Need Me?

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Sorey and Mikleo had been dating for a almost a year now and Sorey couldn't have been happier.
He loved the fact that he could walk up to Mikleo and hug or kiss him. He loved being able to call him his boyfriend, he loved it all.
Of course he had expected most things to come with their new relationship after years of being best friends and crushing on each other.
One thing he had expected was for them to be together even more, of that was possible, and snuggle and hang out.
A second thing he had expected was a little less PG than the first one but he had still expected it, amongst other things.
All these things Sorey had thought would happen in their relationship did happen, and Sorey was glad he had mentally prepared himself for these things; otherwise the second one would have turned him into an embarrassed mush.
So after everything Sorey and Mikleo had been through together Sorey thought he knew it all about the both of them. He was slightly off.
He never would have thought Mikleo would show at his house at one in the morning while the rain was pouring outside.
That is why he was standing in shock as that exact thing was happing right now.
"Mikleo- what, what are you doing-? You know what it doesn't matter come inside."
When Sorey's doorbell rang a minute ago he didn't think he would open it up to a soaking and shaking Mikleo.
Sorey took Mikleo's hand and felt how cold he was.
He led him inside and sat him down on the couch, not caring if it got wet.
Sorey left him for a moment to grab a towel to dry of Mikleo's dripping hair.
He grasped a blanket from behind Mikleo and wrapped him up in it. He crouched in front of him, sliding Mikleo's bangs behind his ears.
"Yeah, thanks Sorey."
"Of course." He got up and sat beside Mikleo wrapping his arms around his tiny frame.
"Mikleo, what happened?" He was silent for a moment before sighing.
"Gramps and I had a huge fight, bigger than normal, and he- I- I just couldn't stand to be in the same house as him. I didn't really think before running outside."
Sorey thought for a moment. It might have seemed weird for Mikleo and Gramps to fight at one in the morning but Sorey knew Gramps didn't get home until late and Mikleo was always up into the mornings.
"So you got outside and your first thought was to run here?"
"Well for a little my mind was kinda blank until I thought of what would make me happy again and you popped into my head. I ran out without my cellphone so I couldn't call you."
"Then, basically, you knocked on my door at one on the morning to cuddle?"
"Yeah pretty much. I know it's stupid but-"
"It's not stupid, I'm glad you came hear instead of just stubbornly standing in front of your house."
"Yeah..." Mikleo blushed and leaned into Sorey's chest. He held him a little closer.
"How about this, I'll go get you a change of clothes and you pick out something for us to watch on Netflix?"
"Sounds great to me." Mikleo sat up and smiled at Sorey as he got up.
"I'll be right back." Sorey kissed his forehead.
Mikleo leaned over and grabbed the tv remote and switched to Netflix.
      He ended up picking "To All The Boy's I've Ever Loved".
     He watched it once at home and fell in love with the movie, though he would have picked "Love, Simon", if Sorey had it.
     Sorey came back downstairs and helped Mikleo chance into a new, warm and dry, outfit.
     The sweater and sweatpants Mikleo were wearing were all to big on him but he loved it because they smelled of Sorey. Sorey also loved it because Mikleo looked absolutely adorable.
     Sorey climbed in behind Mikleo on the couch and wrapped his arms around him again.
     "What movie is this?"
     "To all the boys I've ever loved, it's amazing just watch. It's one of my favorites."
     "I thought Love, Simon and Coraline were your favorites though?"
     "They are But now I have a third favorite."
     Sorey chuckled.
     "Okay then."
     About half way through the movie Sorey spoke again.
     "So of all the places why was coming here your first thought when thinking of something to make you happy?"
     "What do you mean? You always make me happy." Mikleo replied without a second thought.
     "Of course, unless you're doing something really really, stupid."
     "Oh, well that makes sense."
     "Besides I love you, and love makes you do weird things sometimes and is unpredictable. You've helped me through so much, I couldn't do much without you, so I'm not surprised you were the first thing I thought of."
     "Aww, I love you too." Sorey kissed the top of Mikleo's head before they returned to watching the movie.
     Around 3:30am is when Mikleo fell asleep against Sorey.
     At 4:00 is when Gramps called Sorey to see if Mikleo was there.
     "Hello Sorey, I'm calling to check if Mikleo is there."
     "He is but he's sleeping right now."
     "Oh good. I'm sorry for any trouble he may have caused you."
     "Oh it's fine he didn't cause any trouble. Though I am wondering what you must have said for Mikleo to be upset enough to run out in the middle of a storm and for you not to run after him or call sooner."
     It all truth Sorey really liked Gramps but Mikleo could have been seriously hurt if he hadn't to Sorey's place. That made Sorey's temper run a little fast.
     "I know I didn't do the right thing, I just was so mad and wasn't thinking, and I haven't been able to calm down until now even though I should have. I'm glad he's safe with you."
     "I see, well I'm glad to see you both have calmed down and thought things through. Since Mikleo's sleeping right now I'll bring him over later."
     "Thank you Sorey."
     "No problem Gramps."
     With that Sorey hung up the phone and looked over to Mikleo sound asleep, all wrapped up with the tv light illuminating him.
"Your wrong you know, you are the one who I couldn't do anything without Mikleo."


~1,069 words~
~So this doesn't really have a plot except for it it being based off of the lines in the top picture, I just really wanted to write some fluff~

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