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December 24, 1988


BEVERLY MARSH WAS A STUNNING girl, even Melody Hopper would say so. In many ways Melody often compared herself to Beverly, she wished she had natural beauty like the girl.

Now if you asked Bill what he thought at this particular moment. He would probably tell you that Melody was like a goddess. That yes, Beverly Marsh was drop dead attractive too, he himself even got nervous around the girl.

But Melody Hopper had always taken the boys breath away, though she didn't know this just yet.

On a day before Christmas many children spent it with family. Melody Hopper however spent it most times alone. This particular day in 1988, Melody was drop dead bored.

She found herself sitting on a park bench, her walkman playing loudly through her head phones. A vanilla icecream in the grasp of one hand, as she held a book in the other.

The female was alone on that particular day, and here's why.

Miles Hopper was forced to take an extra shift, leaving the female alone in the house. When she called up her friends, they somehow all had plans.

Bill had his speach therapy, Eddie's mother was making him go for a checkup - for the second time that week. Stanley was taken up with one of his jewish traditions, and Richie Tozier was forced to stay home. His parents had finally showed back up, meaning the boy was no longer a free spirit.

So here was Melody Hopper alone on a park bench, licking the icecream that seemed dead on ready to plop over. Her eyes glued onto some mystery novel she checked out from the library.

It wasn't until somebody had sat down next to her when she finally started to pay attention to what was going on around her. Melody's eyes flickered over to meet the vibrant eyes of Beverly Marsh.

"Oh, hi Beverly," Melody spoke softly as the other redhead smiled and nodded her head. It was then when the female noticed the dark purple bruise on the girl's freckled face.

Even with the irony of the situation, Melody couldn't help but think Beverly just became ten times prettier. Her freckles pepper kissed her skin like snow, her eyes wide and filled with mischief and courage. If Melody was being honest here as well, Beverly intimidated her as well.

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