t h i r t y f o u r

67 2 2

;-; (tae's)

Meeting him somehow feels a little shock for me. I couldn't believe that I will meet him again after I left the school. It has been 7 months I guess? Throwing back all the hard times that I've been through because of him.

I couldn't think I can through it alone without Wonwoo's help. I can't believe it that months have passed and I am with Wonwoo right now.

but why Mingyu has to be in my life now? Why does he need to come back?

I need to avoid him, I need to get away from him. I shouldn't go back to my old life. I have a new life, a happy relationship with Wonwoo.

"Tae, can I have a word?" he stared deeply into my eyes. His eyes were lit up.

"Oh yes?" I was spaced out. I adjusted his round glasses that almost fall to the bridge of his nose.

"You are really beautiful. You are more beautiful than Peachy" He patted Peachy's head.

"Wonwoo!! You are comparing me with a dog!!"

"Yea- but I am telling the truth. Your cuteness is driving me crazy"

"And do you know that you are the most handsome and the sweetest guy I've ever met, fight me"


"No, you are lying"

"No, you are lying" we keep joking around and ended up laying down on the floor of my room.

"can I have your phone?"

"What for?" I refused to give my phone. Oh shit, what if he knew that I am texting Mingyu?

"Since when you become a secretive person?"

"No, I was just asking"

"So can I have it?"

"Oh sure" I handed the phone to him, hoping that he wouldn't go to my messages.

After a few minutes, he handed back my phone to me.

"I downloaded a new online game that we can play together!! hashtag couple goalzzzzzz"

"The rules are easy. Number one, strictly no cheating. Two, whoever loses, gotta do anything that the winner asked"

"but you are a gamer, how can I against you?!! That's not fair-"

"You can do it babe, plus, it's not that bad to be a loser" he smirked, raising his left eyebrows showing how proud he is for being a very good gamer.

"how dare you calling me a loser? let's start now!" I quickly grabbed my phone and we start the game.

"You are such a cheater!!"

"Well, I am, but you loved me though" he smiles brightly since I lose the game for the third time.

"Hate you"

"Love you"

"Hateee you"

"Loveee you"

"Shut up"

"Shut up"

"Can we stop?"

"No, not until you kiss me"

"but I don't want to-"

"Remember rule number two?"

"But you crossed rule number one!!"

Wonwoo pulled me into his arm and hug me tightly.

It feels so good and ended up I hugged him back and we kissed.

"I love you so much" I hugged him back, enjoying the cold night with his warm body.

"I know" he smiled and kissed the top of my head.


I couldn't deny Taeha is getting prettier since she left the school. She's always been pretty, but she looks different. She looks more confident. She seems like she's living a good life here.

My thoughts are full of her since the last time I met her. It seems like I'm going to make up all the things that I've done to her.

I was at the store to buy some groceries for the house, and while I'm leaving to get into my car, I saw Taeha across the road, holding someone's hand.

Is that really her?

Why is she holding hands with the guy? is that her new boyfriend?

That cannot be!

I just wanted to start over everything with her-

I tried to hold my patience and quickly get into my car and leaves the place a fast as I can.

I punched the mirror in my room. Punch it until it broke into pieces and revealing my bleeding hand.

Do you feel regret, Mingyu?

Do you feel regret after what you did to her?

"You know you shouldn't do this right? because she wanted a new life. please, Mingyu" Dahyun protests as she handed me the mango drink that I ordered at the canteen just now.

We were at the canteen. and as usual, we are here because I forced Dahyun to tell me the updates of Taeha's life. And of course, she won't tell me anything. She just respects their friendship so much that she wouldn't tell anything about her to me.

why am I being so stubborn?

"but I love her, trust me I really do. You just don't understand the situation that I was in. It wasn't easy."

"I don't know.. this is not my right to say. I can't lie but she's having a very good life now. No more extra information, that's all"

This is what Dahyun meant by having a good life. She found herself a replacement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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