Say You'll Always Love Me?

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Sorey knew he was going to die.
Maybe it was the intense cold and numb feeling rushing through his body.
Maybe it was the seemingly endless pools of blood surrounding him.
Or maybe it was because of the gaping hole in his chest scarily close to a major artery as far as he could tell.
Whatever it was, Sorey knew he was going to die right here, and he didn't have much time left.
Amount the torrent of thoughts swirling in his mind at the thought of death as his body slowly shut down, one thought was so much louder than the rest. Like a leader for other thoughts.
He could hear Mikleo's name over and over again; Mikleo was in most of Sorey thoughts right now.
I wonder what Mikleo is doing right now?
     Is he waiting for me to come home?
     Will he be mad at me for leaving him?
     I want to hear his voice.
     Sorey wanted desperately to hear Mikleo one more time. To say he loved him, just to talk to him like any other day.
Sorey could see his phone not too far away.
It was hard to get his arms moving but when he did, he managed to reach his phone.
He pressed the call button on Mikleo's contact with shaky fingers and could help but stare at the smiling picture of Mikleo.
The phone only rang three times before Mikleo picked up.
"Sorey? Are you there?"
Mikleo had been relieved when he heard his phone ring and saw that Sorey was calling.
Mikleo had been waiting for some call or text from him for an hour. Sorey's shift was usually over at 8:00.
Though Mikleo was used to Sorey's shifts running late. The only thing that worried him was Sorey always, at least, shot him a text if he was going to be late.
So when the phone lit up saying Sorey was calling, Mikleo jumped up off the couch and grabbed the phone.
"Sorey? Are you there?"
"H-hey Meeks. Sorry I didn't call earlier."
"Oh, it's fine! I'm guessing you're working late again?"
"Yeah, I am... We finally got a chance to catch Calamity. Though we lost sight of him again in the end..."
Mikleo knew how much this criminal bothered the police. He caused so much chaos and destruction that he was nicknamed the Lord of Calamity.
Mikleo always felt bad when Sorey came home in a depressed mood because of Calamity.
"I'm sure you guys will catch him one day soon. He's gonna run out of tricks, then he'll see just how strong you are."
Sorey chuckled, "I'm glad you believe in us, though I'm not sure I'll ever see that day."
"Well, I am sure and I'm your husband so you have to listen to me." Mikleo couldn't help but laugh a little.
"I guess since you say so... I gotta listen."
"That's right."
They both chuckled, Mikleo yawned.
"I should let you finish your work, I don't wanna get in the way."
"Alright, but Mikleo I want you to know I love you."
"I love you too Sorey." Mikleo chuckled.
"Seriously I love you so much, Meeks. I'll never stop either."
Mikleo found it strange how serious Sorey sounded.
"And I'm telling you now too, I will always love you, Sorey Shepard."
"I just wanted you to know that. Have a good night Meeks."
"I will, I'll be waiting for you."
And with that the call ended and Mikleo sat back down on the couch, feeling better with Sorey's call. Yet this tugging feeling kept nagging at him none the less.
As soon as Sorey ended the call, his arm fell limp beside him.
He was so happy he heard Mikleo one last time, that he got to tell him how much he loved him.
Sorey had meant what he said saying he would never stop loving Mikleo.
He knew not even death could stop his love for Mikleo. He only regretted leaving him so soon.
Both of them were only in their twenties, he still had so much he wanted to do, so many places he still wanted to take Mikleo.
"Mikleo... don't wait up too long for me... I don't think I'll be home tonight..." Sorey whispered to the cold night sky.
Just as the sky started to become unfocused and blurry, Sorey heard quick footsteps heading toward him.
Sorey's partner, Zevid, had finally managed to locate him.
Zevid turned the corner only to find an unconscious and heavily bleeding Sorey.
Zevid radioed in for an ambulance to their location as soon as possible.
10:37 and Sorey's still not home. What's holding him?
As the minutes passed, that tugging feeling seemed to become even stronger in his gut.
His cell phone rang for the second time that night and startled him.
It was Sorey calling.
"Sorey? Oh thank god, I was wondering whe-"
"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mikleo but its Zevid."
"Zevid? Why are calling from Sorey's phone?"
"Mikleo, I uh- I think you should come down to the hospital."
"Why would I-? Wait please don't tell me something's happened to Sorey... please Zevid..."
"Just come down here Mikleo... I'll explain everything then, I promise."
"Alright, I'll be there."
Mikleo grabbed his coat and threw it on. He hailed a cab and rode to the hospital.
When he first entered he looked around quickly for Zevid. He was sitting outside the doors to an operating room.
"Zevid, what's going on?" Mikleo sat down next to him.
"Mikleo... Sorey, he- he shot and I wasn't with him. I found him in a back street, unconscious and bleeding heavily. The doctors guess he had been like that for almost an hour. Sorey's been in surgery for about 75 minutes. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, they were asking so many questions and I-I-"
"It's okay Zevid, it's okay." Mikleo had tears falling as he rubbed Zevid's back in a comforting way.
The two of them sat in silence.
As the time passed Mikleo could help but wonder,
"Sorey was already hurt when he called me, yet he said nothing about it. Didn't call for help or show any signs of being hurt while talking to me. Could I have helped him? Why did he call me instead of help? Sorey... was that the last time I'd hear your voice? The last time to say I love you to you? I know I already said goodbye to you over the phone, but- but I want to be selfish. I don't want you to leave; I told you you would see the day you catch that bastard. You said you have to listen to me. So please Sorey listen, don't leave me, not now, not so soon, please make it out of this alive."


~1,143 words~
~Am I sorry? Nope. Did I cry writing this? Yep. (The end after this is up to your imaginations!)~

 (The end after this is up to your imaginations!)~

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