( 04. || trashmouths realization )

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December 23rd, 1988

PEBBLES ROLLED IN UNDERNEATH the sound of the losers bikes. School had just gotten out for the year, and all the group wanted to do was to head for the barrens.

Melody was gripping onto Bill Denbrough's waist as he soarded down a hill.

"Hiyo Silver! Away!" The young boy yelled out with a wide grin on his face. The boys problems rolled behind him as the air blew past his face.

Being a ghost in between a cold spot of his parents drifted away as Melody's arms wrapped around his waist. The thought of his unbearable stutter vanished as he rode his beloved bike. His brother being murdered rolled away as he let a wide smile curl up onto his face.  On his bike Bill Denbrough was truly another person. All his problems seemed to be nothing compared to when Silver wasn't around.

For Melody Hopper her head was turned upward, her face facing the sky as she let her air flow behind her like fire in the wind. If she was any braver she would've let go of Bill and let her arms outstretch into the sky. In fact, it was only a few months time when doing that would seem like an easy job.

The redhead didn't know that at this time though, all she knew was that she was happy.

The group of five roared down the gravel hills leading to their sanctuary. A place where no one bothered them, a place where they could be themselves.

"Hey sweetheart," Richie Tozier grinned slinging his arm around  as the group all parked their bikes. The four-eye boy was having an excellent day, his parents gave him some extra money and he aced some chicks number. - Of course at the time he didn't realize that it was indeed a fake number. - But overall in Richie Toziers mind, nothing could go wrong.

"Richie Rich, what's got you in a such a good mood?" Melody grinned, as the group all started walking down the hill towards the running water.

Richie smirked looking over to where Eddie Kaspbrak stood talking to Stanley. "Well because Eds is here of course," he grinned walking over towards him.

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