket for my knife, but then realized I had left my jacket at home. Well, wasn't I just einstein?

"You know Heiwajima? Aren't you that kid he was dating?" The guy spat at me. Kid? I might've been shorter than Shizuo, and really skinny, but I was 23! I already hated this guy. "Hey, answer my fucking question!!" He yelled at me. A felt a him firmly slap my face. I stayed silent.

I looked to my right. Shizuo was a block away with Tom. I opened my mouth to scream for him, but my attacker covered my mouth. "Crying for help, huh? I don't think so. You are his little boy toy! I knew it! How do you think he would feel if I broke his little toy?" The guy uncovered my mouth and grabbed my bandaged hand, and squeezed it with all the force he could muster. I screamed in agony. It was excruciating pain. I tilted my tear filled eyes to look in Shizuo's direction. He stopped dead in his tracks.

The assailant punched me in the mouth for screaming. I could taste the familiar tang of iron. My lip must've been bleeding. I heard the best thing I could've heard in the moment. My guardian angel. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" Shizuo.

The guy obviously was afraid of Shizuo, so to make matters worse he slapped my head into the concrete wall behind me as hard as he could, and let my limp body fall to the floor. I screamed as loud as I could, personifying how bad the pain I was feeling was. I felt him kick my side once, and then he ran away, at a speed I couldn't imagine.

To my surprise, Shizuo didn't go after the guy. He kneeled at my side, and pulled me into his arms. "Isn't that Izaya Orihara?" Tom asked. Right. He didn't know about us.

"I'll explain later. Tom, I need to get him to the hospital, his head is bleeding. Come with me so you can file a report. . Please?" Shizuo sounded scared. Through my seriously blurred vision, I could make out a nod from Tom.

Shizuo started running, and I could hear Tom following behind. I closed my eyes for a second. Shizuo violently shook me. "Izaya! Stay awake! You could have a concussion. Keep your eyes open," I opened them and tried to keep them open, but my eyelids were too heavy, and my eyes closed again. Shizuo stopped and held me close, and whimpered, "Izaya, baby, keep you eyes open for me okay? I love you. Remember what I told you last night? I'll pick you up when you're down, and I'll hold you in my arms until the pain goes away. Please stay awake,"

His comforting words kept me awake until we were in the emergency room. I was rushed into a room, and Shizuo wouldn't let go of my hand. Nurses and Doctors tried to get him to leave, but as soon as they heard the name 'Heiwajima' they gave in and let him stay by my side. He knew how I was, so they didn't tell them I was Izaya Orihara. He gave the name Kanra Heiwajima. I was grateful.

" 'ey Shizu-han, fank ou," My words were slurred and I couldn't get them out correctly. Though Shizuo got the message.

A nurse walked in, "Doctor Tachibana said, Mr. Kanra here has a mild consussion and a sprained wrist. Other than that, he should be able to be discharged in about an hour. We just need to fix some paperwork. Remember, no sleeping for him for another 1-2 hours," With that, the nurse walked out to finish he paperwork.

"So. . uh Shizuo? So you and Orihara are dating?" Tom asked. "What the hell did I miss?"

Shizuo looked up at him, "Izaya has been having some problems lately and at first I saw a flea suffering from something that wasn't me and it pissed me off, but then I spent more time with him, and I fell for him. He sure as hell ain't perfect, but I like him- no no, I love him. I just can't do anything without him,"

Tom sat there taking all of it in. He finally just nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. That's fine with me. Just don't bring him on jobs and start to make out in front of my clients. You as a person already terrify the living fuck out of them, but the sight of Shizuo Heiwajima and Izaya Orihara making out, might damn near kill them,"

Shizuo couldn't help but laugh. At the sight of Shizuo's smile, and the sound of his laugh, I cracked a smile. He made me so happy. The nurse walked in with a grim look on her face.

"Okay, so we looked deeper into the data we got on his head condition, and beside the concussion he is going to have severe head splitting migranes for the next week at least. I have some pain pills for him, but I talked with the doctor and we don't know if they'll work. If his headaches get to the point of his vision being blurred, vomiting, or dizziness, take him back here immiediately," The nurse explained. Like hell I was coming back here. Fuck that.

My vision had started to get better and Shizuo was now walking with me back to my apartment. "Why didn't you call me sooner? You could've been hurt less," Shizuo muttered. He was hurt and I knew it. I had failed as a boyfriend yet again.

Shizuo hugged me tightly. "You know, I don't even want to know. Fuck that. I'm just glad you're okay right now. If you need anything, anything, you ask me. okay?"

I kissed his lips passionately. I looked into his eyes. "Why wouldn't I ask my guardian angel?" He smiled and enbraced me once more.

"Let's get home," He kissed my cheek, as we began to walk again.

I was so happy in the moment, but little did I know, later I would have the worst head pains I've ever had in my life.

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