I'm going to be a dad?

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Sorey and Mikleo had been married happily for two years now, living on their own.
And for those two years they have been trying to have a child.
Mikleo was a rare case of that he was born with male parts but also female, allowing him to get pregnant.
Sorey and Mikleo had tried and tried, again and again; each time the results were the same, negative. Dislike this they never gave up trying.
      They would soon be glad that they had kept trying.
Sorey had just left to board his flight for his week long business trip when Mikleo started to feel really sick. He of course didn't want to worry Sorey so he hid it from him. Instead he called a good friend of his and Sorey's over, Alisha.
Mikleo heard a knock on the door there soon after he called her, he got up off the couch and opened the door for her.
       "Hey Mikleo, how you feeling?" She had worry and concern written all over her face.
       "Not so good to say the least." They sat down on the couch.
       "Well when did this start?"
       "Not too long ago maybe yesterday? The day before? Something like that."
       "Did you tell Sorey about this?"
       "No, he has a week long business trip, I didn't want to ruin it for him. Besides, I'm a full grown adult, I can take care of my-" Mikleo suddenly jumped up and ran towards the bathroom.
       Alisha ran after him only to see him throwing up in the toilet. She sat down next to him and rubbed his back.
       "So this started when?" Alisha was pretty sure she knew what was going on with Mikleo.
       "I think it was sometime in the day before yesterday now that I think about it."
Mikleo groaned again, his stomach just would not settle down.
"Do you want me to call Sorey for you?"
"No! Umm sorry I just, I don't want to..."
       "I don't think you'd ruin his trip, since your the most important thing to him but, I won't call him. Also you have to take responsibility when he yells at me for not calling him."
Mikleo chuckled lightly.
       "Oh Alisha, can you do one thing for me?"
       "Of course. What do you need?"
       "Can you give me a ride to the hospital? I just want to get a check up and some medicine for whatever this is. I'm sure it'll pass but, you know."
       "Yeah I'll take you and I'll stay with you." 
She knew Mikleo didn't like hospitals very much, they always scared him for some reason.
       "Thank you."
They sat in the waiting room for at least twenty minutes before a doctor led them to room 200.
       The doctor did a few tests on Mikleo, marking things here and there, eventually he said he would be back soon with the results.
Mikleo sat back down on the examination table.
       "So, I'll help you get settled back at home when we're done. Also call me if there is anything you need. At all." Alisha seemed more intent on making sure Mikleo was safe and alright, she was always like this but now she seemed more focused on that.
       "I will make sure I don't forget." Mikleo chucked at how serious she was.
       So Mikleo changed the subject and they chatted about random things until the doctor came back into the room.
       He looked from Mikleo to Alisha back to Mikleo. He flipped through his papers.
       "Congratulations your pregnant." He deadpanned.
       "Huh?! What?! Are you sure?" Mikleo couldn't believe his ears, though he was pretty sure that doctor was sure.
       "Yes, it seems your 'sickness' is just morning sickness and will pass after a while with the help of some medicine."
Mikleo looked over to Alisha to make sure he wasn't hearing things. She looked just as stunned.
       "I'll go get your medicine and paper work." He left without another word.
       "Alisha I'm- I'm pregnant. After two years of trying and nothing but bad news... oh my god." He whispered, a few tears rolled down his face but was far from sad.
Alisha came over and hugged him.
       She knew how long her two friends had been trying to have a child, all the times it didn't work and Mikleo would call her crying and talked to her for hours until he settled down. They finally got their wish.
       "I'm so happy for you! Oh I wonder will it be a boy or girl? Oh I bet it will look more like you Mikleo! Or maybe it will look more like Sorey?" Alisha was spitting out questions and her own answers left and right.
       "Woah hold on! I only just found out today." Mikleo laughed at how excited she was.
        "Oh yeah! Sorry it's just when I got the news those kinds of questions went through my mind, except with me and Rose." He had forgotten Alisha was the mother of two girls.
       "I don't know, my minds kinda mush right now. I just know I'm extremely happy." Mikleo smiled to himself.
       The doctor came back with medicine and some papers. They were papers for his medicine and about health during pregnancy. He still couldn't believe this all was happening.
       Alisha drove him home and got him settled.
       "Mikleo there are some things I would like talk about with you and I don't want to leave you on your on, so you do mind if I stay over tonight?"
       "Yeah, that's fine. Actually that would be nice."
Now that Mikleo was processing things again, he realized he doesn't know anything but the basics when it comes to kids and pregnancy; having Alisha there would help.
       "Oh make sure you call your wife to tell her she'll have the balls of energy to herself tonight." She realized she had to do that and called Rose.
       Rose settled down next to Mikleo and they watched some movies. Mikleo was absorbed in them untill Alisha spoke up.
       "So how do you plan on telling Sorey?"
       "Huh? I didnt think about that. Umm I have no idea."
"Well that's why one of the reasons I wanted to stay over, I've actually got an idea for that if you want."
"Yeah, that would be a huge help, I want to make it special for him but I'm not really good at romantic stuff."
       "Well then, Sorey's birthday is the day he gets back from his trip, right?
       "Yeah, it is." Mikleo was sort of confused.
       "Here's my idea."
Sorey had landed at the airport around 6:00pm, he would get home by 6:30pm if traffic wasn't bad. He hoped it wasn't.
Yeah he had had fun on the trip, it was awesome, but he missed Mikleo, he just wanted his little husband in his arms again.
Unluckily traffic was really bad, he got home around 6:50pm instead.
He opened the front door, took his shoes off, put up his coat and looked around, Mikleo wasn't there.
He wondered where he would have gone so late before he turned and look to his left.
He found a card. It read, 'Go to the dinning room, surprise waiting for you there.' He went to the dinning room, he gasped out loud when he saw it.
It was all his favorite foods, and his favorite person, Mikleo the one person he wanted more than anyone right now. He went up and wrapped his arms around his husband, placing a light kiss to his lips.
"What's all this?" Sorey has a childish grin on his face.
"Did you forget? It's your birthday!" He had forgotten.
"This is amazing. You are amazing."
"Well the foods going to get cold if we keep waiting." They both sat down eating there fill.
When they finished, Sorey took off his tie and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv.
Mikleo came around the corner into the living room, "Sorey you have one last gift."
"Really? You're spoiling me! If it's more food I'm going to get so fat, you're cooking just to good."
"Sadly it's not food, just open it." Mikleo handed him his present while he sat on the couch with him.
Sorey took the top of the box and pulled out a white colored baby outfit. It read, "Parent's most prized possession."
Sorey looked at it baffled. Why would Mikleo get him a baby outfit...? And parents...? Then it clicked. He looked towards Mikleo with wide eyes.
"Yes?" He had a small smirk on his face.
"Are you pregnant?"
"Yes Sorey, I am." He said fully smiling towards his dumbfounded husband.
"Really!? This, this is amazing!" Sorey chuckled as he threw his arms around Mikleo.
"You mean it? No jokes. We're going to have a baby?"
"Yes Sorey were going to have a baby." He couldn't stop his smile from spreading wider on his face.
"Oh Mikleo!" He picked him up, siting him on his lap, and hugged him bringing Mikleo into his chest.
"This is so amazing." He said breathlessly. "Two years. Two years of nothing but bad news, and now- now..." He went silent. Mikleo looked up. Tears were rolling down Sorey's face.
"Sorey?" Sorey looked back down and hugged him again.
"This is the best birthday ever. I couldn't be happier then right now." He tilted Mikleo's head up and kissed him gently.
"I have a question though."
"How long have you known that you were pregnant?"
"Funny story..."
       He told Sorey about how he had been sick before Sorey he had left, how Alisha had took him to the hospital, where he found out he was pregnant. And how Alisha had also helped him come up with this plan to tell Sorey.
"Wow I choose the wrong day to leave. But why didn't you just call me when you thought you were sick?"
"Well you were so excited about this trip I thought it was just a cold, then Alisha and I came up with this plan so the trip kinda worked in our favor."
"Your amazing and I love but next time tell me if your sick."
"I will, promise."
"Good, I can't have my two babies getting hurt, now can I?"
       Mikleo giggled, a light pink tinting his face.
"I'm really tiered, how about we head to bed?" Mikleo asked laying his head on Sorey's chest, closing his eyes.
"Of course baby. It's been an exciting day."
He placed a gentle kiss on Mikleo's forehead. He carried him upstairs where they got into bed slipping into a peaceful sleep.


~1,776 words~
~Requested by an anonymous user on Instagram~

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