Broken Like Me?

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"I like that you're broken
Broken like me
Maybe that makes me a fool
I like that you're lonely
Lonely like me
I could be lonely with you"

Sorey was what people called a "broken man". Sorey never really felt like he was broken, yes he admits he had put a lot walls so it was hard to get close to him, but was that broken?
Did he put up walls to cover his broken ones?
He never really knew what people ment when they said that until he met Mikleo.
He had thought it was insane for going after someone who seemed to be just as close off as him, but something drew them closer and closer together.

"I met you late night, at a party
Some trust fund baby's Brooklyn loft
By the bathroom, you said let's talk
But my confidence is wearing off"

Zevid had dragged Sorey out to another party he didn't want to be at.
     He didn't want to talk or socialize with anyone so he took a slice of pizza, he had already had three beers, and walked to the farthest hall he could find.
     Sorey thought he would be the only there but he wasn't as about half way down the hall he tripped on something, a person.
     He muttered a sorry quickly and turned to leave but the person spoke up.
     "So you're just going to trip over me and not stay to chat? Rude." The person said with their head still in their knees.
     "Umm... well... I guess I could stay."
     He didn't know if it was the drinks or what was talking but he found some interest in this new person.
     They talked for almost an hour in the middle of the hall, near the bathroom, but Sorey's drinks were starting to wear off.

     "These aren't my people
These aren't my friends
She grabbed my face and
that's when she said"

     "I don't know why I'm here. I don't know anyone. I'm not like any of them at all. More than half probably don't even know who I am."
     "Same here. I just came to support a friend."
     "Yeah... my friend dragged me here too." There was a few beats of silence but Sorey didn't mind, he oddly felt comfortable.
     "You know what, Sorey?" The other teen started to move.

     "I like that you're broken
Broken like me
Maybe that makes me a fool
I like that you're lonely
Lonely like me
I could be lonely with you"

     The teen turned to fully face Sorey for the first time. He had white hair and pale, smooth skin that had a blue hue to it from the lighting.
     One thing that stood out were his amethyst eyes.
     "I think I like you. I've never met someone who was so like me in interests and the past."
     "Me neither..." Sorey was too stunned to speak properly. Mikleo's voice was so nice now that he herd it clearly.
     "Do you think we could be friends? We go to the same school, I think, I've seen you around there sometimes. We're both kind of a mess and aren't used to this but maybe we could get used to it together?" Mikleo had hope in his eyes for the first time in years.

     "There's something tragic, but almost pure
Think I could love you, but I'm not sure
There's something wholesome, there's something sweet
Tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet
These aren't my people
These aren't my friends
She grabbed my face and that's when she said"

     "Sure, why not. I think this is the most fun I've had in a while. But I think i should get or know your name as friends."
     "Huh? Oh! I'm Mikleo Luzrov Rulay."
     "Well you already know I'm Sorey but, I'm Sorey Shepard."
     They both shook hands.
     Sorey met Mikleos eyes again.
     He loved their color but could see the past behind them. He was Mikleo could see the same in his.
     He could see the cracks on his amethysts and the scars of time in them.
      Mikleo could indeed see the same cracks and wears of time in Sorey's deep green eyes.
     The party was well into its second hour when Mikleo suggested something.
     "Sorey, do you want to get out of here? I know a quiet place we could go not to far from here."
     Sorey quickly nodded.
     "Yes please."

SorMik One-Shots (Sorey x Mikleo) Where stories live. Discover now