( 25. || welcome to the losers club asshole )

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WATER SLOSHED IN UNDER THEIR FEET, the light blooming around the sewer walls as yells for their missing friend bounced around the room. Melody Hopper stood next to Stanley Uris, as blood trickled down the side of his face, he had refused to let go of the redhead's hand after his freak out. He'll never disappear again, not when his hand was tied quite tightly around her own.

"How is she in the air?" Eddie's voice had broke the group's yelling, Melody turning her head to see Beverly floating off the ground. Her white dress moving in the wind as her face was turned upward into the tunnel.

"Guys, are those... the missing kids, Floating," Mike had observed his light shining up onto the tunnel, Melody once again had turned her head. This time a gasp left the surface of her lips, there surrounded a huge pile dancing up into the light was the floating kids. She had felt the tug on her hand from Stanley beside her. When she looked over the girl saw the boys bright eyes staring up at the kids. His mouth opened slightly as the female tugged o his hand causing his eyes to turn to her. The girl's lips tugged into a smile, "it's okay." She whispered as the boy looked down, embarrassed by his fear.

"Just let me grab her," Ben had spoken loudly as he walked towards the female floating above the ground. The group had quickly walked over as the boy started to have trouble pushing her down. Each member of the group had reached out and grabbed a part of the female, tugging and trying their best to pull her down. Finally they managed to tug her down, Ben reaching forward and cupping her face as she stared lifelessly straight ahead of her.

 "Bev. Beverly," Ben yelled shaking her trying his best to wake her up. Melody silently praying that the girl would blink open her eyes and say something.

"Why isn't she waking up? What's wrong with her?" Ben cried, the girl's hazel eyes moving to the boy. breaking as they saw the desperation dancing across his own, pooling with sadness. Oh how Ben Hanscom loved Beverly Marsh, it was clear in this moment just how much. The boy leaned forward, kissing the redhead. Melody felt her mouth fall open as she watched the scene, the group falling silent when Ben pulled away.

"January embers?" Beverly whispered blinking her eyes open as Melody smiled, relief rushing through her bloodstream.

"My heart burns there too." Ben muttered as a grin twinkled upon his chubby face, Beverly smiling at the boy as her freckles squinted together. 

"Jesus, fuck," Richie mumbled before leaning in and hugging Beverly, soon the whole group molded into a hug around the girl. Thankful for finding their other redhead friend, and finding her alive and particularly well. That was until they had remembered stuttering Bill and the fact that he had disappeared as well.

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