( 22. || stan the man )

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RICHIE TOZIER SAT AGAINST THE CHILLED WINDOW OF MELODY HOPPER'S ROOM. His eyes traveling over her sketch book as the door to her bathroom opened.

The redhead stepped in, dressed in white with her hair braided into two braids. "Looking beautiful as ever sweet cheeks," Richie spoke standing up as Melody smiled, rolling her eyes nevertheless.

"Such a flirt four eyes," she teased as the boy sighed rolling his eyes.

"Are we still on that?" He questioned as the female reached over and gingerly pushed up his glasses on his nose.

"Come on Tozier, Stanley needs us," she grinned holding out her hand. The boy in blue had his cheeks flushed, his raven curls falling around his cheeks as he reached out grabbing her hand.

"I wonder, are they going to pull down his pants and cut off the tip of his penis?" Richie inquired as Melody chuckled shaking her head.

"For my sake, I hope they don't."


"IN DIFFERENCE, it's apart of growing up. Becoming an adult isn't about, being to vote, or being able to drink or drive." Stanley stepped down as his dad reached forward to take the mic. "Becoming the adult according to the holy scripture of Derry is learning not to give a shit."

With that Stanley had dropped the mic, staring up at his father before walking out of the church. In an instant Richie Tozier and Melody Hopper had stood up. Their faces painted into bright smiles as they clapped loudly.

Richies mother had tugged him down, her mouth twisted into a frown as Melody grinned taking Richies hand.

"Come on, let's go see Stanley," she whispered pulling him with her as Stanley's father was trying to make up for his sons sudden speech.

The two teenagers had ran out onto the street, finding Stanley by himself on the bench.

"Stanley! That was amazing!" Melody cried, a smile wrapped around her face. The redhead sat down beside the blonde pulling him into a hug as Stanley grinned hugging her back quickly.

"I didn't think you had it in you," Richie spoke standing over the two as the blonde haired boy grinned, pulling away from the freckled haired girl.

"I didn't plan to do that, but after everything that happened. It just pooled out of me," Stanley spoke, feeling numb as if the world has paused around him. Yet a full on smile had risen across his face, his dimples popping out brightly.

"I'm proud of you," Melody spoke softly, smiling sweetly as her best friend who grinned at her. Taking her hand as Richie spoke.

"We should get icecream, for celebration purposes," he offered as Melody furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Of course it's celebration purposes, what else would it be for?" Melody questioned as the boy raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? Nothing," Richie shot back as Stanley looked between the two, confusion flying around his head before deciding it was best to change the subject.

"Alright come on, before my dad comes out and freaks out on me," Stanley mumbled just as they heard the booming voice of Stanley's father.

"Oh shit, run," Richie yelled as he took off running down the streets of Derry. Melody and Stanley had stated at Stanley's father a moment longer before taking off running after Richie.

Laughs echoing through the streets and shouts from Stanley's father far behind them. But as the three ran, none of them seemed too concern about anything. All that mattered right now in that moment was them and their company.



this is shorter than anything I've ever written but here we go.

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