Why Is This Material So Thin?

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     Working as a world-famous designer had its many amazing perks.
Sorey has worked on endless projects, shows, runways, and models with his pieces. Otherwise, he wouldn't be quite as famous as he is.
So when he got a job from a dance company, he was a little surprised by it. He had only worked for one once when he was an apprentice quite a few years back. He had been young and was bored as he had just started the apprenticeship and wasn't allowed to do out of studio works just yet. He ended up meeting another young boy who was training to be a dancer and they hit it off well. They had lost contact soon after that day though, but Sorey thought about him from time to time.
Zevid had come up behind him in his studio two days ago and had asked him about the new job.
"So do you think you're gonna take it? I mean it sure will be new."
"I don't know... working for a dance company would be nice, I guess. I just would have to make adjustments to the clothing so it's stretchy and flowing for the dancers' jumps and movements." Zevid picked up the job file.
"Whoa. We've got to take this man! This pay is crazy! And besides, look at the dancers we're making costumes for, there's some real hotties!" Zevid put the file back down in front of Sorey.
Sorey thumbed through the pictures lazily until something caught his attention.
At first it just seemed like just another model to him but then he looked closer.
This dancer had short white hair that had a blue tint to it. His eyes were a shade of amethyst that Sorey could never forget.
This was the boy who he had met all of those years ago. Sorey had become a a famous fashion designer and now the boy was apparently a dancer for one of the most prestigious dance companies and an even more famous star himself. He stared for a while.
"Sorey? You okay man?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. I think I've made up my mind on this. We're taking the job."
"Hell yeah! Let's go get that pay check!" Zevid joyfully pranced away to inform Laihah and Edna about the job.
Sorey hadn't been this excited about taking a job in years. Was this really him? Would he even remember Sorey? How many years had it been? He had so many questions but he had to start sketching even though they were going over to the dance company tomorrow to see exactly what they wanted.
     Sorey could barely sleep that night but he didn't feel tired. Well, maybe he did physically, but his brain didn't let on that he did.
     They were taking the company's limo seeing as the whole of Sorey's team was taking on this challenge. Him, Zevid, Edna, Rose, and Dezel were all on this one.
     The ride was maybe thirty minutes to their practice studio which had a workplace for the designers. It didn't take long to sort things out as they gave samples and pictures of what form the costumes should take when they were final.    
     Rose was helping a newer dancer named Alisha who's costume was less intricate (still nowhere near easy though), Edna, Zevid, and Dezel were tackling the biggest and most delicate piece they had to make, which was for the main dancer, Lailah. Sorey decided to handle the second-most difficult piece; Mikleo's costume.
     Each of the designers split their respective ways to their assignments.
     Sorey walked down a red-carpeted hallway until he reached the third white door. The label read "Mikleo Luzrov-Rulau". He took a deep breath and turned the knob slowly to let himself in.
"Hello..." he had forgotten to knock so he spoke up quietly.
     There was a man sitting in front of a makeup dresser. He turned around upon hearing the door open. He met eyes with Sorey.
"It's him! It's really him! Would he remember me? What if he doesn't remember me?"
     The man smiled at him softly.
     "Hello, Mr. Shepard, I'm Mikleo. You're going to be my designer for the new costume right?"
     "Huh? Oh! Yes yes! Sorry lost in thought a little bit." Sorey stepped in the room and rubbed the back of his neck.
     Mikleo chuckled.
     "It's alright, it's nice to meet you. I'll be in your care."
     "Thanks." They shook hands and Sorey got to work.
     He told Mikleo to stand on the small podium in the middle of the room and to stand perfectly straight. He took his measurements but was slightly fidgety. Usually, he wasn't like this with a client but Mikleo was different. He couldn't calm down.
     Mikleo noticed how nervous Sorey seemed and couldn't help but smile slightly. Could it be possible he remembers? Just maybe. Mikleo decided to take a chance.
     " It's alright Sorey, you can get a little closer to take my measurements, I know the can be tricky on things so intricate like this." He started calmly.
     "Oh well thank yo- wait, how do you know my first name?" Sorey looked up to him with wide eyes.
     "Hmm? Well, of course I would know it. We spent nine summers together did we not?"
     "Yo- you remember them? And me?"
     "Why would I not? I clearly remember you being the best part of each summer."
     Sorey couldn't believe it. The costume could wait for some time. He was quick with his hands and talking to Mikleo was more important now.
     "Can we sit for a moment?"
     "Of course."
     Sorey helped Mikleo down and walked with him to a couch at the other end of the room.
     "What happened after our last summer?" He was so curious he just blurted it out.
     "Oh, yes. Well, after that summer my sponsors suddenly wanted me to go to Paris for some fancy school after completing my years in the summer school we went to. All the dancers here are from that same school in Paris. But after the move, the school took up almost all of my time, and I got this new phone that I could barely use. And then by the time I was less busy and knew how to use it, years had passed and I thought for sure you had moved on with your life and forgotten about me."
     Sorey couldn't believe it, Mikleo had been thinking about him all these years too.
     The summer school they had gone to was for the arts. Sorey had taken design and Mikleo dance. You started from a very young age and went for nine years to complete it right before the start of your first high school year.
     Sorey and Mikleo met in their second summer there and became friends. By their fourth summer there, they both looked forward to seeing each the most.
     "I always wondered how you were doing, even worried on some nights about where you were now. So when I saw your profile in this companies folder, I knew I had to take the job."
     The two sat in silence for a while just remembering.
     "Sorey...? We should probably get back to the-"
     "Huh? Oh! Yeah! Yeah! Sorry, let's do that." Sorey helped him up and back onto the podium. He finished his measurements and took our his sketchbook and some fabric samples.
     He sat in a chair while Mikleo sat on the podium and watched him work.
     "I really missed you, you know."
     "And I really missed you too. Especially after our last year there." Mikleo felt a blush creeping up.
     They had had their first kiss in their last year and had basically been dating but never specified it. Mikleo loved that year so much. He loved Sorey so much still after these years.
     "I really loved our last year together..." it was basically a mumble as Mikleo hung his head a little. He didn't hear Sorey get up
     He felt a hand gently lift his head and amethyst eyes were suddenly met with forest green ones.
     "I loved it too, no, I love you."
     "Don't you mean 'loved'?"
     Sorey shook his head slightly.
     "Mikleo you have never left my head. I still have all our pictures and some of the letters you used to write to me. I remember our first kiss behind the building near the woods during lunch. I still have the burning feeling I will always have for you."
     Mikleo couldn't speak. So he just leaned forward and hugged Sorey. Sorey rubbed his back as he hugged back and rested his chin on top of Sorey's.
     "You don't know how long I've wanted to hold you like this."
     Mikleo went red underneath Sorey, glad he couldn't see.
     They talked a little more before Sorey finished his work. Mikleo made sure to get his numbers and send him a text to make sure it worked before bidding him goodbye with a hug. He decided to be bold at the last second and kissed Sorey's cheek before quickly closing the room's door behind Sorey.
     Sorey chuckled and left with a huge grin.
     Of course, his coworkers teased him for that on the way back and questioned but he refused to answer for now. They moved on to Rose seeing as she had been seen getting cuddly with the dancer Alisha.
     Sorey felt a buzz come from his pocket. Glad her turned his ringer on silent, nobody else noticed. He had a text from Mikleo.
"Hi Sorey! I know you just left but I wanted to ask you something"
     The bubble popped up indicating he was still writing more. What had Mikleo forgotten to ask?
"Well here goes nothing... Sorey would you go on a date with me? I know we kinda just reconnected but I would love to hear more and well we don't have to actually call it a date but I mean that just I would like to and uhh yeah"
     Sorey chuckled quietly at Mikleo's nervous rambling; he could even tell it through the phone.
"I love that Mikleo. Let's set up a date and time to meet up a date with you sound amazing!"
     He out his phone away and rested his head back with a small smile, ignoring the jabs from some of his team as they noticed his smile on the way back.
     Sorey was so excited, and this time Mikleo wasn't going anywhere.


~1,745 words~
~Hey guys! Golf has me super busy but I'm trying to update stories so thanks for being so patient with me! Here's a little story for now I know, not much action but I haven't found a good prompt for them in a while so if you guys have nay ideas, please let me know!~

~1,745 words~~Hey guys! Golf has me super busy but I'm trying to update stories so thanks for being so patient with me! Here's a little story for now I know, not much action but I haven't found a good prompt for them in a while so if you guys have...

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I kinda imagine this is what Mikleo's costume would look like just maybe more of a more flat version.

SorMik One-Shots (Sorey x Mikleo) Where stories live. Discover now