"I wish I knew that earlier" Kim mingyu said after he saw how happy taeha is with wonwoo after he left her for almost 7 months.
the guy, that she loved.
the guy, that she put all her hopes on.
the guy, that she adored.
the guy, that at last broke h...
"The day, what day? Monday, Tuesday, blah blah blah what?"
He looked at me with a lazy face without saying anything.
"Tuesday," he said referring his phone.
"So.. our parents will back tomorrow right?" I tried to count the days in my head.
"Yup, and finally you'll going back to your home" he gave me the most insincere smile.
"yah how dare you" I pushed him on his chest playfully.
"Remember I was the one who take care of you when you were sick" I rolled my eyes and then make a move to leave him there
"yah! I was kidding. I am so sad that you will leave this house." he gets closer to me before he grabbed my hand.
I don't know why but lately he always does skinship on me. He seems so weird. I tried to throw all those thoughts away.
"Wanna go somewhere before our parents got home tomorrow?" he asked.
"Sounds great" I replied.
"Wear something nice. This is a date!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"A date your ass"
"go go go" he pushed me up to the stairs.
;-; (wonwoo's)
I was too guilty for making her mad so I suddenly asked her out. Did I use the right term? date? because I always use the word 'hanging out' instead of 'date'. Why am I so nervous?
I searched for the word 'date' on google. and this is what I got; a social or romantic appointment orengagement.
so which one are we into now? hm, I guess for the time being it would just be a social appointment? I'm not ready to go to another phase. Not yet.
Gosh, I just remember that I asked her to wear something nice. Why did I do that? She must be mad if she's wearing something nice but I just bring her to ordinary place.
Ok, think, think, a nice yet not too 'romantic'. Cinema? No. We always watch movies together. The park? boring.. Aquarium? sounds ok?? so okay I'll bring her there. It's sorta unique for a SOCIAL DATE like us.
I can see from the open door that she is walking down the stairs, wearing a nice comfortable sky blue color top that has a glitter detail at the top and a white skater skirt. Light pinkish makeup on her face that really made she looks sweet. She also did a french braid on her brown soft hair. one word to describes her; beautiful.
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I was kind of shocked when I saw her appearance. I looked down to see what was I wearing. A simple grey shirt and black sweatpants. Damn, I am very no match compared to her. I really need to change.