( 12. || war of hearts )

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TO SEE THE FUTURE, you have to be able to handle it. For what you may see may not always please you, and at that moment. Melody Hopper wished she had to ability to see the future. For after the words that spilled from her best friends lips like poision, she wish she could know what way to go.

"You're lying to yourself," Stanley Uris had announced as the two best friend walked in silence beside each other. His hands gripping the bar handles of his bike, her shoes beating loudly down on the concrete.

"What are you talking about?" Melody asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at her best friend. His face darkening in under the protection of her sunglasses. For a moment Melody felt her stomach twist and scream in fear.

Stanley had scoffed harshly. He did love Melody, he loved her as if she was his own sister. Come to think of it, Stanley swore he would do anything for her. A truth that came to show many times during the summer of 1989. But not enough twenty seven years later, never enough.

"Richie and Bill, Melody. You know exactly what I'm talking about," the boy mumbled. His hazel eyes bring covered by the blonde of his hair. The sun shining down on the two, illuminating their fears and their truths.

"Stan, I don't know what you're talking about. Don't be foolish," the girl hissed her eyes in slits. Although deep down she knew he was on to something.

Stanley cursed in under his breath, staring down at the dirt scratches upon his shoes. "You like Richie Melody," the boy spoke finally.

The redhead beside him had froze at the comment. Her heart racing. "Stanley, that's not true," the girl agrued as Stanley smiled bitterly. His best friend was many things but clueless, she knew that truth.

"Melody, don't fool yourself," he shot back. His voice at a much calmer pace. Melody shook her head, her sunglasses moving down the crook of her nose. She bite down in her lip, tasting the sweet taste of cooper explode in her mouth.

Richie Tozier was many things to Melody Hopper. He was her best friend, the guy who made her smile even when she wanted to do nothing but cry. The guy who she had the habit of pushing his glasses up. The guy with the glorious freckles, the very freckles she wanted to trace like constellations. The raven hair, curly and as soft as feathers. The rich aroma of peppermint and sweet nature feeling her senses everytime he was around.

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