"I wish I knew that earlier" Kim mingyu said after he saw how happy taeha is with wonwoo after he left her for almost 7 months.
the guy, that she loved.
the guy, that she put all her hopes on.
the guy, that she adored.
the guy, that at last broke h...
I'm at my locker putting and grabbing my books for the next subject.
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Wonwoo left me to meet his football coach. Well, we were supposed to meet yesterday but he's currently very busy for the upcoming competition so he wouldn't be around for me like always this few weeks.
I really missed spending time with him.
Someone leans on the locker beside me. I turn to Brian, my kind of new friend when Wonwoo leaves me hanging. My worst week, but Young K was very kind to just be there to somehow cheer me up a bit. Well, maybe that's how we started talking.
Plus, he's one of Wonwoo's friend. Wonwoo wouldn't mind that, I guess. I'm sure he wouldn't cross the line, Brian is a very nice person.
"Hi, you okay today?" he asked.
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"oh Brian-yea things went back to normal, I guess?" I remarked and shutting my locker. I know that he hates people calling his Canada name.
"for the million times, my name is YOUNG K," he said.
"Do I need to spell it out for you?"
"and yea, for the million times, I'd like to hear that from you again" I chuckled.
"Btw, if you-"
"Oops, I really have to go now-" I said and quickly ran to class. I forgot that I left my phone on my table.
;-; (tae's pov)
"May I ask you something?" I asked him while eating my creamy pasta. We were sitting together at one of the barely empty place at the canteen.
"does Wonwoo likes me? um- in a friend way?" it suddenly came out of my mouth. Brian does not know about us so I need to add the 'friend way'.
"Oh about that.. Well, probably, he does but Hey-you know about me and Sofia right?"
"yes?" Sofia was his best friend, but like he told me, he really likes her. When he confessed to her, she started to avoid him and saying that they shouldn't befriend anymore because she likes someone else.