( 11. || no one is safe )

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June 29th, 1989

CHILLED AIR SWOOSHED AROUND Eddie and Richie as they stepped into the emptiness of the Tozier's home. Their eyes wide and their lips quiet, the two had left the group awhile back. Deciding to just head back to Richie's, so Eddie could clean up the blood off of him.

But Eddie Kaspbrak didn't have just cleaning up on his mind. He had an important question to slip off his lips, to get an answer from even if he already knew it.

The young boy watched his best friend with worried eyes, although to Richie Tozier, Eddie shouldn't be worried at all.

Richie was on top of the world, top of the world if you were a teenager with a crush on a girl who has always been unavailable. He thought things were moving forward for him and Melody, and just maybe she might end up liking him.

"Eds spaghetti, are you just gonna stand there or what?" The boy with the four eyes asked, his raven curls shaking as he ran a hand through his tossled hair.

His eyes glanched around the emptiness of his house. He would be lying if he ever said he didn't mind it, because Richie Tozier did. He wished he had parents who actually cared, he wished it wasn't ever just him alone in the house. In the house that was always cold and never warm.

"Don't call me that," Eddie hissed rolling his eyes, as he leaned down to untie his sneakers. His ma has always told him to make sure his shoelaces was also tight and tied. That if not he could get sick, and of course. Why would his mom ever lie to him about that?

Richie smirked, winking over at Eddie as the smaller boy stood up. "Sorry Eds," the boy teased, his lips crooked as he turned and walked into his kitchen. His house was currently stacked with food. But with a growing teenage boy in a house all by himself for a month, it would be gone by next week.

Eddie bite his lip, rolling his eyes. The question was like venom on his tongue. Stinging and prying to get out, but it wasn't really a question. None of the losers were generally stupid, anyone who even looked at the Tozier boy when he catches glimpse of their redhead friend would know the truth.

Richie Tozier liked Melody Hopper.

Though many of the losers thought he liked Eddie Kaspbrak himself. Maybe he did, maybe Richie Tozier liked them both. To him there certainly wasn't no shame in that.

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