How do I do this?

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      I needed help. And fast. It was already November, I wanted to do it in the beginning of December or durning winter this year. What did I want to do?
I wanted to propose to my boyfriend, Mikleo. We've been dating for three years. Though we were childhood friends, we had liked each other without the other knowing.
I wanted to propose to Mikleo around December or sometime in the winter because it is Mikleo's favorite time of year. I want it to be special and romantic. Something he won't ever forget.
But I couldn't figure out what to do when I proposed. Where would it be? What time? Inside? Outside? I'm hopeless. The only thing I knew for certain was the ring. I already had it.
Two months ago we went into a jewelry shop and Mikleo found a ring he liked. It was silver with a small amethyst in the middle of it. It matches his eyes. So, while he wasn't looking, I told the clerk to put it on hold for me and I came back later to buy it.
Since I couldn't figure anything else out on my own, I called the only people I could think of that would help me. Rose, Alisha, and Lailah.
I have other friends but I don't think they would help me with this. Now here I am, sat in Alisha's house with the other girls.
"Ok now spill it. Why do you need our help."
"I'll tell you guys but don't freak out."
"I can't promise anything."
"Good enough."
I told them everything. How I had been planing this then got stuck. I told them how I couldn't wait and that I wanted it to be special, romantic, and in the winter. I showed them the ring too.
All three girls sighed at the hopeless romantic in front of them. They looked to one other and knew exactly what to do, they all had the same idea.
"Ok listen up Sorey."
I didn't know how hard it could to be to find a tree until now. Yes the plan involves a tree. But December was still two weeks away. I had time.
I had decided on the date December 15th. That's the day I would pop the question and hopefully not get turned down.
That's another thing that was stuck in my head, did Mikleo even want to marry me? No, he did! Stop thinking like that. We love each other. I was just worried he would think it was to soon.
It was hard waiting. During the two weeks of time I had I was making sure everything was perfect. It was on the Wednesday of the second week when things almost got ruined.
Mikleo had been cleaning while I was getting dressed.
"Sorey I'm going to do the wash. Do you have anything you need washed?"
"Yeah give me a sec." I threw a pile of clothes in the basket and watched Mikleo walk away until I realized, the ring is in one my pants in the pocket!
"Mikleo! Wait!"
"Yeah? What is it? Did you forget your wallet in your pants again?" I don't like lying to Mikleo, but right now is an exception.
"Yeah! I did! Can you toss me my black jeans? Sorry about that."
"It's fine. Here."
I caught them and took the small black box out of them without Mikleo noticing and I threw them back to him.
"Thanks for doing the laundry love!" I yelled as I ran to my room to hide the small black box.
"Yeah, Yeah." Mikleo called back chuckling to himself.
       It was finally December 15th. It had felt like an eternity waiting to me. Time to put this plan in action.
       "Mikleo. I'm going to the park do you want to go with me?"
       We put our coats on and walked to the park we had our first date at. A picnic, that was one of the best days of my life. We had confessed to each other on accident at the same time a week prior.
       I had gotten impatient so I took him on a date to this park. We played here a lot as kids. We ate lunch, talked for hours. And watched the sun set. That day was nice but this one was going to be better.
       "Hey let's go over here."
       "Huh? Umm ok." I led Mikleo over to the tree we sat under on out first date. It's branches were cover in lights and you could see where we had etched our names in heart. It looked beautiful. I'd have to thank the girls later for helping with the lights.
      "Wow." He said breathlessly and his eyes went wide.
"This is so beautiful."
Mikleo went up to our names and placed one hand on them and one on his heart. I got down on one knee behind him.
       He turned around towards me. "Yes? Wha- Sorey?"
       "Will you make the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He stood there for a second before he covered he mouth and nodded. He said yes!
       I slipped the ring on his finger and pulled him close. Tears of joy rolled down his face.
       "Sorey, this, I don't know what to say." I placed a kiss on his head and wiped his eyes.
       "You don't need to say anything. Just knowing your happy and that I get to marry the man I love more than anything is good enough for me." Mikleo hugged me tighter and snuggled more into my chest. I could feel him smiling.
       We stayed like that for a few minutes, just content with the feeling of each other. It stared to snow lightly.
       "We should head home. Don't want to catch a cold." Mikleo nodded his head and took my hand in his as we walked back home.
       I didn't get turned down, everything had went perfectly, and I get to be with the one I love. I couldn't be more happy.
       We got home and decided to snuggle on the couch while watching winter movies. Mikleo ended up falling asleep on me. I carried him upstairs and layed down with him. I fell asleep soon after him.


~1,043 words~
~Not a request just an idea I thought would be cute.~

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