New At This? (pt. 2)

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This chapter is pretty much just a lot of smut, so if you don't like this kinda of thing please just skip this chapter. (Or there's a little bonus fluff at the end of this story!)


He laid him down and asked Mikleo if he was sure he wanted to do this one more time.
Mikleo reassured him that he did want this and that he would be fine.
So Sorey climbed on top of Mikleo and they got the night started.
     Sorey threw his white button up shirt onto the floor, Mikleo's T-shirt soon following.
     Sorey presses a kiss to his lips before leaving a trail of kisses all the way down Mikleo's torso. Including a few hickeys along the way.
     He stopped at the waistline of his pants and looked up to Mikleo flashing a small grin. He went back to his waistline and pulled off Mikleo's pants; throwing them on the floor along with their shirts.
     "Already hard like this from a few kisses..." Sorey started to smirk again.
     "Hey! It's my first time! And what about you? You're hard too!" He shouted with no real anger and a deep blush covering his nose and cheeks.
"Oh course I'm like this, your too sexy for me not to be hard." Mikleo's blush covered his whole face.
"So-so, what do we do first?" Truthfully Mikleo felt slightly embarrassed even though both of them were naked.
His eyes scanned over Sorey's tanned and toned body and was suddenly very aware of his pale, inadequate, body. Of course Sorey thought Mikleo was very handsome. And he was going to make sure Mikleo knew that by the end of the night.
"It depends on the person but... since it's your first time I have to prepare you first before I do anything. I don't want to hurt you."
"O-okay, how do you 'prepare me'?"
"I'll show you." Sorey moved Mikleo so that his legs were around him and Mikleo was holding on to his shoulders.
He looked Mikleo in the eyes and got a nod backing telling him to continue.
Sorey pulled Mikleo's under wear up and off. He grabbed a bottle of lube and coated his fingers in it and rubbed a little around Mikleo's hole.
It made Mikleo jump a little at how cold it was. He slowly relaxed as Sorey massaged him a little more.
Then Sorey started to push his middle finger in his hole slipping it in to his knuckle.
He started to move the finger around and stretch him out. As Mikleo started to move on his own, Sorey thrusted slowly with his finger.
"It feels weird down there but also good."
Mikleo closed his eyes as Sorey slipped in another finger and it slightly burned. He couldn't help but to let out a tiny gasp of pain.
Sorey immediately stopped and looked up at him.
"Are you okay Mikleo?" He used his free hand to caress his check.
"I'm fine, I promise, you can keep going."
He nodded and kept going. Periodically addeding one finger after another and stretched Mikleo out as much as he could.
By the time he was done Sorey was painfully hard in his boxers and Mikleo was grinding himself on Sorey's fingers, starting to slightly moan.
Sorey pulled his fingers out and whined at the loss of contact. He leaned over Mikleo and kissed his forehead.
"If you want I can replace my fingers with something else, only if you want."
"Sorey, please. Please I want you." He looked up at Sorey with pleasing eyes filled with lust.
"Okay hold one second." He pecked Mikleo's lips and leaned back.
Mikleo laid there catching his breath slightly while Sorey turned around for a second.
"I thought maybe the few drinks were making this more amazing but now I know I'm sober and, I swear it's just keep getting even better." Mikleo thought as he stared at Sorey.
Sorey pulled off his boxers before grabbing the lube and a condom. He ruled the condom on himself and coated his length with lube.
He positioned Mikleo's legs above his shoulders and used one hand to hold Mikleo's and the other on his hips to keep them in place and steady himself.
"Sure your ready?"
"Yes, I'm ready, I know I am." He squeezed Sorey's hand in reassurance.
Sorey slowly place himself at Mikleo's puckered hole; slowly and gently pushed into him.
Sorey was control himself by going slow, not wanting to hurt Mikleo. He didn't know if it was the fact that he hadn't gone at it in forever or what, but Mikleo felt amazing.
Once he was all in he didn't move so Mikleo could adjust to his size. Mikleo was tight around Sorey he could barely handle it.
Mikleo adjusted rather quickly to him and told him it was okay to start moving.
So he did. Very slowly and carefully he started to thrust in and out of him.
"Ahhh... Sorey..." Mikleo moaned his name and Sorey loves it.
He steadily got faster, harder, deeper, Mikleo's moans got louder.
"Ah! Ah! Sorey! Oh god!"
"Please Sorey! Harder! Please! Ahh!"
Sorey complied and went faster. He slightly adjusted himself and started to thrust harder again.
But when he did Mikleo arched his back, let out a high pitched moan, and clenched around Sorey.
"What-? What was that? It felt really good..." Mikleo stared at Sorey.
"I think that might have been your prostate. Wait one second." Sorey moved to that spot again and thrusted as hard as he could in that spot and felt his ball hit Mikleo's hips.
Mikleo the same thing once again when he hit that same spot.
"Oh yeah that's definitely it." Sorey had a slight smirk on his and Mikleo tilted his head before letting Sorey continue.
When he did Sorey started out with slow- short- thrusts but quickly turning them into deep- fast and hard- thrusts. The only difference is he kept hitting Mikleo's prostate and it drove Mikleo insane in the best way.
"Oh! God! Yes! Sorey please!"
"Fuck! Harder- Faster- Deeper! Ahhh!" Mikleo couldn't help himself from becoming a mess under Sorey, he had never felt this good in his life.
Sorey was in the same boat everything, it was all too much.
"Mikleo I'm close. I'm going to cum soon." He said threw gritted teeth, trying to form a coherent sentence.
"Me- Ahh! Too- Ahh! I gonna- gonna-! Close- Ahh!"
Sorey went as fast as he could, he felt his dick hit deep within Mikleo with each thrust. Mikleo clenching around him and his hole sucking him back in as he pulled out to thrust back in.
How Mikleo moaned his name and had started to move with him down on Sorey's dick.
Sorey let go of Mikleo's and started to stroke Mikleo dick. It was covered in pre-come and his hand slid easily up and down.
Mikleo felt the familiar pull in his stomach and with Sorey jacking him off as well, it sent him over the edge.
"Ahh-! Sorey- I-!" And with that he came all over his and Sorey's chest.
Sorey moved his hand back to Mikleo's hip and squeezed his hand as he continued to trust for a few times before he reached his climax as well.
"Ahh! Fuck- Mikleo!" Sorey pulled out of him and rolled off the condom, throwing it in the trash next to the bed.
He got up while Mikleo caught his breath and tried to come down from his high. He pulled on his underwear before getting a wet towel and going back to the bed.
He wiped Mikleo's cum off his chest and kissed him lightly on the check.
Mikleo smiled lazily back at him.
"He is so freaking beautiful."
Sorey thought as he picked Mikleo's underwear and slid it back on him.
The Sorey lifted the silk blanket form under Mikleo.
He slid in next to Mikleo and Mikleo laid his head on his chest. Sorey covered them both with the blanket.
Sorey sleepily played with Mikleo's hair.
"Umm, well- I..."
"What is it? Are you okay?" Sorey was starting to get concerned.
"Oh no, what if he is regretting this? What if I hurt him?" Sorey had come to really like Mikleo in one night and was really hoping he hadn't messed it up.
"Oh! I'm fine it just, I-." Mikleo sighed and cuddled into Sorey's chest more.
"I know for sure I'm sober now and I- I think I might like you, like- like like you. I know it's only been one night but-!"
"Mikleo, I think I might love you too. I never believed in love at first sight- until now."
"Really?" Mikleo was ecstatic he had thought for sure he would get turned down.
"Yes, but before anything how about we get to know each other more. How about tomorrow we go on an official date?"
Mikleo looked up at him with the most Innocent and amethyst eyes.
"You mean it?" Sorey leant down and kissed him, one full of love.
"Of course I do." They both fell asleep excited for what was to come next.

~Bonus Story Part! (Fluff)~
Mikleo had borrowed some of Sorey's smaller clothes, they were still a little big, but to Sorey it made them looked ever more cute on him.
Once they were ready and dressed they headed down and out to Sorey's car.
Sorey helped Mikleo in the car, seeing as his hip were hurting. He climbed in after him and they set off towards their date restaurant.
"Oh by the way I have to stop by my office, do you mind?"
"Of course not." Mikleo took Sorey's hand in his and both had silly grins on for the rest of   the way.
"Shepherd Inc? Isn't this the most successful business in twenty years?"
     "Yep! I- uhh, work here. Is that a problem."
"Oh no oh no oh no I hope this isn't a problem."
     "No! Not at all, I just it's a way better job then my crappy one."
     "Oh well that doesn't matter I like you not your money."
      "Thanks, your too sweet."
      "I know." Sorey kissed his forehead.
     They walked in the double glass doors and up to the front desk.
     The woman was really nice looking. Her nameplate read "Alisha".
     "Oh welcome back! How are you today sir?"
     "I'm great I just need to let Edna and Zevid know I won't be in today. Do you know where they might be?"
     "They should be in their offices. If not they might be the morning meeting if it ran late.
     "Thank you Mrs.Diphda!" Sorey said as he lead Mikleo to the elevators.
     "Of course! Have a good day Mr.Shepard." He called back and waved to Sorey.
"Wait, Mr.Shepard?"
     Mikleo didn't have time to think because suddenly they were on the top floor and in front of an office where two people stood inside.
     Sorey's went in without knocking and Mikleo decided to stand at the door.
     "Edna! Zevid! How are you today?"
     "You seem happy today, more than usual of course."
     "Well let's just I'm actually glad Zevid dragged me out last night."
     "See told ya buddy! I was glad too."
     Edna noticed the nervous boy standing by the door wearing smaller versions of Sorey's clothes.
"Ohhh. So that's what happened. Well, he seems clueless on Sorey's stature so I'm going have a little fun for having to go to that lunch meeting."
     "Ohh, yes! Of course Mr.Shepard, I mean president." She chuckled as the boy jumped a little and went wide eyed.
     "What was that Edna? Of course you know me your my CEO."
     "Oh, no reason."
     "Well anyhow I'm going to take the day off, I might come back in later though depending how today goes."
     "Of course man! Me and Edna got this."
     "You mean I have this." Ends said smacking him with her umbrella.
     Sorey chuckled as he walked back to Mikleo. He looked slightly spaced out.
     "Mikleo? You alright?"
     "Huh? Yeah! I'm just nervous for are first date!"
     "Oh don't worry I've got this all planned out."
     In truth though Mikleo wasn't worried about the date it was more like:
"Oh my god, my first time was with the president of Sheperad Inc, a Shepard himself. Now the car and apartment make sense. I hope I'm good enough for Sorey, he really is nice, but is he too good for me?"
     Mikleo had noticed they had already gotten in the car.
     "Are you sure your fine?" Sorey took Mikleo's hand. He suddenly felt his fears and insecurities fall away. He squeezed his hand and smiled.
     "Yeah I'm sure. Now, how about that date?"


~2,079 words~
~Finally! It's the second part of New At This? More Smut for y'all. Also the bonus story part is a little fluff of Mikleo finding out who Sorey really is, let's just say it's a little bit of a shock~

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