Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just Me?

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          Mikleo was a paramedic at the Cross Hospital. He loved his job, he loved saving people and helping them, but lately it's gotten really boring around the hospital.
There were times like this where it would be slow for a week or two, but it had been almost three weeks and Mikleo couldn't take it anymore. He was going crazy with nothing to do. Guess people were just doing a good job at keeping themselves out of trouble.
But as he sat at his desk on the Wensdsy of the third slow week something finally happened.
Mikleo had been sitting at the front desk when his coworker, Dezel, came running around the corner and stopped when saw Mikleo.
"Hey! Mikleo! Come on! We got a call!" Mikleo jumped up and the two ran to the ambulance waiting outside. When the two were inside and the ambulance started moving Mikleo realized he didn't know why or where they were going.
"Dezel what happened? What was the call?"
"It was a 911 call from neighbors of a house that had caught on fire. It is a family of five. The police and firemen will probably already be there, so just get ready for breathing and burn treatments. Also Lailah's team will be there."
Mikleo nodded and turned to find some of the medical equipment.
When they got there the fire was still raging and had engulfed the house. He looked around and found the family he counted them.
One... two... three... four... four. There were only four members where was the fifth one. He walked closer, but Lailah's team was already going to work, he checked on them but he didn't have much to do.
Just then he heard a few fireman shouting, he and Dezel turned towards them. They saw a firefighter limping out of the house with a little boy in his arms. They rushed over to them.
The man collapsed but Mikleo caught him and Dezel caught the little boy. They were to close to the flames, so they moved both of them back. The little boy wasn't that hurt, more so scared. So Dezel took him over to his family and let them reunite before he treated the boys small wounds.
Mikleo on the other hand was busy with the collapsed man. He had called a coworker to help him put the man on a streacher. His clothes and helmet were burned, Mikleo took off the other layers of his top, leaving his pants because they weren't that burned and could wait a little longer.
He immediately cheacked for a pulse and found a strong beat. He cheacked over the man and found that he had a few first degree burns on his back.
Mikleo checked his arms; the left was fine but his right was definitely broken. The other paramedic called in and told the hospital they were on their way and what his injures were.
He didn't know how long the man had been in the burning house so he hooked him up to a breathing machine. They were at the hospital in less than five minutes.
They were last to arrive but got Sorey off the ambulance and into the hospital. They moved him into a space and closed the curtain as they worked. They changed him into a gown and cleaned him up. They took care of his burns as much as they could, set his arm in a cast, then put it in a sling.
Mikleo was going to fill out a report as the other paramedic watched the man. But he was stopped by a older looking man were a firefighters outfit.
           "Exscuse me? Do you know where I can find Sorey Shepherd?"
          "Yes I do, but may I know who you are?"
          "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm Dezel, and this is Zaveid." Dezel gestured to a taller man standing behind him.
           "We're co-workers and friends with Sorey. We just to make sure he's ok."
          "Well, you're in luck, I am Sorey's doctor. If you'll follow me I can take you to him." Dezel nodded and told Zaveid to follow as well. They walked down the small, curtained off areas, Mikleo counting them as he went.
203- Sorey Shepherd.
Mikleo let the two men go in first and he relived the other paramedic of his duties.
Mikleo was checking Sorey's IV when Sorey stirred. Dezel and Zaveid got up and stood on one side of Sorey as Mikleo stood on the other.
Sorey opened his eyes and what he first saw to him was like an angel in human form.
Had he died? Nope, he then noticed Dezel and Zevid there to, but the other man there made him go wide eyed. Then the angel spoke.
"Welcome back to world of the living Mr. Shepherd."
From there Sorey learned that the angel's name was Mikleo, he had broken an arm and gotten some second degree burns, and he was the luckiest man alive.
Now that last one isn't about his injuries, it was Sorey's opinion, he was lucky because he got such a good looking doctor. When Mikleo was around Sorey's brain would turn to mush and completely fail.
He would try to talk to Mikleo, only to get a few slurred, gibberish words out. Mikleo would always send a small smile his way and tell him to, "Try again tomorrow, lover boy."
Well Sorey took that seriously, everyday for the next few weeks Sorey was in the hospital, he would ask Mikleo out or use a cheesy pickup line. And honestly, Mikleo thought it was adorable. This guy he had meant not two weeks ago was hitting on him, he had a hard time not blushing when Sorey used a pickup line.
But for Sorey's whole stay Mikleo managed to not break, only focusing on healing Sorey. He did let himself have long chats with Sorey on things they thought were interesting. Mainly history and old ruins. They both loved history and ruins.
The guy was cute, strong, brave, funny, and interesting, Mikleo would never find someone as amazing as Sorey. Sorey thought the same, but he wasn't going to let Mikleo go that easily.
So as he was checking out of the hospital, he saw Mikleo starting to head home with his shift being over. Sorey ran out of the front doors to catch up to him.
"Hey! Mikleo!" He kept walking but slowed his pace to meet Sorey's.
"Hello Mr. Shepherd, how are you?"
"Good, good. All healed thanks to you." Mikleo laughed, Sorey's new favorite sound.
"Well I was just doing my job, but you're welcome anyways, love boy." Sorey grinned widely.
"Well how about you go with this 'lover boy' to get coffee on your next day off, as his thanks for everything." Mikleo hummed.
"Well... I do have Sunday off... ok love boy, I would love to join you for coffee." Sorey pumped his fists up in the air and jumped a little. The grin on his face getting bigger.
"Ok! Then I'll see you on Sunday, at... 10:00?"
"Sounds good." Sorey nodded and hurried off. Both smiling like idiots as the went their separate ways.
They went on their coffee date, and on many others after that. After a year of dating and hanging out, Sorey finally made Mikleo his boyfriend.
         "And to think, the day I get caught in a fire, I met a hot doctor, and fell in love. Then I acted like a love sick puppy, but he just laughed and played it cool. Then I asked him on a date and three months later here we are, happily dating. I knew I wasn't going to let him get away."


~1291 words~
~Honestly the title of this is my favorite part of the whole thing~

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