New At This?

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     Sorey never really went to bars, because he never had the time.
     At least that's what he kept telling himself and Zevid.
     "I'm telling you Zevid I won't have time."
     "Yes should will."
     Sorey stopped what he was doing to lock eyes with his friend.
"Oh really? When? I've got three meetings, two conferences, and two business lunches on top of my regular work." Sorey saw Zevid falter for a moment and he had though he won.
"That's where your wrong my good sir!"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well I talked to Laila and she convinced Edna to attend tomorrow's progress meeting in your place." Zevid had the, "Come on you know I'm right now just give up." smirk on his face.
Well if Edna was involved he couldn't back out now. Mostly out of the fear that his CEO would end his life if he did.
Rubbing the bridge of his nose he turned back around.
"Fine, fine! We can go to a bar tomorrow."
"Yes!" Zevid pumped his fists in the air and walked out of the office with a triumphant grin on his face. That is until Edna smacked him with her umbrella on her way in. He left with a slight limp after that.
Sorey looked outside at the lightly falling rain. He tried to recall the last time he went out and had fun, he couldn't really think of one.
Zevid, Lailah, Enda, and him had went out for his birthday last year but he couldn't remember going out any other time since then.
"Maybe I do need some time to have fun and let loose a little."
     The thought floated around his head as finished his work and left for home.
     The day, as promised, Sorey left with Zevid at eight to go out to a bar.
     Sorey first thought that it would just be a relaxing night to unwind and have fun with a few drinks mixed in; he should have known with Zevid it was never calm.
      As soon as they walked in the door music boomed in their ears and Sorey should swear he felt the floor vibrating.
     "Zevid! I thought we were just going to a bar!" He shouted.
     "We are at a bar! A party bar! Yeah!" Zevid shouted before running off to flirt with the first person he saw.
     Sorey scooted his way through the crowd to a quieter spot at the end of the bar. There was only one other person at that end of the bar and he looked just like Sorey; he would have rather been anywhere else than here.
     Sorey sat down next to him and ordered a drink.
     The boy looking up from his half finished drink, met eyes with Sorey. They were most beautiful amethyst eyes he had ever seen. They just stared at each other for a while before Sorey cleared his throat.
      "This kind of place isn't really your kind of scene either, huh?"
     "Yeah, I only came here because of my friends." The boy looked back to his drink and fixed his hair behind his ear.
     "My friend Zevid dragged me here because I 'work' too much. I don't even know where he is right now." The boy chuckled, his eyes crinkled and sparkled in the changing lights.
     "This is supposed to be my 21st birthday but I would have rather just go to a restaurant or something more calm."
     "I may work a lot but this is a little much even for me." Sorey chuckled finishing off his drink.
     "You know, I never got your name. How rude of me, I'm Sorey." He extended his hand towards the boy.
     "I'm Mikleo, nice to meet you." He smiled as he took Sorey's hand and shook it. Sorey thought this boy couldn't get any prettier, but he just did.
     "You have beautiful eyes Mikleo."
     "Huh? Umm- thank you. Yours look like emeralds, there pre- pretty too." Mikleo whole face turned red and chugged the last part of the  his drink before turning back to Sorey.
     He paused for a moment before grabbing Sorey's collar and smashing their lips together.
     Sorey was shocked at first and Mikleo started to pull away, until Sorey wrapped his arms around Mikleo's waist and pressed them together once again.
     They pulled apart after a little gasping for air, never breaking eye contact.
     "I think I'm a little tipsy."
     "I can tell." They laughed a little, Sorey kept his arms around him.
     "How about we go some place a little quieter and private and continue this? Only if you want to though." Sorey added quickly. He didn't go out with people often, usually buried in his work and never really feeling a connection to them. Mikleo felt different to him.
      "I'd love to go with you but you should know, this is my first time doing this." He looked away, his white hair fell over his eyes.
     "So? If your fine with it being me, than that doesn't matter to me." He smiled gently down at Mikleo and brushed his hair from his eyes.
     "Let's see, your hot, sweet, kind, and gentle, why wouldn't you be a good person?"
     Mikleo looked back and smiled at him.
     "Let's go then!" Sorey hopped up and payed for both of there drinks before tugging Mikleo out the boot with him.
     He spotted Zevid for a split second and yelled "I'mleavingseeatworklaterZevid!" Making the whole sentence into one word.
     Zevid turned around when he thought he head Sorey but only saw a flash of him pulling a boy out the door and grinned.
"I knew coming here was good for him, no matter what he says."
     "What are you staring at you still owe me a dance." Zevid turned back to the man he had met. A slightly recursive Lahore light green hair. Zevid was more than interested.
      "Yeah, yeah I'm coming." He turned to the man and headed back to the dance floor.
     At that same time Sorey had lead Mikleo to his car waiting outside.
     "This is a really nice car." Mikleo looked at the car that probably cost more per month than his entire apartment.
     "Yeah it gets me where I need to go, and right now that's with you back to my place."
     They both climbed in his car and Sorey took off towards his apartment.
     They reached his apartment complex and Sorey helped Mikleo out of his car.
     As they reached the giant double glass doors, two door men opened the doors for them.
     "Mr.Shepard." They both greeted him.
     "Hello guys, doing a great job as usual I see!" He lead Mikleo to the elevator.
     "Also, can you guys tell the manager that my room is 'do not disturb' for tonight!"
     "Of course sir." They turned back to doing there jobs.
     As they entered the elevator Sorey pressed the button for the top floor. Sorey was incredibly excited for some reason and trying not to let Mikleo notice the little promblem between his legs.
     Mikleo On the other hand looked a little spaced out.
     "Hey, Mikleo are you okay?" He caressed Mikleo's cheek in his hand.
     "In all honesty this is a little, so if you don't want to or and then feeling well you can crash at my pace for the night instead." That snapped Mikleo back into focus.
     "No! No- it's not that at all! I just, this place is so, so, nice and fancy. I mean I'm only wearing a T-shirt and jeans. I feel so underdressed."  Mikleo blushed a little.
     Sorey enveloped Mikleo in a hug.
     "You are so cute! Also you don't have to worry about that we're only going to my apartment." Mikleo seemed to relax a little.
"He called me cute..." Mikleo couldn't help but smile and burry himself into Sorey. Maybe he was a little more dunk than he thought but he didn't care.
     "Besides your clothes will coming off soon enough, no matter how cute you look in them."
     Mikleo hide more in Sorey now because of
     The elevator chimed and Sorey helped Mikleo to one of the only two doors on their floor.
     He grabbed his keys and unlocked the door to a penthouse.
     Mikleo just simply stared at the house with an open mouth.
     "Do you not like it? I'm not here often so it might be a little dirty..."
     "Actually it's really pretty, and cleaner than my apartment." He chuckled to himself.
     "Good I have your stamp of approval."
     Sorey came over and picked up Mikleo. He yelped a little before wrapping his arms and legs around Sorey.
He laughed as he carried Mikleo like a big koala bear all the way to his bedroom.
He payed him down and asked Mikleo if he was sure he wanted to do this one more time.
Mikleo reassured him that he did want this and that he would be fine.
So Sorey climbed on top of Mikleo and they got the night started.


~1,500 words~
~So this was supposed to be a smut chapter but before I knew it it was already a 1,000 words long and I wasn't done so next chapter will be the smut part!~

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