( 09. || fear is power )

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June 28th, 1989

HER WALKMAN WAS STRAPPED tightly to the girl's waistline on her shorts. Black headphone blaring Led Zepplin in her ears, her hands full of books she had borrowed from the library for one purpose.


A wicked word she hated more than she hated Richie Tozier when he decided to tape tampons to her locker.

Exams was the very vain of Melody Hoppers existent, they made her act like a crazy women who snorted coke like it was water.

Not really, but that's what it felt like to her anyway.

Derry, Maine's library was centuries old. Holding all valid information about Derry, information no one really cared about. Unless you were a history junkie, something Melody Hopper was certainly not.

The library's bell rang loudly as the girl pushed open the door with her hip. The girls hazel eyes floating around the room until she saw the familiar blonde bun of the librarian.

"Oh Melody, you're back already?" The librarian was a pudgy women, who's glasses sat far too low on the croak of her nose. With pencils sticking out of her hair, and knitted dress to compley. She was anyone's stereotypical librarian, something Derry was rich for.

"Exams are over now, so yeah." Melody spoke a smile dancing across her face as she placed her headphones down on her ears. Her chipped nails clicking against the desk as the blonde women looked disapprovingly at the redhead.

"You should be in here more. Every girl should be reading books rather than outside. That's a boys job," Melody screwed up her mouth, her eyes rolling at the women's tone of words.

"With all due respect, I kindly disagree with you. A female has a right to do whatever the hell she wants. " The redhead spoke nodding her head before walking towards the front doors once again. Just as she did a body had collided with hers, books clattering to the ground.

"Jesus christ," Melody muttered as she landed down on her butt. Pain jolting like fireworks up her back, her eyes squeezing shut.

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